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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #35 - 08/20/19 at 21:07:34
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Georg Deppe Froms Gambit Schachverlag Rudi Schmaus 6900 HeidelbergJuly 1979
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #34 - 07/22/09 at 13:55:36
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I appreciate the confirmation my little discovery Dr. Vigus. 

I hope you take it upon yourself to explore the Bird Opening further as your academic training and skill shines powerfully through your work. 

To ask me to distill new information on the From or Bird , from the latest Birdbase, accidently reveals my crude understanding of this whole opening system. Your work in this area has merely enabled me an opportunity to press my nose against the theory house window. Even then I can only get a fleeting glimpse of what is happening. 

Again, I sincerely appreciate what you have done for me and the other readers of your articles. I'm sorry I can't offer anything of further use to you. Again, I do hope you will find the time to offer us more on the Bird and From in the future. 

Maybe you and GM Danielsen could collaborate on something of mutual interest. I'd love to be around to read the results of that kind of broadening in your network.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #33 - 07/19/09 at 11:49:43
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Thanks, Wink! Agreed, moves like Qe2 are a source of hope for even the sub-grandmasterly human brain. It's a shame that Pickard's latest database wasn't yet available when I wrote my articles. Is there much new material there? I was sceptical at first, but amazed how useful the collection of blitz games  is for getting a thematic overview - to be used with caution, of course.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #32 - 07/06/09 at 19:49:09
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I've finished reading/studying the articles written by Dr. James Vigus -- Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings (Larsen's Antidote to the From and Beware the Polar Bear) -- and would like to thank him for his fine work and great writing style that I very much enjoyed.

I had to spend quite a bit of time looking at the note to B) p.223 5...Nc6 6.e3 Ng4 7. Ne4 Be7 looking at a better alternative for Black before I realized that 7.Qe2! actually threatens to transpose into the diagram 24 B if Black insists on play ...Nc3-e5. In fact, I think this (5...Nc6) is a transpositional trick that White has to be wary about in the Neo From. 

I used this position in a ChessBase search through Sid Pickard's most recent BirdBase and found quite a few games. From looking at the list, I realized that GM H. Danielsen has played 6.e3 in this position in 2004 (as opposed to 6.e4 in 1997) so 5...Nc6 might be quiet but it is definitely tricky. I now think 5...Nc6 is a sly way for Black to trick White out of the option of getting diagram 24 B, p.223, on the chess board.

With this point in mind the note a) near the bottom of p.218 may have to be reconsidered. Against 4...Nc6 maybe White should play 5.e3! and get ready to meet 5...Nf6 with 6.Nc3! and 6...Ng4 with 7.Qe2!  This is one instance where I can appreciate Larsen's concept of the "only moves" in the From/Neo From.

Of course, all of this assumes the diagram position 24 B, p.223 is what White finds acceptable. I can't see why not.

By the way, the computers don't easily find moves like Qe2 in the From or Neo-From. That is interesting and, to me, vaguely suggests a flaw in opening programming.

I hope I haven't missed anything here. If that is the case, enlighten me please.

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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #31 - 05/22/08 at 08:27:00
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SWJediknight wrote on 05/22/08 at 00:27:50:
Fritz 10's openings book offers 6...Nc6 as an alternative to 6...Bxe5 but I'm not sure of how good that is (the book move is 7 Bf4 which offers Black a fairly easy game, but 7 Qd3 is also possible for instance).

in the analyses from my website I give

   7.Nxc6 ! (Black doesn t really have threats here. 7.Bf4 is less strong because the knight can t hold on e5 : 7…Qf6 8.Qd2 Nge7 9.Nc3 Nxe5 10.dxe5 Bxe5 11.Bxe5 Qxe5 12.0-0-0 Be6 13.e4 c6, Djordjevic-Ljubojevic, Yougoslavie, 1969) 

7…Qh4+ (7…bxc6 8.g3 h5 9.Bg2 h4 10.Qd3 Bd7 11.Nc3 Rb8 12.0-0 hxg3 13.hxg3 c5 14.Bf4, with a clear advantage for white, Tartakover – Spielmann, Vienne 1913) 
8.g3 Bxg3 9.hxg3 Qxh1 10.Ne5 h5 11.Qd3 Ne7 (Lau-Michailov, Kassel 1995) 12.Nc3 , with a clear advantage for white.

