Back in 10/2009 I was annoying by this line too. I started to analyse it and I found an antidote. Then I asked Mr Moskalenko what he tought about it. He was kind to answer and at the end of our discussion, he says "Anyway, I don’t see any danger in the Gledhill attack, but of course, some surprising effect."
According to tony37 :"6.dxc5 Nxe5 7.Qg3 Nbc6 scores very well for black" ... I check in Megadatabase 2013 and found only 2 games
... so I wonder if it really scores well for black ? Tony37 could you tell us more about this one ? Thx.
After 6.dxc5 Nxe5 7.Qg3 Nbc6 the correct move is 8.Nb5 if White wants to play for an attack. Unfortunately, as I said before, I've found a way to stop the white attack.
Let's go : a) - 8...Be7 was my first attempt to improve the variation for black, but in fact it's a waste of time : 9.Qxg7!,Ng6 10.Nf3,a6 and now not 11.Nc3??,Bf8 12.Bg5,Bxg7 13.Bxd8,Kxd8 -+ but 11.Bd3!,axb5 12.Bxg6,Rf8 13.Bxh7,Bf6 14.Qh6 and Black is near to be busted
b) 8...a6! is the key move. Why ? Because if you let White plays, there are threats with Qg3+Bf4+Nb5. So : 9.Nd6+,Bxd6 10.Qxg7 (10.cxd6?,0-0 11.Bf4,Qxd6 and if 12.Nf3??,Nxf3+ 13.Qxf3,Qb4+ -+) 10...Ng6 11.cxd6,Qxd6 12.Nf3,Bd7 13.Bd3 (13.Be2,0-0-0 14.0-0,Rhg8 15.Qh6,Nce7 and I really like Black here) 13...0-0-0 intending 14...e5 with an attack for Black. But Moskalenko : "in variation 8…a6 you can play 12…e5!?, instead of …Bd7." is better anyway.
It's just some of the lines I've done 4 years ago now. Am I alone ? Give us your antidote of the Gledhill too !!