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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #13 - 02/21/09 at 09:32:19
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bragesjo wrote on 01/25/09 at 13:33:49:
CapaTal wrote on 01/25/09 at 01:51:31:
One thing I've been wondering about...  In all the supertournaments I've been watching recently, White always goes 10.0-0-0 instead of 10.Bb3.  I always thought 10.Bb3 was better, because it cut out the Chinese Dragon.  The one downside (potentially) is that Bb3 allows Nxd4 Bxd4 b5, but I had the impression that this line is better for White, or at least better than the Chinese Dragon.  Any thoughts?

Well, we will have to wait and see what El Khalif says in the coming book in the Anand series. But in my opinion black gets much more play in the chinese than in the Parma variation. And the Soltis defence is hyper solid so therefore 10 Bb3 is the main move. But the latest word in the Parma variation (Nxd4 Bxd4 b5 system) is Stellwagen-Tiviakov and that line is accepteble for black. Also a blog advocating the white side seems to have missed that black can force a transposning to that game even if white diverts with Bd5 instead of Bxf6. My analys is that that game is a forced draw after f5 even if white diverts.

A funny thing ist that in "Pawn structure chess" Soltis writes that 10 Bb3 is a mistake (he recommeded 10 h4 or 10 0-0-0-0)  do to the Nxd4 line but that saying is challenged a lot in recent years and I played it myself as white.

The funny thing is that El Khalif actually recommends to enter the chinese after both 10 Bb3 Rb8 and 10 Bb3 Na5.

About Nxd4 variation instead ha appears to have found some improvments for white.
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #12 - 02/21/09 at 07:12:44
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swingdoc wrote on 12/18/08 at 11:43:43:
Thanks everyone for the advice and thanks MNb for pointing out the accelerated should be considered too when making this choice. A couple questions that I'm still wondering about (these are purely for my own curiosity because the Dragon is incredibly interesting, not factors in my personal repertoire choice) 

1. Is 9. Bc4 significantly more popular at the grandmaster level? This seems to be the case, but I certainly don't keep up with opening theory so I don't know.

2. If it is, why? Is this a matter of what is currently fashionable, or does white have a better chance at a long-term advantage in the 9. Bc4 line? Are there certain subvariations within 9. 0-0-0 where black has an easier time? Etc.

To be honest, after playing through several months worth of games in the Dragon section I'm tempted to play it myself. I love sacrificing material for the attack so that's not an issue.

1. yes, 9.Bc4 is more popular at high level, but-

2. -the point is that during many years -from the fifties- it was believed that (after 9.0-0-0) 9...d5 was very strong. About 25 years ago it was discovered that White has several promising continuations after 9.0-0-0 d5. But-

3.-meanwhile the theory of 9.Bc4 was so rich that there was much more to find there, or so people assumed. For this reason 9.Bc4 continued to be regarded as the main line.

You must take into account that the Dragon has been regarded as too risky for Black, basically after a famous game that Botvinnik lost to an Austrian named Duckstein, in the so called "Yugoslav attack" (White castles long, opens the "h" file and, hopefully, mates). Certainly there were some other games lost by Black in those days, But Duckstein-Botvinnik was especially important because the winner was not a top grandmaster.  In other words, imagine you were a strong grandmaster. Playing the Dragon you had a significant probability to be whipped by underdogs.

Some years later the theory was much improved from the point of view of the Black player, but there was a price for that: in some sharp lines White had the choice to get a draw by force. Now imagine again that you were a very strong grandmaster, a Botvinnik say: it is a disaster if you lose to a Duckstein, but it is also a disaster if you draw with him as well.

For these reasons the Dragon has been little attractive for top players and continues to be so. 

But you are not a strong grandmaster, nor your adversaries are. Also it is unimportant if you memorize variations to 30th move, as your adversaries are not to enter these variations. And, if they do, you -or your rival- are likely to lose a piece as soon as you are out of the book.

