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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #13 - 07/19/07 at 03:29:00
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(BTW:  Since the main line seems to be good for White, maybe learning that will be worth the time.)
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #12 - 07/19/07 at 03:28:09
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I agree that 4.Bd2 is worse than the main line for White.  Black will have done his homework for this one, so the pay-off in it being a surprise is nil.  I've seen IMs lose by trying this against lower rated players in the hopes of getting to fresh positions.

Bent Larsen once recommended 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qf3.  I think this is a bit silly, but his alternative idea, 4.ed5 ed5 5.Qf3 is quite interesting!  The opening books suggest that White only gets equality with best play, but the types of games you are likely to get will be wildly different from traditional Winawer games! (And even quite different from most French Exchange variations!)

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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #11 - 07/14/07 at 18:07:20
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Bibs wrote on 07/07/07 at 14:27:43:
4Ne2 is nothing..

  I don't know watson's last book but 4.Ne2 is probably the most interesting after 4.e5

Eternity it's very long especially towards the end!
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #10 - 07/14/07 at 15:26:13
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Bibs wrote on 07/14/07 at 10:09:56:
Just remembered, used to play 4Qd3 a good few years ago, influenced by a strong Russian IM at my club.

Wasnt properly covered in any books then and got a big score with it. More theory on it now, though not all of the single line answers given in texts so convincing. 

maybe worth a punt?

I'm thinking that has been played by (Swedish GM) Jonny Hector.  He seems to have a general fondness for the move Qd3, playing it also in the Alekhine-Chatard attack and the Veresov ...
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #9 - 07/14/07 at 10:09:56
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Just remembered, used to play 4Qd3 a good few years ago, influenced by a strong Russian IM at my club.

Wasnt properly covered in any books then and got a big score with it. More theory on it now, though not all of the single line answers given in texts so convincing. 

maybe worth a punt?
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #8 - 07/13/07 at 08:02:42
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I got to say that all the lines other than 4 e5 aren't that great  for White. If you want an offbeat line with punch 5 qg4 or a3 bxc3 bc3 h4 would be worth a shout. Incidentally, Nigel Short has played both and I believe that he knows a thing or two about the French...........
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #7 - 07/13/07 at 00:27:13
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I can only advise you NOT to play 5.Bd2.
See this review for the French Chapter of the Dzindzi-book, it is horrible: .
I lost a game without a chance where I was worse after ten moves following their recommendations (my opponent played 5. ... Nh6!).  Cry
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #6 - 07/12/07 at 10:01:54
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Dont see the white attack really. Well in the Alburt perelshteyn & dzinzi book perhaps, but with adequate prep from black (check out an early Nh6 as in watson Play the french 3), its just a game. 
But this book, the best for this if you really do wanna play it. But wear your sceptical hat and consult other sources.

Its no more or less valid than anything else, so perhaps worth a punt.
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #5 - 07/11/07 at 19:43:31
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I rather enjoy 4. e5 and 5. Bd2!? which tends (like many other french lines) to lead toward white developing a strong kingside attack.
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #4 - 07/07/07 at 14:27:43
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Buy John Watson's new book, Dangerous Weapons. Plentry of food for thought therein. Qg4 may perchance appeal.

Yes, exchange is quite viable - check out some Short games. (with early a3). 

4Ne2 is nothing. 4Bd2 little going on either. Played 5Bd2 when was a kid, not much happening there (check Play French 3 among other sources).
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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #3 - 07/07/07 at 08:26:22
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One good to try Bd2 at some stage in Winawer...

4.Bd2 Timman-Vaganian, Amsterdam 1986

4.e5 Ne7 5.Bd2

4.e5 c5 5.Bd2 Steiner-Nimzowich 1928

4.e5 Ne7 5.Qg4 c5 (or Nf5) 6.Bd2

4.e5 Ne7 5.Nf3 c5 6.Bd2

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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #2 - 07/07/07 at 08:18:03
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Yes, as White, you have alternatives to main lines...

MnB gives Keres line in poisoned pawn line (Qc7) but some work is needed for other Black choices as oo-Winawer (to play the line as Black: plays Ne7 before c5 and castles after Qg4)

1. Exchange Winawer (4.exd5)

It's a good alternative and played for some decades by Tarrasch and Steinitz till Nimzowitsch improvement in the line in the 1920. 

I think some French players at club level didn't work the line...maybe because they believe in the wrong assessment "French exchange leads to positions difficult for a win"

2. Marocky/Alekhine gambit (4.Ne2)

Well, it's a gambit...and maybe you don't like to give a pawn early, but very interesting gambit and work can be limited 

3. Winawer gambit (4.a3)

I can't recommend it because Black can stay in main line with Ne7 declining the pawn offer

4. ?? gambit (4.Bd2)

Interesting way to avoid the obvious disavantage of doubled pawns in the Winawer. Usually the gambit is no better than the Winawer Exchange and Black can play 4...Ne7. But still interesting to play. One key game: Timman-Vaganian,Amsterdam 1986

4. Chiburdanize/Kuzmin (4.Qd3!?)

Like Marokzy gambit, interesting way to play and try to activate queen early. Some players will laugh and assess the move as dubious because there is common dogma of not developping queen early...but Chiburdanize was a world woman chapion and Kuzmin a good theorician for French, thus good to work.

5. Blitz variation (4.Qg4?!)

No,No ... don't use this old Alekhine's move! White will run in a bad poisoned pawn variation

6. ??? (4.Be3)

Game will transpose to Alapin gambit or Blackmar-Diemer gambit...if you are an addict to Blackmar-Diemer gambit you can use it, but i don't advice the system


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Re: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
Reply #1 - 07/07/07 at 05:46:00
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My preference is the Geller Variation 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Qc7 7.Qg4 Ne7 8.Bd3 cxd4 9.Ne2 etcetera. Alas after 6...Ne7 7.Qg4 cxd4 8.Bd3 Black has the strong Qa5, but you might investigate the independent options 7.Bd3 and 7.h4.
These variations did not take me too much time to study.
I am convinced, that White has other interesting options as well. White has quite a good choice at least until move 10 (10.Kd1 in the pawn grabbing variation). One thing I can tell you, when I finally (much too late) decided to play 4.e5 (and 5.a3) my results against the Winawer considerably improved. Forget about 4th move deviations. No matter if you want to create a mess or want it simpler, 4.e5 is the only way to go.

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C01,C15-C19: Winawer: alternative to main lines?
07/06/07 at 23:52:56
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I am looking for a way to face the Winawer. Should I just spend countless hours studying the main line 
(1.e4 e6 2. d4 d5, 3.Nc3 Bb4, 4.e5 c5, 5. a3) or are there interesting alternatives that result in interesting play? I took a quick look at 5. Bd2 but it seems that if black knows what he is doing he gets nice play in the center. How about 5.Qg4? I took a look at 4. Ne2 and 4. Bd2 but I was not convinced...  Any suggestion would be appreciated.

« Last Edit: 07/30/11 at 14:37:50 by dom »  
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