(all the analyses I gave in the last few posts can be found here in french : )

An example from a game I played against a 2400 player in a  rapidplay :
1.f4 e5 2.fxe5 d6 3.exd6 Bxd6  4.Nf3 g5 5.d4 g4 6.Ne5 Nc6?! 7.Nxc6 bxc6? 8.g3 h5 9.Bg2 h4 10.Qd3! Ne7?! 11.Bg5! hxg3 12.hxg3 Rxh1+ 13.Bxh1 with an almost decisive advantage for white - and as usual I managed to lose this game  Wink
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #30 - 05/22/08 at 00:27:50
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Fritz 10's openings book offers 6...Nc6 as an alternative to 6...Bxe5 but I'm not sure of how good that is (the book move is 7 Bf4 which offers Black a fairly easy game, but 7 Qd3 is also possible for instance).

After 6...Bxe5 7 dxe5 Qxd1+ 8 Kxd1 Nc6 Fritz considers 9 Nc3 to be far preferable to 9 Bf4 after a short think.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #29 - 05/21/08 at 14:11:15
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In my point of view, both 6.Ne5 and 5.g3 give an edge for white.
It depends on what you want : with 5.g3 you are a sound pawn up but you ll have to defend for more than 10 moves before having some counterplay; with 5.Ne5 Bxe5  6.dxe5 your extra pawn is doubled but have some play against your oponent.  
I used to play 5.g3 but I now think there are some annoying subvariations that requires accurate play from White. So I switched to 6.Ne5 which is safer indeed.

In the variation 6.Ne5 Qf6, White can play 7.Nc3! Bxe5  8.dxe5 Qxe5  9.Qd5! with an edge, for example  9…Qe7 ( 9…Qxd5 10.Nxd5 Na6 11.e4, with a clear edge for white) 10.Qd4 f6 11.Nd5 Qd8 12.Bf4 Na6 13.0-0-0 Kf7 14.e4, +- Dreyer-Pena, Tel aviv 1964.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #28 - 05/21/08 at 13:58:20
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well d4 g4 Ne5 Bxe5 dxe5 Qxd1+ Kxd1 seems alot safer and g3 g4 Nh4 runs into alot of trouble giving black huge counterplay for the pawn... I mean you're basically telling black he has to prove his pawn gambit which is what most gambiters would love to hear. I find white rarely can prove he is better because of the pawn but again this is a matter of taste whether to go for the unclear position over the safe and sound lines. At any rate I had a question in the d4 g4 line I was not stating it superior. 

SWJediknight wrote on 05/21/08 at 13:39:41:
My impression was always that 5 d4 g4 6 Ne5 gave Black sufficient compensation (I've played the Black side of this before, but continued with 6...Qe7 or 6...Qf6 rather than 6...Bxe5, and got good positions).  
Interesting I shall have to examine this. I had never considered such a line because 7. e4 looks so menancing. The mere thought makes me cringe but I shall have to play this sometime.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #27 - 05/21/08 at 13:50:10
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trw wrote on 05/21/08 at 12:28:30:
I think he meant 5. g3 g4 6. Nh4 

where black has PLENTY of counterplay for the pawn. To accept this variation over another is a matter of taste... to follow timothy taylor blindly is stupid especially since the variations he barely covers or addresses are the From.... plenty of better resources for the Birds have been posted in this thread including the link I posted above which I think Bird's lovers or enthusiasts will have much enjoyment.

