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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #12 - 10/20/06 at 09:42:37
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Good spot, Jenny, but Tony's line also looks pretty good to me. I somewhat suspect that Kramnik didn't want to spend too long annotating this game ...
There've actually been a few developments in this line over the past year, albeit away from super GM level. Have a look on TWIC.
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #11 - 10/19/06 at 16:09:25
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 10/19/06 at 12:31:11:
Why play 14...Nc6 when you can play 14...Nxf3 instead, destroying the white center whilst keeping the pin on the knight?
Anyway, I clearly indicated that 14 Qa3 was dubious in my notes to the game - you do subscribe don't you?  Smiley

I did look at 14...Nxf3 too. The reason why I mentioned 14...Nc6 was because it was mentioned by Kramnik after the game (according to the TWIC report), where he said the reason why he played 14.Qa3 and rejected the planned 14.Nb6 (that's the reason why he played 13.Nb3) was because he was afraid of the sequence after 14...Nc6 that I'd mentioned above.

So from the looks of it, Kramnik rejected 14.Nb6 for the wrong reasons. Smiley
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #10 - 10/19/06 at 12:31:11
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Why play 14...Nc6 when you can play 14...Nxf3 instead, destroying the white center whilst keeping the pin on the knight?
Anyway, I clearly indicated that 14 Qa3 was dubious in my notes to the game - you do subscribe don't you?  Smiley
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #9 - 10/17/06 at 22:28:12
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Willempie wrote on 10/17/06 at 18:14:48:
Yep you're right and the more I look at this the more I like white. So maybe the whole plan Qe3-f3 is bad.

If Qe3+ is bad, then that would mean both Kramnik and Topalov had overlooked white's resources. But it's strange though, considering that these lines were prepared by Topalov beforehand.
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #8 - 10/17/06 at 18:14:48
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Yep you're right and the more I look at this the more I like white. So maybe the whole plan Qe3-f3 is bad.

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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #7 - 10/17/06 at 16:20:59
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Willempie wrote on 10/17/06 at 08:32:14:
I looked at a little (and yes it helps with the moves). I just dont see why black cant go on a pawngrabbing spree with 20..Qxe4. Havent fritzed it or anything, but that looks rather decent to me.

20...Qxe4 21.Rxf6! Bxb5 (21...gxf6?? 22.Bxd7+ Kxd7 23.Nc5+ picks up the black queen.) 22.Qxb5+ with a clear advantage to white.
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #6 - 10/17/06 at 08:32:14
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I looked at a little (and yes it helps with the moves). I just dont see why black cant go on a pawngrabbing spree with 20..Qxe4. Havent fritzed it or anything, but that looks rather decent to me.

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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #5 - 10/17/06 at 07:26:11
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MNb wrote on 10/17/06 at 01:51:50:
Jenny wrote on 10/16/06 at 07:54:52:
No one willing to share some insights? Some ideas will really be nice. Thanks.

With 6 corr game going on, I don't have time to look at it thoroughly. I checked it superficially with the aid of Fritz6 and your line is looking good at first sight. So I have saved it in my notes. I don't play this with either colour, but who knows in the future ... Why haven't you saved it for your own games? Anyway, thanks.

Hi. Well, because I never thought it was such a secret since I think this game was even annotated by in the past as well so I thought there should be something after Qe3+ that I'd missed for black. Smiley

But thanks for replying and I hope someone could give some ideas after Qe3+.
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #4 - 10/17/06 at 01:51:50
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Jenny wrote on 10/16/06 at 07:54:52:
No one willing to share some insights? Some ideas will really be nice. Thanks.

With 6 corr game going on, I don't have time to look at it thoroughly. I checked it superficially with the aid of Fritz6 and your line is looking good at first sight. So I have saved it in my notes. I don't play this with either colour, but who knows in the future ... Why haven't you saved it for your own games? Anyway, thanks.

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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #3 - 10/16/06 at 09:45:38
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Oh, sorry. I thought this game is so well known to Najdorf players that I don't need to give the rest of the moves. Thanks for reminding, here are the moves. Hope someone could give some ideas.

[Event "Corus Chess Tournament"]
[Date "2005.01.16"]
[Round "2"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "Kramnik"]
[Black "Topalov"]
[ECO "B90"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 e6 7.f3 b5 8.g4 h6 9.Qd2 b4 10.Na4 Nbd7 11.O-O-O Ne5 12.Qxb4 Bd7 13.Nb3 Rb8 14.Qa3 Nxf3 15.h3 Nxe4 16.Be2 Ne5 17.Rhe1 Qc7 18.Bd4 Nc6 19.Bc3 d5 20.Nbc5 Qa7  0-1
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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #2 - 10/16/06 at 08:27:10
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Dear Jenny,

If you supplied moves 6-13, your chances of receiving an answer would be greatly increased.

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Re: Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus
Reply #1 - 10/16/06 at 07:54:52
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No one willing to share some insights? Some ideas will really be nice. Thanks.
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Najdorf question: About Kramnik-Topalov, Corus 05
10/14/06 at 11:00:41
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Hi everyone.

I have being studying some lines in the Najdorf lately and I came across Kramnik-Topalov, Corus 2005 where Kramnik was badly beaten in 20 moves. On move 14, Kramnik played 14.Qa3, rejecting 14.Nb6 because he said after 14...Nc6 15.Qa4 Rxb6 16.Bxb6 Qxb6 17.Qxa6 Qe3+ is a clear advantage to Black. So I let Rybka evaluate this position and the result is suprising. After 17...Qe3+ 18.Kb1 Qxf3, Rybka gives around (0.67) advantage to white! Rybka then gives 19.Bb5 Nd8 20.Rhf1 Qe3 21.Rfe1 Qf2 22.e5 and thinks white is over half a pawn better. I looked at the position and I just can't see where's black's clear advantage that Kramnik was afraid of during the game.

So I want to see if any experts here know the answer. Where is black's clear advantage after 17..Qe3+?
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