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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) King's Indian Attack (Read 61365 times)
Michael Ayton
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #15 - 05/05/08 at 10:25:55
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I think you sum up the options well, JEH.

Dunnington, yeah -- but after looking at his Reversed Pirc-style suggestion in some detail I concluded it's anodyne indeed. I think which option a player adopts must be guided principally by the highly subjective/personal matter of which other openings they know and find congenial. As someone who plays the Reti and is learning the English I'm tempted myself by 2 c4, but for the latter I don't necessarily want my KN on f3.

In your option (2) maybe a sound but rarer, less theory-intensive anti-Chigorin is an idea -- say 3 Bf4 or 3 g3.

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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #14 - 05/05/08 at 09:34:01
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It's not a universal solution to lazyness  Wink

Damn i was hoping  Smiley
I think the average chess player uses to much time on opening theory and to little with the endgame
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #13 - 05/05/08 at 09:19:15
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[quote author=nmga link=1166690424/0#12 date=1209977299] Point taken, but I could see no mention in Emms' book of (after 1 Nf3) 1 ...Nc6, which though obviously not critical for the KIA can be seriously annoying for a "system" player if they've got nothing prepared against it ...[/quote]

I've only come across Dunnington's Ultimate KIA that mentions this one in the mass of KIA books. Rather annoying to be on your own at move 2! 

Main Options are:

1) 2. e4 and Transpose into a Nimzowistch defence or mainline 1. e4 e5 opening. OK if you are using the KIA as part of an 1. e4 repetoire, which is the best approach.
2) 2. d4 and Transpose into a Chigorin. Decent choice theoretically, but not ideal to learn something like this for rare occasions.
3) 2. c4 and you're in a Reti. 

These are outside of the scope of a Starting Out:KIA book somewhat, but are the best options. 

4) 2. g3 and keep going with the system. White'll probably end up in a reversed Pirc. This is also true if you use the KIA vs the Alekhine (1. e4 Nf6 2. d3), Petroff (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d3) or as a Lopez replacement (1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. g3 or d3). There is also KIA vs Pirc, or a copycat/symettrical approach. All very tame and not ideal, but White is =.

These are the sort of holes a KIA needs to patch with other systems. It's not a universal solution to lazyness  ;)

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Michael Ayton
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #12 - 05/05/08 at 08:48:19
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[quote]I think the best effort so far is Emm's Starting Out:KIA, as he gives a balanced view and doesn't overrate White's chances or shove the Fischer games down your throat.[/quote]

Point taken, but I could see no mention in Emms' book of (after 1 Nf3) 1 ...Nc6, which though obviously not critical for the KIA can be seriously annoying for a "system" player if they've got nothing prepared against it ...
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #11 - 05/05/08 at 07:28:54
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TomKarlsen wrote on 05/05/08 at 07:20:41:
Anybody knows Nigel Davies kia dvd is it okay ? chesscafe thinks its "okay" 
I thinking of taking the KIA up as surprise weapon

The KIA won't be that much of a surprise anymore. If you like learning from DVD's then Nigel's one is decent.

The problem with a lot of KIA material is that it is overhyped by the authour as the ultimate answer to all your opening woes. 

Therefore I think the best effort so far is Emm's Starting Out:KIA, as he gives a balanced view and doesn't overrate White's chances or shove the Fischer games down your throat.


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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #10 - 05/05/08 at 07:20:41
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Anybody knows Nigel Davies kia dvd is it okay ? chesscafe thinks its "okay" 
I thinking of taking the KIA up as surprise weapon
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #9 - 05/04/08 at 08:51:04
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if black plays a kings indian setup he plays c4,d3,Rb1,b4. And keeps the e-pawn back at e2
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #8 - 05/04/08 at 08:36:04
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What does he play against 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 followed by Black copying White for a few more moves, e.g. 4.0-0 0-0 5.d3 d6 6.e4 e5? Black should be close to completely equal if he plays like this, in my opinion.
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #7 - 05/04/08 at 07:42:00
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I know a 2300 guy who always play Nf3,g3,Bg2,0-0 sometimes delaying 0-0. Often he plays d3, e4 or c4 sometimes b3. His results are quiet good. One im norm. As he says " I know my posistion is minimum equal".
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #6 - 05/03/08 at 20:55:33
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Tiviakov reminds me of something someone (I'm thinking Jeroen Piket) wrote about Eduardas Rozentalis (another "quiet 1. e4-player"), approximately "he has devoted his career to turning boring openings into dangerous weapons."
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #5 - 05/03/08 at 20:41:37
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JEH wrote on 12/21/06 at 14:22:52:
I've spent the last year weeding the KIA out of my repetoire.

Gosh, I did sound bitter back then. Ironically I spent the last year seeding the KIA back in  Smiley

Just look up at some games from the european championchip that just finished, and you will find many games from GM's employing that opening sucessfully.

Thanks for the pointer cyronix, I've been having a look. 

Tiviakov winning with the KIA vs the Caro-Kann, and even a 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. g3

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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #4 - 05/03/08 at 20:30:04
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King's Indian Attack offers no theoretical advantage,
but white is not worse in any case,

Whew!!! Well what a relief to know White is not worse. Would not want to play an opening as White where I can't equalize.

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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #3 - 05/03/08 at 20:04:56
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King's Indian Attack offers no theoretical advantage,
but white is not worse in any case,
and the positions are quite dynamic.
Just look up at some games from the european championchip that just finished, and you will find many games from GM's employing that opening sucessfully.
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #2 - 12/22/06 at 10:17:14
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I still play the KIA because it's almost never a draw and very interesting. But that's true black has a very wide choiceof good continuations. To limit Black choice you can start by 1.e4 and there is no more King Indian reversed, Bf5 and Bg4 variations. Tha dark side is that we have to study 1.e4 e5 1.e4 c6 and the terrible 1.e4 d5! no King indian attack this way !
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Re: King's Indian Attack
Reply #1 - 12/21/06 at 14:22:52
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I've spent the last year weeding the KIA out of my repetoire. There are many good set ups for Black, and being so spoilt for choice one hasn't really emerged as best. I guess it depends on what best fits in with the rest of blacks repetoire. 

For me, the systems that put me off the KIA the most were the Sicilan set up with c5/d6/e5/f5/g6/Bg7/Nc6 and Ne7 (although Nf6 is ok too) and the KIA reversed, d5, c5, Nc6, e5 (especially with g6) where it took me a long while to accept that White's extra move in a KID might actually be a liability.

Now it might be thought ok to keep the KIA vs systems where Black has played e6 (ie French and e6 Sicilians), but in the Sicilian system above, Black is still ok playing e5 in two moves, on top of that there is a glut other equalising systems available to a French player. Watson's French book covers 3, the long main line is ok for Black, and lines where Black castles Queenside are ok too, plus the g6/e6/d5 system is available from the French.

And I haven't even go to the London and Keres systems which are ok for Black too! I've also wondered if White has any advantage if Black just mirrors Whites moves, which isn't covered much in the theory books. Plus there's 1. Nf3 Nc6 which is a problem for White if not prepared to go into mainline theory with 2. e4 or 2.d4

Sure, there have been some great games won by KIA players, but I think that was despite the opening, not because of it. KIA books mention Fischer, and sure, Fischer won some great KIA games, but these were in his youth and it's more instructive to look at what openings Fischer stopped playing. 


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