So, why do you mind about 9.0-0-0 or 9.Bc4? These kind of preocupations are for the expert. Play the move you like more -both are good enough- and don´t care.   
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #11 - 01/25/09 at 13:33:49
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CapaTal wrote on 01/25/09 at 01:51:31:
One thing I've been wondering about...  In all the supertournaments I've been watching recently, White always goes 10.0-0-0 instead of 10.Bb3.  I always thought 10.Bb3 was better, because it cut out the Chinese Dragon.  The one downside (potentially) is that Bb3 allows Nxd4 Bxd4 b5, but I had the impression that this line is better for White, or at least better than the Chinese Dragon.  Any thoughts?

Well, we will have to wait and see what El Khalif says in the coming book in the Anand series. But in my opinion black gets much more play in the chinese than in the Parma variation. And the Soltis defence is hyper solid so therefore 10 Bb3 is the main move. But the latest word in the Parma variation (Nxd4 Bxd4 b5 system) is Stellwagen-Tiviakov and that line is accepteble for black. Also a blog advocating the white side seems to have missed that black can force a transposning to that game even if white diverts with Bd5 instead of Bxf6. My analys is that that game is a forced draw after f5 even if white diverts.

A funny thing ist that in "Pawn structure chess" Soltis writes that 10 Bb3 is a mistake (he recommeded 10 h4 or 10 0-0-0-0)  do to the Nxd4 line but that saying is challenged a lot in recent years and I played it myself as white.
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #10 - 01/25/09 at 01:51:31
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One thing I've been wondering about...  In all the supertournaments I've been watching recently, White always goes 10.0-0-0 instead of 10.Bb3.  I always thought 10.Bb3 was better, because it cut out the Chinese Dragon.  The one downside (potentially) is that Bb3 allows Nxd4 Bxd4 b5, but I had the impression that this line is better for White, or at least better than the Chinese Dragon.  Any thoughts?
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Victor Reppert
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #9 - 12/24/08 at 00:18:07
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It does seem to me that Black uses a lot of "low risk defenses" against 9. O-O-O which make it hard for White to win, but don't offer much winning chances for himself, either. 12. Bd4 e5 13. Bc5 Re8 is a good example.
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #8 - 12/19/08 at 02:49:33
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TN wrote on 12/18/08 at 22:15:49:
However, I don't remember the 9.Bc4 variation ever being considered a forced win for White.

Fischer wrote: sac, sac, mate.

TN wrote on 12/18/08 at 22:15:49:
the 9.0-0-0 and 9.Bc4 variations are equal in objective merit, which would mean that neither offers 'better drawing chances' than the other.

This is a non-sequitur. I'll have to check it, but I am pretty sure the percentage of draws after 9.0-0-0 is considerably higher than after 9.Bc4. And that means 'better drawing chances' indeed. Still both may 'be equal in objectiv merit'.
So for a GM it's logical to turn to 9.Bc4 as soon as something promising is found and go back to 9.0-0-0 as soon as Black has found a remedy - until the next promising idea.

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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #7 - 12/18/08 at 22:15:49
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1. Yes, particularly at the 2600+ level. At the 2500+ level, I don't think the difference in popularity is as large.

2. As MNb pointed out, fashion seems to be the main reason for 9.Bc4 being much more common than 9.0-0-0. 


You are probably right in saying that the GM's preferences depend on the theoretical status of each variation. However, I don't remember the 9.Bc4 variation ever being considered a forced win for White. 

As far as I know, both the main lines (9.Bc4 Bd7 10.0-0-0 Rc8 11.Bb3 Ne5 12.Kb1 a6; 12.h4 h5) and the Chinese Dragon (9.Bc4 Bd7 10.0-0-0 Rb8) seem fully playable for Black. I quickly browsed through some recent Dragon threads on this forum and the conclusion for each variation seems quite similar.

I agree that Black has less attacking chances after 9.0-0-0 than 9.Bc4, although his position is still very hard to breach in either line. I think the 9.0-0-0 and 9.Bc4 variations are equal in objective merit, which if true would mean that neither offers 'better drawing chances' than the other. - Edit: The last sentence in this paragraph is total rubbish. 'Better winning chances' is correct.

