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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) I need study material on the Torre (as White) (Read 39302 times)
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #13 - 06/02/08 at 13:28:13
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Here is a good site (in french) to recall the principes of the Torre Attack:
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #12 - 06/01/08 at 22:09:05
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HoemberChess wrote on 05/26/08 at 09:37:19:
No one else plays the Torre as White??  Sad

Eric Tangborn has written a book  : A winning white repertoire where the Torre is the backbone of his repertoire. 

Torre is OK. You can win with it against  weaker oponents and against strong oponents its a solid choice.

Another source of study is Mark Hebdens games. He plays the Torre and he has a lot of blood on his hands with this opening.

He has his own move order . He plays the Torre this way :

1.d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. c3 !?  And the bishop comes later to g5  This  opening is called The Hebden Torre by J.Cox in his book Dealing with d4 deviations.   page 54

The Hebden Torre is mainly used to avoid a black set up with an early h6.


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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #11 - 05/26/08 at 09:37:19
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No one else plays the Torre as White??  Sad

*W 1d4) Torre/Barry/Pirc/Philidor/ early _d5:early c4(QGD/Slav/QGD/etc)
*B) 1e4:e6 [+1_c5 2Nf3 a6]| 1d4:e6 2c4 Bb4+ BID/pseudoNID [+1_Nf6 NID]| 1c4:c5,_Nc6,_e5,_g6| 1Nf3:c5
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #10 - 05/23/08 at 11:56:36
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KM, LR hoember.

Thanks all for that. Very kind.
Think I have a torrent of 'How to open a chess game' so will have a look.

Cheers again,

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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #9 - 05/23/08 at 08:23:38
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Around here, the book is named "Petroszjan tanít", I think. ("Petrosian teaches")

kylemeister wrote on 05/23/08 at 02:41:44:
There is a chapter/section on the Torre by Petrosian in the 1970s book "How to Open a Chess Game"; I suspect it's the same thing nyoke referred to.


*W 1d4) Torre/Barry/Pirc/Philidor/ early _d5:early c4(QGD/Slav/QGD/etc)
*B) 1e4:e6 [+1_c5 2Nf3 a6]| 1d4:e6 2c4 Bb4+ BID/pseudoNID [+1_Nf6 NID]| 1c4:c5,_Nc6,_e5,_g6| 1Nf3:c5
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #8 - 05/23/08 at 08:20:08
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With 2.Bg5 I give my opponents more options, which I don't like.
I only want to play the Torre on 2..b6/e6/g6 (after 1..Nf6 2.Nf3).
And I play the New York line of Réti Opening as Black, which is the same as the 2..g6 Torre with reversed colors.

Chevalier wrote on 05/22/08 at 04:38:09:
The Trompowsky with the immediate 2.Bg5 tends to lead to much more interesting positions than the Torre. Julian Hodgson along with a number of other British GMs have used this line very successfully.

If Black is a KID player, all he has to remember to equalise is (after 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 Bg7 4.Nbd2 0-0 5.c3 d6 6.e4) to play ...Nc6, ...Qe8 and ...e5.


*W 1d4) Torre/Barry/Pirc/Philidor/ early _d5:early c4(QGD/Slav/QGD/etc)
*B) 1e4:e6 [+1_c5 2Nf3 a6]| 1d4:e6 2c4 Bb4+ BID/pseudoNID [+1_Nf6 NID]| 1c4:c5,_Nc6,_e5,_g6| 1Nf3:c5
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #7 - 05/23/08 at 02:48:47
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The Torre article is in Petrosian's Legacy, which is a collection of Petrosian's articles and lecture.  It's a must have.
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #6 - 05/23/08 at 02:41:44
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There is a chapter/section on the Torre by Petrosian in the 1970s book "How to Open a Chess Game"; I suspect it's the same thing nyoke referred to.
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #5 - 05/23/08 at 02:22:04
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the Burgess book is very good. Gufeld and Stesko is dismal.

Nyoke - Where is the Petrosian article? Sounds interesting.
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #4 - 05/22/08 at 19:04:55
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There is an article by Petrosian on the Torre which is named iirc 'Why I like to put my bishop on g5' that I thought is 'fundamental' for any Torre player...
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #3 - 05/22/08 at 11:18:10
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Kylemeister is right - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 Bg7 4.Nbd2 0-0 5.c3 d6 6.e4 the best move is 6...c5! (7.dxc5 dxc5), practically anything based on ...e5 will give White an edge.
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #2 - 05/22/08 at 05:09:02
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Chevalier wrote on 05/22/08 at 04:38:09:

If Black is a KID player, all he has to remember to equalise is (after 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 Bg7 4.Nbd2 0-0 5.c3 d6 6.e4) to play ...Nc6, ...Qe8 and ...e5.

That's a pretty categorical-sounding statement.  It strikes me as a doubtful one, too; my impression is that 6...Nc6 7. Bb5 is rather promising for White.
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Re: I need study material on the Torre (as White)
Reply #1 - 05/22/08 at 04:38:09
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The Trompowsky with the immediate 2.Bg5 tends to lead to much more interesting positions than the Torre. Julian Hodgson along with a number of other British GMs have used this line very successfully.

If Black is a KID player, all he has to remember to equalise is (after 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 Bg7 4.Nbd2 0-0 5.c3 d6 6.e4) to play ...Nc6, ...Qe8 and ...e5.

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I need study material on the Torre (as White)
05/21/08 at 09:09:47
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I'd like to take up this opening into my repertoire against 1..Nf6. (on 1.d4) My opponents are below 2200, so I think it is reasonable.

For example, I'd be interested in the name of any articles written on the subject. Please tell me the exact name of the sources.

I already know about 
- video "Foxy Opening 50 - The Torre Attack" by GM James Plaskett
- book "Winning with the Torre Attack" by Eduard Gufeld & Oleg Stetsko  (1993)
- Fritz Trainer "Queen's pawn openings" by A. Martin (2007)
- book "THE GAMBIT GUIDE TO THE TORRE ATTACK" by Graham Burgess (1999)

*W 1d4) Torre/Barry/Pirc/Philidor/ early _d5:early c4(QGD/Slav/QGD/etc)
*B) 1e4:e6 [+1_c5 2Nf3 a6]| 1d4:e6 2c4 Bb4+ BID/pseudoNID [+1_Nf6 NID]| 1c4:c5,_Nc6,_e5,_g6| 1Nf3:c5
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