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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Catalan resources (Read 24400 times)
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #37 - 07/19/19 at 00:51:06
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Leon_Trotsky wrote on 07/18/19 at 21:48:48:
How does Marin's database compare with the Catalan recommendations of Roïz Queen's Indian book though ¿ 

For me, Roïz 6A4349487972544952554D5F2600 book and Ntirlis QGD book are the only books that offer a strong challenge to Catalán, so it would be nice to know how Marin thinks of their recommendations.

I have the database, and Marin actually posed some pretty annoying problems to Ntirlis' line in the Catalan, which was enough for me to switch to the line Roiz recommends. Marin's recommendation in the 4...Bb4+ 5.Bd2 Be7 line is interesting, but it shouldn't pose any real problems.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #36 - 07/19/19 at 00:18:19
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Stigma wrote on 07/18/19 at 21:51:13:
In that case, with understanding themes presumably more important than cutting-edge theory, I immediately think of Wojo's Weapons, Volume 1. Almost two thirds of it is devoted to the Catalan. It's nine years old now, but given Wojo's technical playing style he likely played lines that were fairly resistant to the winds of theory. And, if MTal likes Lakdawala's writing, maybe the relevant chapter of his How Ulf Beats Black as extra study material.

Off the top of my head I can think of full-length Catalan books targeted to club players by Dunnington, Raetsky/Chetverik (in German), Raetsky/Chetverik (this time in English - an almost entirely different book according to Jacob Aagaard, who was involved in that edition!), Davies and McDonald. I have only the first two of these and picked up some strategic themes just by browsing Dunnington's old Winning with the Catalan, though I don't play either side of the Catalan much.

If we're talking about videos/DVDs, I have no idea what to suggest.

I would second Stigma's recommendation of Wojo's Weapons, Volume 1, which contains plenty of verbal explanation. Despite the technical character of many of the lines covered in this work, though, theory has moved on significantly almost everywhere. That's the price you pay for playing an opening as popular as the Catalan has been over the past decade.
Again based on what he writes in the other thread, Mtal seems to be interested in the more aggressive lines of the opening, and Nigel Davies addresses those more extensively than a lot of other writers in his book Play The Catalan. Many of these lines tend not to be covered in repertoire books (which Davies' work is not) and have occurred less in practice over the years, so this might be a good place to find ideas that have proved 'resistant to the winds of theory', as Stigma so eloquently puts it.
I don't have McDonald's book, but he is generally a diligent writer who explains ideas very clearly, so, I'd certainly investigate this if I was taking my first steps in learning to play this opening.

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #35 - 07/18/19 at 21:51:13
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Seeley wrote on 07/18/19 at 21:11:51:

I have Marin's Modern Chess repertoire and it's very good – as well as being much more up to date than the DVD, of course. I'm not sure it's a product I'd recommend to someone just starting out with the Catalan, though, which I understand from a different thread is what MTal is looking for.

In that case, with understanding themes presumably more important than cutting-edge theory, I immediately think of Wojo's Weapons, Volume 1. Almost two thirds of it is devoted to the Catalan. It's nine years old now, but given Wojo's technical playing style he likely played lines that were fairly resistant to the winds of theory. And, if MTal likes Lakdawala's writing, maybe the relevant chapter of his How Ulf Beats Black as extra study material.

Off the top of my head I can think of full-length Catalan books targeted to club players by Dunnington, Raetsky/Chetverik (in German), Raetsky/Chetverik (this time in English - an almost entirely different book according to Jacob Aagaard, who was involved in that edition!), Davies and McDonald. I have only the first two of these and picked up some strategic themes just by browsing Dunnington's old Winning with the Catalan, though I don't play either side of the Catalan much.

If we're talking about videos/DVDs, I have no idea what to suggest.

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #34 - 07/18/19 at 21:48:48
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How does Marin's database compare with the Catalan recommendations of Roïz Queen's Indian book though ¿ 

For me, Roïz QID book and Ntirlis QGD book are the only books that offer a strong challenge to Catalán, so it would be nice to know how Marin thinks of their recommendations.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #33 - 07/18/19 at 21:11:51
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Stigma wrote on 07/18/19 at 21:00:36:
Marin published a Catalan repertoire for White on Modern Chess around a year ago – in three parts followed by a free update IIRC. That's bound to be a lot more current than the DVD. Though I haven't seen either product myself.

I have Marin's Modern Chess repertoire and it's very good – as well as being much more up to date than the DVD, of course. I'm not sure it's a product I'd recommend to someone just starting out with the Catalan, though, which I understand from a different thread is what MTal is looking for.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #32 - 07/18/19 at 21:00:36
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Seeley wrote on 07/18/19 at 17:34:20:
Mtal wrote on 07/18/19 at 16:48:02:

I know this is an old post, but what is the DVD by Marin on the Catalan?

Presumably this:
which is so ancient as to be practically obsolete in an opening such as the Catalan, which has been played a huge amount at all levels in the intervening years. In any case, the DVD is listed as 'not available'.

Marin published a Catalan repertoire for White on Modern Chess around a year ago – in three parts followed by a free update IIRC. That's bound to be a lot more current than the DVD. Though I haven't seen either product myself.

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #31 - 07/18/19 at 17:34:20
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Mtal wrote on 07/18/19 at 16:48:02:

I know this is an old post, but what is the DVD by Marin on the Catalan?

Presumably this:
which is so ancient as to be practically obsolete in an opening such as the Catalan, which has been played a huge amount at all levels in the intervening years. In any case, the DVD is listed as 'not available'.
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #30 - 07/18/19 at 16:48:02
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Black_Widow wrote on 04/20/08 at 00:04:46:
I use the Dynamic English as a reportoire base, but I play the catalan or KID fianchetto when I can. And I get those variations quite a lot. And in this way I also avoid the Slav.

