I appreciate the advice. The slav looks very attractive to me (it deals with that pesky bishop problem). I tried the QGA for a little bit, but it just felt wrong for my style. Too risky and sharp.
If anyone has any suggestions about books on the Slav that actually explain things a bit, not just data dump....
But even if I play the Slav, I'll still have to deal with it when white doesn't play 2. c4, right?
So, I guess I should ask what a good d4 response book is for patzers and then I'll take a leave from the deviants.

I have a beginner book by Schiller but frankly it is awful: few lines covered etc.. To give a sense for what I like: my opening bible for white is Emms' 'Attacking with 1. e4.' It is great. I have had trouble finding similarly helpful (for patzers) opening stuff for black on d4 that recommend playing 1...d5 (something on the level of Play 1e4 e5 by Davies).
I was excited to try Rizzitano's book, but after a couple of weeks with it I realized I hate the QGA. I want to play the Slav, but don't know what to get bookwise (that is a relatively complete repertoire in one or two books). Anyway, any suggestions for d4 full repertoire books that actually recommend 1...d5 would be much appreciated.
Note I know I shouldn't focus on the openings much. I try to focus on tactics, but the opening is beautiful and fun to study so it is something of a compulsion.