I meant indeed 5.g3-g4 6.Nh4.
By the way I have never had any problem till now with this variation and it is the reason I do not understand why to go for something else. Wink

Yusupov once said that “The problem with the Dutch Defence is that later in many positions the best move would be ...f5-f7” but he is surely wrong.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #26 - 05/21/08 at 13:39:41
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My impression was always that 5 d4 g4 6 Ne5 gave Black sufficient compensation (I've played the Black side of this before, but continued with 6...Qe7 or 6...Qf6 rather than 6...Bxe5, and got good positions).  The critical response is indeed 5 g3 g4 6 Nh4, with the idea of meeting Ne7-g6 with Nxg6.  I don't have Timothy's book, but recall reviews saying that he thinks White can emerge with advantage in this line with accurate play.  Hence the chaotic 4...Nf6 5 d4 Ng4 is often preferred.

I like the look of 1 f4 Nc6, especially as these days I prefer to play the 2...Nc6 variant of the From, and often play the 3...Nc6 variation of the Kings Gambit Accepted with Black.  I may give this a closer look at some point.  I first wondered what Black would do after 1 f4 Nc6 2 Nf3 e5 3 Nxe5, but then 3...Nxe5 4 fxe5 Qh4+ looks very strong.
Btw, after 1 f4 Nc6 2 d4 e5 3 dxe5 (instead of 3 fxe5 transposing to the From), Black should continue in From Gambit style with 3...d6 IMO, rather than the usually-recommended 3...f6 which is better for White after 4 Nf3! fxe5 5 fxe5.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #25 - 05/21/08 at 13:36:58
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My impression was always that 5 d4 g4 6 Ne5 gave Black sufficient compensation (I've played the Black side of this before, but continued with 6...Qe7 or 6...Qf6 rather than 6...Bxe5, and got good positions).  The critical response is indeed 5 g3 g4 6 Nh4, with the idea of meeting Ne7-g6 with Nxg6.  I don't have Timothy's book, but recall reviews saying that he thinks White can emerge with advantage in this line with accurate play.

I like the look of 1 f4 Nc6, especially as these days I prefer to play the 2...Nc6 variant of the From, and often play the 3...Nc6 variation of the Kings Gambit Accepted with Black.  I may give this a closer look at some point.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #24 - 05/21/08 at 12:28:30
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I think he meant 5. g3 g4 6. Nh4 

where black has PLENTY of counterplay for the pawn. To accept this variation over another is a matter of taste... to follow timothy taylor blindly is stupid especially since the variations he barely covers or addresses are the From.... plenty of better resources for the Birds have been posted in this thread including the link I posted above which I think Bird's lovers or enthusiasts will have much enjoyment.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #23 - 05/21/08 at 11:51:53
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thibdb13 wrote on 05/21/08 at 11:23:00:
trw wrote on 05/21/08 at 02:55:13:

I'm not really looking for a book though I'm just wondering about a specific line (as in my other post):

I have always wondered in this particular line of the bird's:
1. f4 e5. 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6 4. Nf3 g5 5. d4 g4 6. Ne5 Bxe5 7. dxe5 Qxd1+ 8. Kxd1 Nc6 9. Bf4

Why 6.Ne5? Nh4 is enough to get an advantage and black's counterplay does not lead to concrete results.

6.Nh4?? Qxh4  Cheesy 

Were you talking about 5.g3 ?  I think the choice between these two variations is mainly a matter of taste
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #22 - 05/21/08 at 11:23:49
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thibdb13 wrote on 05/21/08 at 11:23:00:
trw wrote on 05/21/08 at 02:55:13:

I'm not really looking for a book though I'm just wondering about a specific line (as in my other post):

I have always wondered in this particular line of the bird's:
1. f4 e5. 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6 4. Nf3 g5 5. d4 g4 6. Ne5 Bxe5 7. dxe5 Qxd1+ 8. Kxd1 Nc6 9. Bf4

Why 6.Ne5? Nh4 is enough to get an advantage and black's counterplay does not lead to concrete results.