For the Catalan, the CD by Marin is by far the best. The Everyman book is nice, but for my reportoire it has some holes. From the older works, Neistadt is also a nice to have.

I really would like to see Khalifman make a book on the Catalan, in its Kramnik series. But any reportoire book on the Catalan would be nice, as long as they do not short cut for instance on Queens Indian lines or other transpositions, and then state it is out of scope.

I know this is an old post, but what is the DVD by Marin on the Catalan?
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #29 - 05/05/08 at 02:54:25
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 05/05/08 at 02:46:53:
Just an update:  I drew the game I mentioned, but my opponent never played d2-d4. I pushed too hard and ended up in a lost position.  I was very lucky to escape with a draw!

Perhaps he saw your posts here and decided to spring a surprise on you  Grin

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #28 - 05/05/08 at 02:46:53
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Just an update:  I drew the game I mentioned, but my opponent never played d2-d4. I pushed too hard and ended up in a lost position.  I was very lucky to escape with a draw!

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #27 - 05/03/08 at 09:03:49
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You may be right, and the position after 4.d4 Bf5 cd5 cd5 Qb3 Qc8 is indeed fine for Black. I was hesitant to go into this since he seems something of an expert on precisely this line.  However, Black does have quite a nice game compared to lines without a fianchetto.

I have a feeling my opponent, sensing that I'm well prepared, will go for a more amorphous opening such as the Barcza (A11ish).

Thanks for the extra eyes!  I'll let you know how things turn out.

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #26 - 05/02/08 at 15:36:09
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edgy wrote on 05/02/08 at 15:02:43:
Smyslov_Fan wrote on 05/02/08 at 08:15:48:
I'm about to play a serious game against an opponent whose main opening move order is 1.c4 2.g3 3.Bg2 4.d4 (or d3) 5.Nc3 6.e3 7.Nge2 8.0-0
When he plays against the Lasker New York/London line, he plays 1.c4 c6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.d4 and if 4...Bf5 5.cd5 cd5 6.Qb3.  This seems to be an effective system, combining Catalan, Staunton English, and old main-line KID fianchetto lines into one repertoire.

I'm trying to pick it apart, and am focusing on his position after 3....Nf6.  He has occasionally played 4.d3, which belongs in another thread.  But if he plays 4.d4, what do you recommend for Black.  Black is playing for a win here!

Is there something wrong with the line you give:  4...Bf5 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Qb3?  It seems to me that Black is doing fine after either 6...Nc6, or 6...Qc8 followed by ...e6.  It's an exchange Slav where White's Bishop is on an unattractive square, isn't it?

Indeed, I think I might already prefer Black there.  (I would think that White is disadvantaged in having played d4 -- he can't try to play like in a classic Barcza-Smyslov game.)   I'll also take Black after 4. d3 (really?) dc 5. dc (or some weird gambit) Qxd1+ 6. Kxd1 e5 ...
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #25 - 05/02/08 at 15:02:43
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 05/02/08 at 08:15:48:
I'm about to play a serious game against an opponent whose main opening move order is 1.c4 2.g3 3.Bg2 4.d4 (or d3) 5.Nc3 6.e3 7.Nge2 8.0-0
When he plays against the Lasker New York/London line, he plays 1.c4 c6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.d4 and if 4...Bf5 5.cd5 cd5 6.Qb3.  This seems to be an effective system, combining Catalan, Staunton English, and old main-line KID fianchetto lines into one repertoire.

I'm trying to pick it apart, and am focusing on his position after 3....Nf6.  He has occasionally played 4.d3, which belongs in another thread.  But if he plays 4.d4, what do you recommend for Black.  Black is playing for a win here!

Is there something wrong with the line you give:  4...Bf5 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Qb3?  It seems to me that Black is doing fine after either 6...Nc6, or 6...Qc8 followed by ...e6.  It's an exchange Slav where White's Bishop is on an unattractive square, isn't it?

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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #24 - 05/02/08 at 08:15:48
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I'm about to play a serious game against an opponent whose main opening move order is 1.c4 2.g3 3.Bg2 4.d4 (or d3) 5.Nc3 6.e3 7.Nge2 8.0-0
When he plays against the Lasker New York/London line, he plays 1.c4 c6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.d4 and if 4...Bf5 5.cd5 cd5 6.Qb3.  This seems to be an effective system, combining Catalan, Staunton English, and old main-line KID fianchetto lines into one repertoire.

I'm trying to pick it apart, and am focusing on his position after 3....Nf6.  He has occasionally played 4.d3, which belongs in another thread.  But if he plays 4.d4, what do you recommend for Black.  Black is playing for a win here!
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Re: Catalan resources
Reply #23 - 04/26/08 at 07:51:56
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The main drawback to 1.g3 is 1...e5. If you are a english player then you are fine with 2c4 but no Catalan's are in your future. I think that the most precise way to reach a Catalan is with 1d4 - 2c4 - 3 g3. However, You must either be willing to play a Modern Benoni Fianchetto variation, an English or a Bogo-Indian. I play 2Nf3 to avoid the Budapest and Albin Counter Gambit. Also, The mainline Benko is not possible. This move order allows the Queens Indian.  Why would I prefer to play against the Queen's Indian and not the Budapest and the like. I guess it's a matter of personal preference. The Queen's Indian is more thematically similiar to the Catalan then the others. However, It's not written in stone and maybe I could be persuaded otherwise?!

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