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Re: Schliemann Gambit
Reply #3 - 11/13/08 at 21:23:32
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Well, the line with 4..fxe4 5.Nxe4 dxe4 6.Nxc6 Qg5 is difficult to play OTB, because 1)you have to know a lot of lines 2) it's not easy to play, you have to be a "good" player. 

So, in this line Black has to know the idea with 17..Bxc4 followed by 18..h6 as a "pawn sacrifice" to get the draw. Here is a possible continuation: h6 19. Qe6+ Kc7 20. Bxf6 Rxf6 21. Rxf6 gxf6 22. Qf7+ Kb8 23. Qxf6 Qe3+ where White get nothing to continue. But if White want to continue OTB, Black still have to be precise at this point, so I play the Schliemann on corr without problem but OTB, that's need some courage, skill and preparation! I use it from time to time OTB but that's not a easy weapon to master, respects to Radjabov!
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Günter Amann
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Re: Schliemann Gambit
Reply #2 - 11/13/08 at 20:52:13
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thanks for  the answer! This line was introduced by Paul Motwani in the  Spanish E-Book and i was interested in the new move 19.Rg1 instead of 19.Rf5. But you are right, this line is by no means forced and black can deviate earlier. Maybe white can try 19.Qe6 Kc7 20.Bf6 in the line you suggested? Of course, this  lines are not a  refutation of the Gambit, but maybe worth a try in a practical tournament game?
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Re: Schliemann Gambit
Reply #1 - 11/13/08 at 11:45:41
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I don't think that line is dangerous for Black. I have played against that in a corr game and I faced no problems. 17.g4 Bxc4! is maybe the best. 18.Qxc4 h6! and now I challenge you to find an advantage for White, I only see a draw by repetition soon, but if you find better I would be interested!
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Günter Amann
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Schliemann Gambit
11/12/08 at 22:05:09
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Maybe a new way to challenge the black defence?

schliemann.pgn ( 1 KB | 352 Downloads )
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