For more details, you can have a look at Taylor's book about the Bird


Yusupov once said that “The problem with the Dutch Defence is that later in many positions the best move would be ...f5-f7” but he is surely wrong.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #21 - 05/21/08 at 11:23:00
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trw wrote on 05/21/08 at 02:55:13:

I'm not really looking for a book though I'm just wondering about a specific line (as in my other post):

I have always wondered in this particular line of the bird's:
1. f4 e5. 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6 4. Nf3 g5 5. d4 g4 6. Ne5 Bxe5 7. dxe5 Qxd1+ 8. Kxd1 Nc6 9. Bf4

Why 6.Ne5? Nh4 is enough to get an advantage and black's counterplay does not lead to concrete results.

Yusupov once said that “The problem with the Dutch Defence is that later in many positions the best move would be ...f5-f7” but he is surely wrong.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #20 - 05/21/08 at 02:55:13
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This website has alot of good stuff on the Bird's  from a master that has played 1. f4 all his life.

I'm not really looking for a book though I'm just wondering about a specific line (as in my other post):

I have always wondered in this particular line of the bird's:
1. f4 e5. 2. fxe5 d6 3. exd6 Bxd6 4. Nf3 g5 5. d4 g4 6. Nd5 Bxe5 7. dxe5 Qxd1+ 8. Kxd1 Nc6 9. Bf4

I think white is now a little better. He holds the extra pawn for the moment he has the bishop pair ... the loss of castling rights seems negligable with Queens off.

Yet theory here continues not with 9. Bf4 but with either 9. Bg5 or 9. Nc3 Why? 9. Bg5 just provides but 9... Nxe5 giving black a nice equal game.  9. Nc3 Be6 10. Bf4 now allows black 0-0-0 + gaining a precious tempo. Does anyone have access to some master games with 9. Bf4? Or can you provide some analysis to this? I think white may stand better there. The only games I have been able to find with this line are from Bird himself in the 1800s.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #19 - 04/30/08 at 20:30:53
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Some additions:

tracke wrote on 04/29/08 at 11:37:57:

- Bird´s Opening A02 by Viktor Ivanov I did a quick scan, and it looks it contains all the critical variations! Although no extensive covarage. But I think it is a good starting point for any From gambit analysis.

Froms Gambit by Dr.Georg Deppe Outdated, but interesting. Although the layout is very confusing.

Bird-Eröffnung 1.f2-f4 by Rolf Schwarz Outdated, but it contains a lot of variations not covered by other books. So a good addition.

Some other additions:
Chessbase CD on the Bird contains  lot of interesting information, but also missing critical lines.

Chessbase opening CD has a special artical on the From, which is interesting, but also missing critical lines.

NIC yearbook 19 + (?47). Not a lot of analysis.

Trends in the Bird's Opening. Hardly contains analysis.

How to play the From gambit, Eric Schiller. Is missing critical lines.

Bird's opening, Taylor. Is missing critical lines, but has a lot of original analysis.

Winning with 1 f4. Soltis. Is thin on the ground and is missing critical lines.

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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #18 - 04/29/08 at 11:37:57
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Maybe I´m just repeating some information but here are some Froms Gambit sources from my german point of view:

- Gambit 59 by Stefan Bücker (~60pages?, german language, Nürnberg 1984) was a kind of early german SOS . The titel is about 1.g3 d5 2.Bg2 e5 3.b4 [Larsen-Olafsson,Hoogovens 1959, compare "Over the horizons" (feb+mar+apr08)], other chapters are about 2.c4 d5 3.cxd5 exd5 4.Qb3 against the French, 3.exf5 e4 4.Ng1 against the Latvian, 3.Bg5 Bxe4 4.d5 against the Owen, Caro-Kann Phantasy, etc. 
One chapter is about the Neo-From concentrating on 2...Nc6 3.Nf3 g5 4.d4 g4 5.Ng5 d6 6.exd6 Qxd6.

- Bird´s Opening A02 by Viktor Ivanov (39pages,  informator-style, Russian Chess House 2003) , deals with 1...f5, 1...b5, 1...g6, 1...c5, 1...Nf6 and mainly (22p.) with the From. Contains some not-well-known games from Russia. Thin but cheap (€5), obviously still on-stock at

- I don´t know if the first edition (88pages,1963) of Froms Gambit by Dr.Georg Deppe has different analysis than the second one (109pages, 1979), but a search for "froms" at leads to offers of both editions.

