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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Yugoslav 9 0-0-0 (Read 20024 times)
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #28 - 10/12/19 at 12:56:12
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I do not believe in those books. Those lines are not deeply analyzed. If I am not wrong in one of those books they analyze 17...h6 which is apparently bad. When 17...Rb8 is stronger!
« Last Edit: 10/12/19 at 21:21:19 by XChess1971 »  
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #27 - 08/11/19 at 20:35:30
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XChess1971 wrote on 08/10/19 at 19:39:22:
Would you mention the books?

Both Modernized The Open Sicilian  and Dismantling the Sicilian latest edition went for the trendy 14 Kb1 in 9000 Yugoslav d5 Qe1.

Playing 1 e4 went for Ne4 instead and gives an improvement  for black in kb1 line  Computers don't see the strength of the black improvement until the lines is played for several moves and only after that they see it when at high depths.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #26 - 08/10/19 at 19:39:22
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Would you mention the books?
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #25 - 07/14/19 at 07:01:47
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About Nxc3 line I have not looked at it for a while but as I remembered the improvement was in some line that computers rates as harmless at first sight. But years have passed so there might be some counter improvement.

About Qe1 line two recent white books went for the trendy Kb1 in a position where Kb1 is way to slow and black gets a tempo to eqalice by playing a5 and sacrifice a pawn one .move later.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #24 - 07/13/19 at 02:49:59
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tony37 wrote on 07/11/19 at 15:04:39:
This is a correspondence game of mine in that line:

but then 10...e6 isn't the main line
On move 10 I also analyzed 10.Kb1 a bit, but 10.exd5 looked too drawish to me

Interesting but it looks like 10.Qe1 e5 is stronger. Even correspondence games are looking OK for black.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #23 - 07/13/19 at 02:35:11
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bragesjo wrote on 07/12/19 at 08:54:43:
In the threads original line Nxc3 is considered to be better for white, there was some sort of improvement where white gets the better endgame. Qe1 system became popular because black gets some play in Bxd4 Qxd4 Qb6 system.

I looked at some correspondence games recently and in most of them black scored pretty well with  12..Nxc3 if I am not wrong!
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #22 - 07/12/19 at 08:54:43
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In the threads original line Nxc3 is considered to be better for white, there was some sort of improvement where white gets the better endgame. Qe1 system became popular because black gets some play in Bxd4 Qxd4 Qb6 system.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #21 - 07/12/19 at 07:29:02
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tony37 wrote on 07/11/19 at 15:04:39:
This is a correspondence game of mine in that line:

but then 10...e6 isn't the main line
On move 10 I also analyzed 10.Kb1 a bit, but 10.exd5 looked too drawish to me

Very correspondence like game, but nice win. Did not look any fun at all to play black.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #20 - 07/11/19 at 15:04:39
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This is a correspondence game of mine in that line:

but then 10...e6 isn't the main line
On move 10 I also analyzed 10.Kb1 a bit, but 10.exd5 looked too drawish to me
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #19 - 07/11/19 at 13:46:31
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Interest has shifted towards 10.Qe1, as recommended in Shaw's recent book on Sicilian Mainlines. My impression is that if White plays precisely to contain Black's activity, then the second player faces a very unpleasant defense.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #18 - 07/10/19 at 18:01:56
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Anybody knows the status of this system?
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #17 - 01/13/09 at 11:32:46
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Looking with Rybka 3, after a while Rybka comes up with an interesting novelty after Re1, simply Rd7 followed By Rfd8 and depending how white reacts black avances the c pawn. In many lines this leeds to endings where white has an extra pawn but black has much more active pieces. This may be the solution ot blacks problems in the critical Re1 line, a line i consider to be more dangerous than the mainline.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #16 - 03/15/08 at 18:10:43
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OstapBender wrote on 03/15/08 at 16:17:39:
What's the idea behind 18.Re1 anyway?  Doesn't it make more sense to just develop with 18.Bd3?

The idea is to prevent Rd5 (but in the game white didnt play Bc4) and reduce blacks counterplay. After 18 Bd3 Rd5 black gets some play (but not much if white knows theory all the way). Blacks gets more play after Bd3 Rd5 compare to Re1 line. Also in some lines white can get play agaisnt the e6 square, including exchange sacs on e6.
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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #15 - 03/15/08 at 16:17:39
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What's the idea behind 18.Re1 anyway?  Doesn't it make more sense to just develop with 18.Bd3?

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Re: Yugoslav 9 0-0-0
Reply #14 - 03/08/08 at 18:38:24
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Can you post that game?

After Qf2 Golubev recommends Qa5 and I dont see any good way to go for as black 

[Event "Hoogeveen Essent op"]
[Site "Hoogeveen"]
[Date "2007.10.12"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Ruijgrok,Dennis"]
[Black "Van Delft,Merijn"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Eco "B76"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2 Nc6 
9.0-0-0 d5 10.exd5 Nxd5 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.Bd4 Nxc3 13.Qxc3 Bh6+ 14.Be3 Bxe3+ 15.Qxe3 Qb6 16.Qxe7 Be6 
17.Qa3 Qf2 18.Qa5 Rab8 19.b3 Rfe8 20.h4 h5 21.Qc3 Rbd8 22.Bd3 Qxg2 23.Be4 Rxd1+ 24.Rxd1 Bd5 
25.Bxd5 cxd5 26.Rxd5 Qh1+ 27.Kb2 Qxh4 28.b4 Qf4 29.b5 Kh7 30.Rd4 Qg5 31.a4 Re3 32.f4 Qe7 
33.Rd7 Qxd7 34.Qxe3 h4 35.f5 Qxf5 36.Qxa7 h3 37.Qd4 h2 38.Qh4+ Qh5 39.Qf6 h1=Q 40.Qxf7+ Kh6 
41.Qf4+ Qg5 42.Qf8+ Kh5 43.Qh8+ Qh6 44.Qe5+ Kg4 45.Qe6+ Kg3 46.Qd6+ Kf2 47.Qg3+ Kxg3 0-1
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