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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #11 - 04/18/10 at 10:18:57
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OK thanks for the clarification.

I lost one bullet game as white in variation with b6 instead of bxa6:
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5 9. Nd5 Be7 10. Bxf6 Bxf6 11. c4 O-O 12. cxb5 Nd4 13. b6 Bb7 14. Bc4:

the move is probably Rb8 but my opponent took the knight with the bishop

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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #10 - 04/18/10 at 05:41:33
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joakimvitriol wrote on 04/18/10 at 05:32:26:
Probably Arakhamia played inferior move (13...Bg5) vs. Short but I am not sure at all that other better moves like Be6, Qa5+ and Bxa6 lead to equal game so maybe 13. bxa6 instead of 13.b6 is the line in which white can fight for the advantage.

If you look at the YB 94 survey you'll see that 13.b6 is slightly better for White, and 13.ba6 is clearly better for White; these assessments are vindicated by the computer if I recall correctly.

I haven't looked for an improvement over the YB analyses since I don't trust 11...0-0 at all for Black, and besides 11...b4 12.Nc2 0-0 is pretty convincing as an equaliser (in the long term since White's can't make use of his tiny edge after 13.Be2).

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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #9 - 04/18/10 at 05:32:26
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Probably Arakhamia played inferior move (13...Bg5) vs. Short but I am not sure at all that other better moves like Be6, Qa5+ and Bxa6 lead to equal game so maybe 13. bxa6 instead of 13.b6 is the line in which white can fight for the advantage.
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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #8 - 04/17/10 at 21:59:01
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I'd agree that Black has only minimal compensation in the 11...0-0 and related lines, based on the Yearbook 94 survey. I'm with Rogozenko and Pavlovic that 11...b4 12.Nc2 0-0! is best, although after 13.Be2 I think White can transpose to the 12...a5 13.Be2 lines, which are marginally better for White, but Black has no real problems in this variation.

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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #7 - 04/17/10 at 15:10:07
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It's up for debate whether or not this lines gives White and edge - Pavlovic seems to think it's up in the air in The Cutting Edge: Open Sicilian, and suggests that the little played 12...0-0!? might be the way to go.
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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #6 - 04/17/10 at 13:50:35
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Maybe top players simply found out that there is no sufficient compensation for the pawn sacrifice:

[Event "Gibraltar Masters"]
[Site "Gibraltar"]
[Date "2006.01.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Short, Nigel D"]
[Black "Arakhamia Grant, Ketevan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B33"]
[WhiteElo "2676"]
[BlackElo "2426"]
[PlyCount "61"]
[EventDate "2006.01.24"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "10"]
[EventCountry "ENG"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2006.03.10"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bg5 a6 8.
Na3 b5 9. Nd5 Be7 10. Bxf6 Bxf6 11. c4 O-O 12. cxb5 Nd4 13. bxa6 Bg5 14. Nc2
Bg4 15. Qd3 Qa5+ 16. b4 Rfc8 17. bxa5 Nxc2+ 18. Qxc2 Rxc2 19. Bd3 Bd2+ 20. Kf1
Rc5 21. f3 Be6 22. Ke2 Bxa5 23. Rhc1 Rxc1 24. Rxc1 Bxd5 25. exd5 Kf8 26. Rc6
Ke7 27. Bf5 Rb8 28. Bc8 Bb6 29. Bb7 Bd4 30. Rc7+ Kf6 31. Kd3 1-0

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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #5 - 03/04/08 at 13:20:01
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yes the pawn sacrifices are well worth investigating - i think the normal order is ....0-0 first. The top-level players have either come to the conclusion these ideas are unsound or too risky, or else are just happy to play ...b4.
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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #4 - 03/04/08 at 05:28:45
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In the position after 11.c4, I noticed that 11...b4 is clearly the most common move, but Black could also sacrifice a pawn to exploit White's weakened dark squares with 11...Nd4, which looks like an interesting alternative. However, I don't think Black gets full compensation with best play. 

Play could continue: 12.cb5 (12.Nc2?! Bg4! with the idea of 13.f3 Bh4) 12...0-0 13.b6 (13.ba6 Ba6 14.Ba6 Qa5 followed by ...Qa6 gives Black excellent compensation) 13...Be6 14.Nc4 Bg5 followed by ...f5, with compensation for the pawn. Note that 14...Bg4? does not work in view of 15.Qg4! Nc2 16.Kd2 Na1 17.Bd3 and the knight is trapped.

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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #3 - 03/03/08 at 14:44:01
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DoubledPawns wrote on 03/03/08 at 10:06:24:
Hello, I am referring to the position that occurs after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bf6 Bf6 11.c4:

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A few questions:

a) Does this variation give White any chances of an advantage?
b) Who plays this variation as White?
c) Would it be a good answer to the Sveshnikov? What are its' practical advantages?

a) Yes - Rogozenko previously thought it was dead equal, but now believes White has better prospects and play with minimum risk.

b) Morozevich started a trend, and a lot of other GMs and IMs followed

c) I would think yes - the BIG practical advantage is that you have cut down on all the different branches you need to learn - in this respect seems like a good answer for non-professionals
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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #2 - 03/03/08 at 13:05:04
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This line was played recently between 2 strong players in my club. Black eventually won a hard struggle by resorting to tactical tricks in a slightly inferior position. This line is definitely interesting and a bit unpleasant for Black to face.

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Re: 11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
Reply #1 - 03/03/08 at 13:00:52
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it's very playable, and perhaps even fashionable right now. After 11. c4 b4 12. Nc2 a5, White can play neutral with Be2, or solid with g3-Bg2, or aggressive with Qf3-h4-g4 as was famously played by morozevich. Just pick your choice !
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11.c4 in the Sveshnikov
03/03/08 at 10:06:24
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Hello, I am referring to the position that occurs after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bf6 Bf6 11.c4:

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A few questions:

a) Does this variation give White any chances of an advantage?
b) Who plays this variation as White?
c) Would it be a good answer to the Sveshnikov? What are its' practical advantages?

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