- Regarding Christoph63´s suggestion of Bird-Eröffnung 1.f2-f4 by Rolf Schwarz (156pages, 1960/reprinted 1996) I would like to stress that ~30% of the book is about 1...e5.

- Dragonslayer mentioned Das Froms-Gambit by Helmut Warzecha. There's not much original analysis, but it´s a good compilation of most earlier sources, a helpful overview.

- Das Schacharchiv (published) by Kurt Rattmann was maybe the most important german-language opening source in the 1980s, delivered monthly(?) in loose-leaf edition. Some of the last editions (~1988?) were bound into soft-cover books with ~200pages and one of these (no. 46?, 47? 48?) had a ~50page analysis by Lev Gutman on the Froms, concentrating on 2...d6 3.exd6 Bf5?! It´s Gutman-style, comparable with his book on the Fajarowicz... - Maybe I´ll succeed to get more detailed information about this.

* * *

Regarding the Neo-From or Schlechter Variation 2...Nc6 it´s certainly interesting to look at 1.f4 Nc6!?, my personal favourite. 
+ it avoids 1.f4 e5 2.fxe5 Nc6 3.Nc3, instead 1.f4 Nc6 2.Nc3 d5 3.d4 Bg4 is just positional chaos
+ if White plays 1.f4 Nc6 2.Nf3 in a too self-confident way, Black can still sidestep the From with 2...d5 or 2...Nf6
+ after 1.f4 Nc6 White might play other/inferior moves than 2.Nf3: 2.e4 d5!, 2.g3/e3/b3 e5!, 2.d4 e5! (3.d5 exf4!!, 3.dxe5 f6, 3.e3 exf4 4.exf4 d5)
- Black must accept to play a Nc6 defence against the King´s Gambit after 1.f4 Nc6 2.Nf3 e5 3.e4. Now 3...exf4, 3...Bc5, 3...f5 are all sharp, less explored, less known and at least "playable".

tracke  Smiley
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #17 - 04/28/08 at 18:33:36
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David, being compared to Tendulkar is an unexpected and kind compliment (as a batsman, I have to be content with less flattering comparisons to Boycott). Thanks for the very interesting Neo-From game: where does this name come from, by the way? Schlechter after all played 2...Nc6 back in the 19th century (as le gars just noted on the parallel thread), so it might be a very old kind of From, though he did follow with ...d6 anyway. The debate between 3 Nc3 and 3 Nf3 is, like most theoretical issues in the From, far from resolved. As one or two people have surmised, I'm working on a chapter on the From for the forthcoming Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings book. But I am becoming fascinated and completely agree that this topic deserves a whole book. Not sure whether I'll ever manage that, but the suggestion is appreciated! Currently awaiting Pickard's 2005 CD of Bird's games, which might also be a handy source for the obscure yet critical games that seem to be typical of this opening.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #16 - 04/28/08 at 08:20:51
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Black_Widow wrote on 04/27/08 at 19:14:24:
I agree there is a great need for a good book on the From. 

In the neo-from I think 3 Nc3 is questionable, and asking for unneeded complications. Especially your suggestion for Nf6 is very dangerous I think, since it improves on the classical From lines where white did not play Nc3.

I think 3 Nf3 gives white a small but steady advantage against the Neo From.

I do not understand why to play the King's gambit with white, if you can play the From. I play both, but I think whites chances are much better in the From then in the King's gambit.

First I posted the game with the Neo-From on the dangerous weapons - flank openings thread. I appreciate that it should be on this thread.

I played 1.f4 in the Champions League 6 times and no opponent played 1. e5.

I did not make myself clear. As I play King's Gambit from both sides of the board I am not worried when I am black if white transposes to the king's Gambit.

As far as the Neo-From is concerned

1.f4 e5 Nc6 2. Nf3 g5 is very dangerous. See the game on the other thread.

