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Jonathan Tait
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #14 - 03/23/07 at 19:06:55
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Dragonslayer wrote on 03/18/07 at 16:15:53:

It was supposed to be published last summer.

I know how that is Embarrassed

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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #13 - 03/20/07 at 18:32:50
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It seems Marin learned something from writing 'Beating the Open Games'  Wink

Marin,M (2549) - Brunello,S (2468) [C36]
1st Quality Rapid Edinburgh SCO (2.3), 11.03.2007

1.f4 e5 2.e4 exf4 3.Nf3 d5 4.exd5 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nxd5 6.Nxd5 Qxd5 7.d4 Bd6 8.c4 Bb4+ 9.Kf2 Qd8 10.c5 c6 11.Bc4 0-0 12.Bxf4 Be6 13.Bxe6 fxe6 14.Bd6 Rf6 15.Be5 Rf7 16.Qb3 Ba5 17.Qxe6 Nd7 18.Rhf1 Nxe5 19.Qxe5 Bc7 20.Qe4 Bxh2 21.Rh1 Qc7 22.Qh4 Qf4 23.Rxh2 Qd2+ 24.Kg1 Qe3+ 25.Kh1 h6 26.Re1 Qd3 27.Qe4 Qc4 28.Qe6 1-0

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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #12 - 03/18/07 at 16:15:53
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Dragonslayer wrote on 03/12/07 at 16:00:35:
Actually I think there are 3 (not counting myself here) in progress  Smiley and one of them is actually by a chap who has played the King's Gambit a bit Wink

what's the third one? Smiley

It's in German. I don't know the author FM Vladimir Budde though, and there aren't a lot of KG games in his name. Check this link for the book:

It was supposed to be published last summer.
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #11 - 03/14/07 at 14:52:31
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Dragonslayer wrote on 03/12/07 at 16:00:35:
Actually I think there are 3 (not counting myself here) in progress  Smiley and one of them is actually by a chap who has played the King's Gambit a bit Wink

what's the third one? Smiley

blog inspired by Bronstein's book, but using my own games:
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #10 - 03/12/07 at 16:00:35
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Bobby Fischer's recommendation ! Doesn't that sound impressive !

I think we could do with a king's gambit update generally

there are two in progress Smiley

Actually I think there are 3 (not counting myself here) in progress  Smiley and one of them is actually by a chap who has played the King's Gambit a bit Wink

To my knowledge Jan Pinski has never played the King's Gambit with White and only a few times with Black so I was very diasppointed to learn that Quality Chess Books had hired him to do a KG book (it's on but not on the website - strange).

To kalle99. I suggest you change your Message and quit the abuse. When you have read the posts on the forum and have a focused answer I'd be more than happy to try and answer it.
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #9 - 03/11/07 at 07:14:43
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Bobby Fischer's recommendation ! Doesn't that sound impressive !

I think we could do with a king's gambit update generally

there are two in progress Smiley

blog inspired by Bronstein's book, but using my own games:
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #8 - 03/10/07 at 10:28:23
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Bob Visser never played 1..e5 again against Spassky (or Bronstein)...

If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #7 - 03/09/07 at 20:53:11
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kalle99 wrote on 03/09/07 at 13:35:20:
Markovich where on this forum can you read about the Fischer defence ? Can you give me ANY other good source (book or video) where you can study the Fischer defence ?

See my previous post, first link. Bad reading, Kalle!  Angry

Thomas Johansson's The King's Gambit for the Creative Aggressor.
I do not think too high of McDonald's Swashbuckling King's Gambit, but he has some decent stuff on 3...d6 4.d4 g5 5.h4.
Bücker's The new King's Gambit (I own the Dutch version) investigates 3...d6 4.Bc4 transposing to the Hanstein Gambit.
I am also pretty sure that there are other sources.

Alesab wrote on 03/09/07 at 10:59:21:
Hi. I'd like to reuse this topic to show that the fischer line after

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 d6 4. Bc4 h6 5. 0-0 g5 6. d4 Bg7 7. c3 Nc6 

colud be obteined with the Bishop's Gambit move order too, after...

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6! 4. Nf3  (4. d4 Nf6!!) 4...g5 5. d4 Bg7 6. 0-0 d6 7. c3 h6

so, my question is, has fischer demolited Bishop's Gambit too ??
Is the resulting position after h6 so bad for white????
Is Qb3 really the white best move here????
What about a rapid g3?

See Johansson's The Fascinating King's Gambit on 3.Bc4 Nc6 4.d4 Nf6 for some interesting new ideas to give Black a difficult life.
Fischer has not demolited the King's Gambit, but only the Hanstein Gambit. And he has not even demolited that one - Alapin did.
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 d6 4.Bc4 (4.d4 g5 5.Nc3 / 5.h4 see other threads) h6 5.d4? (5.d3 and 5.b3 see Johansson's Creative Aggressor) g5 =+ 6.0-0 (6.g3) Bg7 7.c3 (7.g3 Bh3) Nc6 8.g3 (8.Qa4) g4?! (Fischer's recommendation, but it is inferior to Bh3!) 9.Nh4 f3 and now both 10.Bf4 and 10.Qb3 offer quite good compensation.
Fischer's "bust" is even more outdated than Spielmann's From the sickbed.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #6 - 03/09/07 at 13:52:40
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Bobby Fischer's recommendation ! Doesn't that sound impressive !

I think we could do with a king's gambit update generally- the last couple of books that I know of are one by Neil McDonald and the other by Joe Gallagher, both of which had generally positive reviews but they are quite dated now. 

