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Normal Topic C78 Spanish -- duffer's question (Read 4530 times)
Michael Ayton
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Re: C78 Spanish -- duffer's question
Reply #4 - 03/27/08 at 20:31:41
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Thanks Craig, very interesting. Will take a butcher's.
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Re: C78 Spanish -- duffer's question
Reply #3 - 03/27/08 at 20:28:21
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In the Adams-Leko line, perhaps black needs to look at some alternatives, such as 10...b4!? 11.Nc4 bxc3 - doesn't look like there's too much for white in 12.Nxb6 Rxb6 13.a5 Rb8 14.bxc3 O-O to me.

Alternatively, 7...Qe7 is a little-explored variation which looks quite interesting. But if these lines don't hold up then 7.c3 move order certainly seems to put a rather large dent in the Modern Archangelsk.

As for the Moller move-order, given my nature I'd be tempted to give 6...Nxe4 a punt - a lot of the lines are far from clear as far as I'm concerned.

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Michael Ayton
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Re: C78 Spanish -- duffer's question
Reply #2 - 03/27/08 at 13:04:08
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Thanks Tony -- I'd noticed that too. But the range of Black responses doesn't really indicate any consensus (if there is one!) on how to deal with the Adams--Leko 'issue'. Maybe matter for an update someday?
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Re: C78 Spanish -- duffer's question
Reply #1 - 03/27/08 at 12:46:42
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Maybe 7 c3 is simply more accurate than 7 a4, I notice that a lot of strong players seem to be preferring the former nowadays.
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Michael Ayton
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C78 Spanish -- duffer's question
03/27/08 at 10:30:56
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Forgive my ignorance, but I'm unclear about a very elementary point in the currently popular line 4 ...Nf6 5 0-0 b5 6 Bb3 Bc5, and I'm wondering if someone can enlighten me -- the ChessPub coverage, though it's extensive, still leaves me confused.

My understanding is that after 7 a4 Rb8 8 c3, Black should avoid 8 ...d6 since 9 d4 Bb6 10 Na3 (Adams--Leko) is good for White, and play instead Anand's 8 ...0-0!?, which ultimately depends on a sacrifice leading to a forced draw. My question is, [i]if[/i] this is correct and White uses the move order 7 c3 d6 8 a4, how does Black avoid the inferior(?) line? -- presumably 8 ...Rb8 9 d4 will just transpose. [i]NCO[/i] meanwhile suggests 8 ...Bg4 9 d3 0-0 10 is good for White -- is 9 ...Na5 an option here? [i]NCO[/i] also gives 8 ...Bb7 9 d4 Bb6 10 Bg5 h6 11 Bf6 Qf6 12 0-0 13 h3 as a White plus -- is 12 ...ed any good?

As a supplementary question -- has the Moller Defence (4 ...Nf6 5 0-0 Bc5) any independent significance after 6 c3? I was under the impression that Black should transpose into the 'Modern Archangel' with 6 ...b5 7 Bb3(!) d6 because the sixth-move alternatives are considered inferior, but is this (still) so?

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