I am hopelessly addicted to the King's Gambit
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #15 - 04/27/08 at 19:14:24
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I agree there is a great need for a good book on the From. 

In the neo-from I think 3 Nc3 is questionable, and asking for unneeded complications. Especially your suggestion for Nf6 is very dangerous I think, since it improves on the classical From lines where white did not play Nc3.

I think 3 Nf3 gives white a small but steady advantage against the Neo From.

I do not understand why to play the King's gambit with white, if you can play the From. I play both, but I think whites chances are much better in the From then in the King's gambit.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #14 - 04/27/08 at 07:28:01
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While we are talking about From's Gambit I would like to mention several things.

First Tim Harding annotated one of my games with the Neo-From Gambit in Chess Mail magazine. I need to add some more analysis. Then I will post it to this site.  (It is on his Correspondence Chess CDs.)

The Neo-From is 1.f4 e5 2.fxe Nc6.   Timothy Taylor mentions this line in his book on Bird's Opening. He suggests 3. Nc3 d6 4.exd Bxd6 5.Nf3
but only considers 5...g5 for black. According to my analysis black should play 5...Nf6 

James, I consider your book on the Pirc to be what one of my dinki-di Aussie mates would say about Sachin Tendulkar "<expletive deleted> magic". 

A really good book on From's Gambit has yet to be written. Maybe you should think about writing one. I can answer f4 with e5 because I love playing the King's Gambit from either side of the board in correspondence.


I am hopelessly addicted to the King's Gambit
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #13 - 04/26/08 at 14:18:03
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Dragonslayer, many thanks for the help, and for pointing out the Warzecha book, which I'd never heard of before (his works on the Pirc do contain a few things of interest).
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #12 - 04/25/08 at 14:25:33
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Don't trust the website mentioned by Beetlejuice. The guy who used to run it, is out of business.
As for obtaining Ekebjerg's book it seems very difficult. I think only a few hundred were printed.
You can borrow it from Danish Public Libraries, which is what I did, but I guess Copenhagen is a not around the corner  Wink
It is divided into 3 pamphlets and is very difficult to navigate. The sparse words are in Danish and many variations end without any comment or evaluation.
The webshop of the Danish Chess Federation (Dansk Skaksalg) - used to have a few copies, but like Beetlejuice mentioned it is not to be found on the website. You can try and contact the daily manager IM Steffen Pedersen:

Since From was Danish, there was also published a small biography on him: "Skakspilleren Severin From 1828-95" (The Chessplayer Severin From) by Claus Olsen.
Predictably, it is equally hard to come by. Claus Olsen used to sell them at the Copenhagen Open for a token amount.
As for German books, there is also one by Helmut Warzecha: "Das Froms Gambit" Reinhold Dreier Verlag Ludwigshafen 1993. Not very trustworthy but at least a better effort than Eric Schiller's from 1992.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #11 - 04/24/08 at 13:40:55
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I've now got Deppe's 1979 edition of his correspondence From Gambit theme tournaments. It's a slim volume with the games arranged according to variation, and fairly sparse theoretical notes referring frequently to a 'Handbuch' - Bilguer's Handbook in an updated edition? I'm interested in this as although the quality of games varies, there were a few obviously strong players, e.g. Heemsoth and Cording (who is/was he?). In the older edition I vaguely remember seeing years ago, I think there were extensive notes by the players - or am I just dreaming that?
I tried emailing the website pointed out by Beetlejuice, but haven't received a reply yet. Seems Ekebjerg may prove elusive...
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #10 - 04/18/08 at 19:53:10
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It looks like the web-site says, it still has to be printed. But it should be a 200 page book. For sure there will be demand for such a book, since there is no complete overview of current From gambit theory. Although Taylor clarified some lines. If the book can be oredered, I am also interested.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #9 - 04/18/08 at 18:12:49
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Many thanks, Beetlejuice - I'm not sure I trust the website either, but I might investigate further. Strange, isn't it, that the work of someone so prominent in correspondence chess should be quite so obscure...
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #8 - 04/18/08 at 08:40:02
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Beetlejuice wrote on 04/17/08 at 22:26:03:
Firstly, the right spelling of his name is Ekebjerg - "Ekebjaerg" or "Ekebjærg" looks like misspellings by someone who thinks he knows the Danish language, but doesn't.

