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Normal Topic Schliemann 4. Nc3 (Read 6742 times)
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Re: Schliemann 4. Nc3
Reply #4 - 01/09/08 at 19:59:28
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uselessduffer wrote on 01/06/08 at 12:21:27:
I have read some opinions on here that the Schliemann is "virtually refuted" after 4. Nc3

While I agree that 4... fe 5. Nxe4 d5 is looking pretty dodgy these days (though tricky), I think 5...Nf6 has to be a better move. The best I can find for White is the line 6. Qe2 d5 7. Nxf6+ gf 8. d4 Bg7 9. de 0-0 10. Bxc6 (10. ef gives black too much play down the open files) 10...bc 11. e6 Re8 12. 0-0 B/Rxe6 13. Qd3. It's true white has the better structure but the 2 bishops must be worth something especially if black can get c5 in. Even if this is objectively a bit better for white it's no near refutation.

Any thoughts? Has anyone found a big improvement in this line?

No.  White's 6.Nxf6 is his path to advantage. Look back at old threads; I can't be bothered.

I can't understand why anyone would want line known to be inferior in his repertoire.  There's not enough time for study as it is, is there?

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Re: Schliemann 4. Nc3
Reply #3 - 01/09/08 at 18:49:56
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Yeah, I just read Renet's analysis on this from a previous update. It's true that the line he gives with 6. Nxf6+ gives good chances with little risk. Worth reading if you can find it. I still think the Schliemann is a good weapon as a 2nd/3rd defence against the Ruy, especially against players who may not be up to date on theory.

Thanks for the comments
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Re: Schliemann 4. Nc3
Reply #2 - 01/08/08 at 08:56:06
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You'll be pleased to know that Radjabov has tried this in a few Blitz games. The line probably isn't so popular because after nf6 white wins a pawn and although black has compensation is more often enough to draw rather than to win- have a look at Khalifman's analysis in his anand series
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Re: Schliemann 4. Nc3
Reply #1 - 01/07/08 at 16:29:20
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I agree with you that 5 ... Nf6 and perhaps also 4 ... Nd4 looks very nearly playable for Blacks and I have no definite answer to any of them to close my spanish repertoir. It's however a long time since I looked into the theory and much may have happened. I don't worry too much though, because I only faced the Schliemann about 1 game every tenth year. 
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Schliemann 4. Nc3
01/06/08 at 12:21:27
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I have read some opinions on here that the Schliemann is "virtually refuted" after 4. Nc3

While I agree that 4... fe 5. Nxe4 d5 is looking pretty dodgy these days (though tricky), I think 5...Nf6 has to be a better move. The best I can find for White is the line 6. Qe2 d5 7. Nxf6+ gf 8. d4 Bg7 9. de 0-0 10. Bxc6 (10. ef gives black too much play down the open files) 10...bc 11. e6 Re8 12. 0-0 B/Rxe6 13. Qd3. It's true white has the better structure but the 2 bishops must be worth something especially if black can get c5 in. Even if this is objectively a bit better for white it's no near refutation.

Any thoughts? Has anyone found a big improvement in this line?
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