I haven't got the analysis but I do know that Hector played this and that in the 4 d4 g5 5 h4 g4 6 ng1 
6.......f5 is reckoned to be the best mover rather than Bh6.

in the 4 Bc4 h6  lines - 5 h4 has been played by Westerinen - which looks a bit suspicious to me; 5 b3 as well.
Transposing into the Hanstein gambit is generally not so good.

But with the kings gambit - so much is open to good home analysis.
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #5 - 03/09/07 at 13:35:20
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Markovich where on this forum can you read about the Fischer defence ? Can you give me ANY other good source (book or video) where you can study the Fischer defence ? Answer this. (exept Fischers analysis). Answer if you can. But you CANT!!! McDonald have a verdict in his book who was written almost 10 years ago.

I have looked in different books. Unfortunately there are mostly pro white kings gambit books  in the shops. The repertoire books that exist have chosen something else to defend against the kings gambit.

SO therefor I have asked this forum. I can see in other threads that there are people ON THIS forum who have played the kingsgambit for 25 years!!! They must know something. I have not suceeded in finding an answer about the status of the Fischer defense. Is that a naive question 'MR Know how' Markovich?

By the way..... thank you for giving me more fuel to ask "naive" questions. More questions will follow.

And you dont sit with the answer to what is a naive question or not. 

There is a good saying :

There are no stupid questions...just stupid answers. 

And your answer was MORE than stupid. You are also mentioned as unfriendly by an another member of this forum. I dont ask for your reference because you dont have the brain for it.

So try to be more friendly you idiot.

I meet fire with fire..........and you started.

"I Often see in chess forums people asking : " What is the current status of that line ?"&&&&Its a good reasonable question,but who can claim that he knows the answer ?!&&&&Semko Semkov Januari 2008
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #4 - 03/09/07 at 13:25:06
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[quote author=Alesab link=1173396033/0#3 date=1173437961]Hi. I'd like to reuse this topic to show that the fischer line after

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 d6 4. Bc4 h6 5. 0-0 g5 6. d4 Bg7 7. c3 Nc6 

colud be obteined with the Bishop's Gambit move order too, after...

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6! 4. Nf3  (4. d4 Nf6!!) 4...g5 5. d4 Bg7 6. 0-0 d6 7. c3 h6

so, my question is, has fischer demolited Bishop's Gambit too ??
Is the resulting position after h6 so bad for white????
Is Qb3 really the white best move here????
What about a rapid g3?[/quote]

If White "must" meet 3...Nc6 with 4. Nf3, then the Bishop's Gambit loses most of its independent significance.  A major point of 3. Bc4 is to make ...g5 a difficult move to play, while following up with 4. Nf3 would concede failure in that.

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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #3 - 03/09/07 at 10:59:21
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Hi. I'd like to reuse this topic to show that the fischer line after

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 d6 4. Bc4 h6 5. 0-0 g5 6. d4 Bg7 7. c3 Nc6 

colud be obteined with the Bishop's Gambit move order too, after...

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Nc6! 4. Nf3  (4. d4 Nf6!!) 4...g5 5. d4 Bg7 6. 0-0 d6 7. c3 h6

so, my question is, has fischer demolited Bishop's Gambit too ??
Is the resulting position after h6 so bad for white????
Is Qb3 really the white best move here????
What about a rapid g3?
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #2 - 03/09/07 at 01:31:03
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Even without the search function, browsing through the pages of the Open Section would have given this thread:

Anticipating your next questions on the KG, I also recommend these ones:

Until recently the KG was about the most debated opening on this whole site. There are quite a few threads on it. So I agree with Markovich. In a slightly more friendly manner I advise to do a little research on your own, beginning on this site.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: A bust to the Kings gambit. What happened then
Reply #1 - 03/09/07 at 01:19:19
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kalle99 wrote on 03/08/07 at 23:20:32:
Bobby Fischer came out with a bust to the Kings gambit. Here is his article.
In the article Fischer says :

"The refuatation of any gambit begins with accepting it. In my
opinion the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force" or this link is better if your java works

But what is the status of it today ? I only think that if a chess genius omes up with an idea there must be something to find in there. It was not chosen by John Emms in his Play open games as black. Neither it was chosen by Nigel Davies in his 'Play 1...e5!'. And in several other places it seems not to be in the forefront when facing the kings gambit.

But what is the status of it today ? Anyone who knows or who plays it ? 

Enough with innumerable naive questions, already!  Questions that a ten-year-old could ask, you know?  Do you know how to search past threads?  This community is not your $0-per-hour chess instructor, for crying out loud.  Put some time into the game, do some research, and come here with some well-informed questions. 

And come here with the concerns of a player and not an annonymous interrogator who just wants to suck up people's chess knowledge.  Buy some books, if you want to learn about this game.  I'm not your reference material.

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C30-C39: Bust to Kings gambit. What happens then.
03/08/07 at 23:20:32
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Bobby Fischer came out with a bust to the Kings gambit. Here is his article.
In the article Fischer says :

"The refuatation of any gambit begins with accepting it. In my
opinion the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force"

But what is the status of it today ? I only think that if a chess genius comes up with an idea there must be something to find in there. It was not chosen by John Emms in his Play open games as black. Neither it was chosen by Nigel Davies in his 'Play 1...e5!'. And in several other places it seems not to be in the forefront when facing the kings gambit.

But what is the status of it today ? Anyone who knows or who plays it ? 

« Last Edit: 11/01/11 at 18:57:56 by Smyslov_Fan »  

"I Often see in chess forums people asking : " What is the current status of that line ?"&&&&Its a good reasonable question,but who can claim that he knows the answer ?!&&&&Semko Semkov Januari 2008
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