At present, I don't think White can claim any edge in the 9.0-0-0 d5 10.ed5 Nd5 11.Nc6 bc6 12.Bd4 Bd4 13.Qd4 Qb6 14.Na4 Qa5 15.b3 Qc7 variation, as played in Leko-Radjabov, Elista 2008. See for the game. 

So in my opinion, the choice between 9.Bc4 and 9.0-0-0 is purely a matter of taste because the current state of theory is that both are equal in objective strength. As you stated earlier, someone with the 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 0-0 8.Bb3 variation of the Accelerated Dragon in their repertoire may find the 9.Bc4 variation more to their liking. 

« Last Edit: 12/19/08 at 04:17:22 by TN »  

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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #6 - 12/18/08 at 20:47:36
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Maybe I'm beside the mark, but it always has been my impression that the GM's choice depend on the theoretical status of 9.Bc4. If this promises a mating attack or a winning endgame every GM turns to 9.Bc4. As soon as convincing response is found for Black 9.0-0-0 is in vogue again. So GM's preference is like a pendulum.
The logic might be that 9.0-0-0 is more solid and allows less counterplay, but also allows better drawing chances, unless Black has a fine defence available after 9.Bc4.

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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #5 - 12/18/08 at 14:03:59
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9 Bc4 is sharper and gives more mating attacks (for both sides) while 9 0-0-0 aims for positional preusure.

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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #4 - 12/18/08 at 11:43:43
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Thanks everyone for the advice and thanks MNb for pointing out the accelerated should be considered too when making this choice. A couple questions that I'm still wondering about (these are purely for my own curiosity because the Dragon is incredibly interesting, not factors in my personal repertoire choice) 

1. Is 9. Bc4 significantly more popular at the grandmaster level? This seems to be the case, but I certainly don't keep up with opening theory so I don't know.

2. If it is, why? Is this a matter of what is currently fashionable, or does white have a better chance at a long-term advantage in the 9. Bc4 line? Are there certain subvariations within 9. 0-0-0 where black has an easier time? Etc.

To be honest, after playing through several months worth of games in the Dragon section I'm tempted to play it myself. I love sacrificing material for the attack so that's not an issue.
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #3 - 12/18/08 at 08:38:21
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I think it's a question of time and style. Time because 9.000 is quicker to prepare and it's often white who choose the variation, style because after 9.Bc4 white must often sacrifice one or two pawns to have good chances " Kasparov said one day a thing like "White has to play g4 against the h5 Dragon to have play". if you are materialist play 9.000, it's often Black who is material down.
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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #2 - 12/17/08 at 23:59:16
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This is not entirely correct and that has to do with the Accelerated Dragon. 9.Bc4 Bd7 10.Bb3 is the same as 2...Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 0-0 8.Bb3 d6 9.f3 Bd7 10.Qd2. And this is not really more work than the Jugoslav Attack 9.0-0-0 plus the Maroczy.

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Re: Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
Reply #1 - 12/17/08 at 20:15:51
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I would recommend 9.0-0-0, for the following reasons:

a) There is a much larger amount of theory in the 9.Bc4 variation compared to 9.0-0-0, and in the former every mistake (by both sides) is more critical, meaning you have to put in a large amount of work. 

b) Your opponents will probably spend more time studying 9.Bc4 than 9.0-0-0, as this is the variation they probably face the most often.

c) You already have an excellent repertoire book on the 9.0-0-0 variation.

d) Finally, Black is (in my opinion) forced to play 9...d5 to avoid an objectively inferior position, but I think White can play for an edge with 10.ed5 Nd5 11.Nc6 bc6 12.Bd4, using the variations in 'Experts vs. the Sicilian'.

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Basic Question - 9. Bc4 or 9. 0-0-0
12/17/08 at 20:00:06
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I'm going through Experts vs Sicilian and there they recommend 9. 0-0-0 vs the Dragon.  However, most of the high level games I've seen in the last 6 months or so have seen white go 9. Bc4.  Is this just a trend in taste or is white struggling in some lines after 0-0-0?   

Thanks.  Cheesy
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