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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Catalan resources (Read 24520 times)
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #22 - 04/26/08 at 04:17:45
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I definitely prefer to play 1.Nf3 to 1.g3.  I really didn't know why though, until I started reading this post and seriously thinking about 1.g3.

Here's my main objection to 1.g3 with the object of reaching a Catalan type of position:

1.g3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.d4 Bb4!? or 3.Bg2 c5  If White plays 1.Nf3, then he does have to worry about the Bogo-Indian and Benoni style games, but I much prefer not having already played the fianchetto.  

I have another main consideration, and that is I love to play the White side of the Classical KID.  (Yeah, I know, some books refer to KIDs with g3 as "classical".)  So for me, I will continue to 1.d4 and Nf3, and only rarely play 1.c4 or 1.g3 when I can predict my opponent's responses.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #21 - 04/24/08 at 12:02:55
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I have followed the Khalifman/Kramnik repertoire, with 1.Nf3 and 2.c4 (followed with 3.g3).  This avoids 1.c4 e5 and the Grunfeld, though White does still need to have something ready for the KID.  In my experience, though, I have found it to be a rather effective way of seeing regular Catalans.  Recently, I have been exploring the Reti in order to better prepare a response to opponents who do not wish to play the Catalan...

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #20 - 04/23/08 at 18:54:23
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I play 1c4 2g3 and I get a lot of closed Catalans. Where black plays e6-d5-c6 pawn structure and the bishop either on e7 or d6. The main disadvantage is, if you do not like 1 c4-e5.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #19 - 04/23/08 at 15:32:31
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Chess_Addict wrote on 04/23/08 at 12:43:05:
if u want to avoid QGA and slav-semislav problems u could try 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.g3 and then c4. Only problem may 3...b5 but i don't think it will be played  too often and it shouldn't be that problem anyway.

Can't Black play an early ...Bf5 and be fine here?  For instance, 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.g3 c6 4.Bg2 Bf5.  Probably Black could also play 3...Bf5 in this move order, since White hasn't played c2-c4 yet.  

I also play the Catalan, but use it mostly as a substitute for the QGD, some lines of the Semi-Slav, and against the Nimzo move order.  For instance:
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3;
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c6 4.Qc2 Nf6 5.g3;
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3, when there are some transpositional possibilities available into the Catalan, Benoni, English, etc.

"My" move order means that I still have to play against he Slav, QGA, etc.  But I like this better than trying to play a set "system" no matter what Black does.  If you want to maximize your chances of getting a real Catalan, probably 1.Nf3 and 2.c4 is the way to go, but you'll need to learn some English and Reti (which can be similar to Catalan) lines.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #18 - 04/23/08 at 15:25:00
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3. g3 is of course a decent move, but then Black has various ways of avoiding a Catalan.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #17 - 04/23/08 at 12:43:05
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if u want to avoid QGA and slav-semislav problems u could try 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.g3 and then c4. Only problem may 3...b5 but i don't think it will be played  too often and it shouldn't be that problem anyway.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #16 - 04/23/08 at 11:14:31
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I like to play the QID with white, so my move order is:
1. d4-d5 2.c4-e6 3.g3 (an advantage of this move order is that your knight is not yet committed, which can be usefull when you like to play with the knight on h3 against the Stonewall)
1.d4-Nf6 2. c4-e6 3.Nf3 and there are three possibilities:
-Bb4 --> Bogo-indian (4.Bd2)
-d5   --> Catalan (4.g3)
-b6   --> Queen's Indian (4.g3 and 5.Qc2 vs Ba6 or 5.Bg2 vs Bb7)

Yusupov once said that “The problem with the Dutch Defence is that later in many positions the best move would be ...f5-f7” but he is surely wrong.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #15 - 04/23/08 at 10:03:23
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Thanks Nyoke,

I just got The Catalan by Raetsky and Chetverik. This should help! What move orders do you use?

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #14 - 04/20/08 at 06:50:42
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Interesting repertoire if only because it coincides with my... work in progress.
Come to think of it : Kotronias' Beating the Flank Openings deals with the Catalan, too.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #13 - 04/20/08 at 01:39:34
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Black_Widow wrote on 04/20/08 at 00:04:46:
I use the Dynamic English as a reportoire base...

I used to play the English but really didn't like the symmetrical structures.
I'm playing 1d4 and 2Nf3. It's a handy way to cut down on my opponents choices.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #12 - 04/20/08 at 00:04:46
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I use the Dynamic English as a reportoire base, but I play the catalan or KID fianchetto when I can. And I get those variations quite a lot. And in this way I also avoid the Slav.

For the Catalan, the CD by Marin is by far the best. The Everyman book is nice, but for my reportoire it has some holes. From the older works, Neistadt is also a nice to have.

I really would like to see Khalifman make a book on the Catalan, in its Kramnik series. But any reportoire book on the Catalan would be nice, as long as they do not short cut for instance on Queens Indian lines or other transpositions, and then state it is out of scope.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #11 - 04/19/08 at 23:12:10
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TNich wrote on 04/19/08 at 20:17:53:

If anyone is interested I decided to play a fianchetto against everything ...

That sounds like a very wise decision to me...  Grin
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #10 - 04/19/08 at 20:17:53
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Thanks to all for your suggestions,

I knew when I decided to play the Catalan that it would be harder to construct a repertoire than with the QG but this holds true for my opponents too. I'm not getting any younger and since I started playing tournament chess relatively late in life, I decided to create a repertoire that will last me the rest of my playing days without requiring to much preperation. If anyone is interested I decided to play a fianchetto against everything except the Slav. This means that sometimes I'm playing critical variations and sometimes not. Wish me well Wink
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #9 - 04/19/08 at 20:07:30
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James Vigus wrote on 04/19/08 at 10:06:01:

I think the Slav is the perfect anti-Catalan weapon! But 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Qc2 intending g3 is tried by some Catalan players. 

Thanks James,

I was curious if some of the older books on the Catalan were worth while. I agree that the Slav is the perfect anti-Catalan weapon. It's no surprise that Kramnik plays both. I also play the Slav so maybe I'm following in the footsteps of a giant Smiley I don't have alot of faith in the Catalan setup if black can get his light squared bishop outside the pawnchain. 

Thanks for the recommendations
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #8 - 04/19/08 at 15:47:13
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TNich wrote on 04/19/08 at 06:09:10:
Hello All,

I am trying to contsruct a repertoire based on the Catalan. I currently have the chessbase cd by Marin. Can someone who plays the catalan recommend some more books,videos,etc...?
Also, What do you Catalan players play against the Slav?


P.S. I am 37 and have been playing tournament chess for 7 years. My USCF rating is 2050.

Against the semi-slav, there is no problem going for the Catalan. But against the "real" slav it is better to avoid the king-side fianchetto as black's lightsquare bishop is rather active.

Yusupov once said that “The problem with the Dutch Defence is that later in many positions the best move would be ...f5-f7” but he is surely wrong.
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