About Ekebjerg's From's Gambit book, it is not well-known, even in Denmark (I had never heard of it before I read this thread). It was shortly mentioned in an ad in the Danish chess magazine Skakbladet in December 2002.

The book - which seems to be three booklets/pamphlets - is not sold from the bookstore/web shop of the Danish Chess Federation, but I found it in this web shop: click on "Danske bøger", then "Egen udgivelser". NB! I never heard about this web shop before, and I cannot see who is behind it or whether it is still functioning - so try it at your own risk. The price for the "book" is 160 DKK, which is about 22 EUR, probably postage etc. should added to this.

Maybe it's related to this place: ?
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #7 - 04/17/08 at 22:26:03
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Firstly, the right spelling of his name is Ekebjerg - "Ekebjaerg" or "Ekebjærg" looks like misspellings by someone who thinks he knows the Danish language, but doesn't.

About Ekebjerg's From's Gambit book, it is not well-known, even in Denmark (I had never heard of it before I read this thread). It was shortly mentioned in an ad in the Danish chess magazine Skakbladet in December 2002.

The book - which seems to be three booklets/pamphlets - is not sold from the bookstore/web shop of the Danish Chess Federation, but I found it in this web shop: click on "Danske bøger", then "Egen udgivelser". NB! I never heard about this web shop before, and I cannot see who is behind it or whether it is still functioning - so try it at your own risk. The price for the "book" is 160 DKK, which is about 22 EUR, probably postage etc. should added to this.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #6 - 04/17/08 at 07:21:40
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Tracke, Christoph, or anyone else - do you also know of Ove Ekebjaerg's (sometimes spelled Ekebjerg!) recent work on the From Gambit? Very few references to it turn up on a google search, and I wonder whether hardly any copies were printed...? Thanks!
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #5 - 01/25/08 at 09:02:54
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1.f4 e5 2.fe5: is called "Angenommenes Fromsgambit"
2.e4 is called "Königsgambit" in german.

Best wishes!&&&&Christoph
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #4 - 01/24/08 at 20:40:49
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tracke, thank you very much - I'm sure that is the book I saw. It was the old edition, so I had no idea it had been updated in 1979 - I'll have a look on ebay for that 2nd edition.
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #3 - 01/24/08 at 20:36:48
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Maybe You saw the german chess book Froms Gambit by Dr. Georg Deppe, it´s from 1963 and about a thematical corr tournament 1961/62. There´s also an extented second edetion from 1979 (with additional material from two more corr tournaments in 66/68 & 69/71, 109 pages, edited by Schmaus from Heidelberg).
The book has been out of sale for a long time, but is not very rare: the second edition is regulary offered in . I do not have it on my own (though I play the Froms with both colours), but a clubmate does.

tracke  Smiley
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #2 - 01/24/08 at 20:35:04
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Thanks for the tip Christoph - I know Schwarz wrote a book on the Bird's, but a google search with schwarz + from gambit doesn't turn up the tournament book. (Did 1 f4 e5 perhaps have a different name in German then?) Anyway, Rolf Schwarz must have been a remarkable character!
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Re: From Gambit book - query
Reply #1 - 01/24/08 at 20:22:51
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I mean to remember it was from Rolf Schwarz.

Best wishes!&&&&Christoph
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James Vigus
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From Gambit book - query
01/24/08 at 15:05:28
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A long time ago, I saw a book of a From Gambit correspondence theme tournament in the 1960s(?): I think it was in German, or maybe it was Dutch (it wouldn't have made much difference to me in those days!). I know that isn't much to go on, but could any erudite person supply the title/author or anything else about the book? 
Thanks in advance!
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