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Normal Topic wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit. (Read 5172 times)
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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #9 - 09/08/07 at 19:19:04
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Perhaps you can post some of your 3 minute games in this 6.a3 line? With so many options available to black, it's hard to know where to direct my attention for refutation. Just to humor me, I'm looking at 6...g6 as a good move since it strikes me that ...c6 should be more useful than a3 in the fianchetto lines. So, perhaps you could post some games or analysis in the 6.a3 g6 line?

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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #8 - 08/22/07 at 00:40:07
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I suggest David Flude do bother, as I would like to take a look at these games.
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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #7 - 08/21/07 at 14:49:29
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flaviddude wrote on 08/21/07 at 01:35:46:
I will post most of my BDG games to this site. Can someone please tell me whether I can attach them as a PGN file.

They are not perfect but may help some people.

I suggest you not bother, since no amount of demonstration of Black's winning chances will satisfy the BDG ideologues here.

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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #6 - 08/21/07 at 01:35:46
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I will post most of my BDG games to this site. Can someone please tell me whether I can attach them as a PGN file.

They are not perfect but may help some people.

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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #5 - 08/21/07 at 01:30:47
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6. a3 looks an improvement. I cannot show you games yet as correspondence games are still in progress.

I have seen the games you show with g4. I disagree with you as to which is better out of Be3 or Bd3.

When I get time I shall post another improvement for white in the BDG. I lost a game to Reverend Tim Sawyer no less. Two months later a copy of Kaissiber arrived with a big improvement for white. Furthermore I have a further refinement on the Kaissiber analysis. This line is really scary. I suggest that anyone who plays the BDG should update their archives with analysis from this site.

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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #4 - 08/20/07 at 22:11:31
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I should also mention that after 1 d4 d5 2 e4 de4 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 f3 e3?! 5 Bxe3 Bf5
6 g4 Bg6 7 Nge2 e6 8 h4! h6 8 Nf4! Bh7 9 g5 hxg5 10 hxg5 Black is in serious trouble. A Bishop sac on c2 might not work, as after 10...Bxc2 11 Qxc2 Rxh1
12 gf6 Qxf6  White will get 2 pieces for the Rook and Castle Queenside.

Another line is where  Black does not play 10...Bxc2.  Instead after 10...Nfd5
11 Nxd5 cxd5 12 g6! rips the Black Kingside wide open.

Finally, after 1 d4 d5 2 e4 de4 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 f3 ef3 5 Nxf3 c6, White has several options, depending on taste:

I. 6 Bd3

II. 6 Bc4

III. 6 a3!? (my own invention, with which I have achieved good results).

"Wishy-washy attacking chances" does not sound like much description to me, Mr. Flude.  I would like to see some games and analyses to back your argument up.

Keep in touch.
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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #3 - 08/20/07 at 22:00:06
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Mr. Flude, you are wrong on both counts. Let me give a couple of lines.

Zilbermints (1900) - Mark Gerstl (2139)
Marshall Chess Club Under 2200
March 2, 1993

[color=#000000][/color] 1 d4 d5 2 e4 de4 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 f3 e3?! 5 Bxe3 e6 (5...Bf5 is dealt with later) 6 Nge2  Be7  7 Ng3 Nbd7  8 Bd3 a6  9 Qd2 00  10 h4!
c5  11 000! Qa5  

Otherwise White plays 12 dxc5 Nxc5  13 Bxc5  Bxc5 14 Bxh7+ winning the exchange.

12 Kb1

Threatening 13 Nd5!

12...cxd4  13 Bxd4 e5?

The mistake of the game. The e-pawn should not moved, as it controls the vital f5 square.  Now White administers the attack.

14 Nf5! Bb4

14...Bd8 offers the best resistance.

15 Qg5!  g6?

This move seals Black's doom. Better was 15...Ne8  16 a3! and now:
16...Bc5! (16...ed4 17 axb4 Qxb4 18 Nd5 Qa4  19 Nxd4)  17 Bxc5! Nxc5         18 Ne7+  Kh8  19 Qxe5;  or 16...Bxc3 17 Bxc3 Qb6  18 Ne7+ Kh8  19 Bxh7! +-)

16 h5!

The decisive breakthrough.

16...exd4 17 hxg6  fxg6  18 Rxh7!

Annihilation. There is no defense.

18...Ne5  19 Rg7+  Kh8  20 Qh6+  1-0.

Originally published in CHESS CHOW, Feb.- March 1993, Volume III, Issue 2.

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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #2 - 08/20/07 at 11:10:00
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As I said I very seldom play the BDG. In fixed opening correspondence tournaments I do better as black then white.

Safest lines for black provided you are a solid defender.

1. d4 d5 2. e4 (now c6 or e6 if you play the Caro-kann or French

1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe 3. Nc3 (again c6 or e6 if you play the caro-Kann or French)


1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. f3 exf 5. Nxf3 c6 the point is that wherever white puts his white squared bishop it is wrong. For example  6.Bc4 e6 and black has a rock solid position 6. Bd3 Bg4 with the idea of 
swapping off the white knight and then playing c6.  Either way black is a pawn ahead and white has only
wishy washy attacking chances.

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Re: wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
Reply #1 - 08/13/07 at 20:15:50
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Centre Counter addicts usually rely upon some books (such as wahls') which do not enter this line. Still I wish you the best of luck (conforming to widely accepted policy how to treat BDG-adepts outside of their asylum).
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wee improvement in the Blackmar-Diemer gambit.
08/12/07 at 13:55:55
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I have given up the BDG for various reasons, although I may spring it on unsuspecting Centre counter addicts. However a member of a team of which I am captain sprung one of my improvements and drew against a much higher rated player and had the better of the draw.

1. d4 d5 2.e4 dxe 3.Nc3 Nf6 4. f3 e3 5. Bd3 every book gives Bxe3 when black plays Bf5 getting the bishop onto a good diagonal. The pawn on e3 is not going to get away so white grabs the good diagonal before black can.

The line is still very drawish      

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