My minimum threshold for making a post: something that I find more interesting that a picture of what I had for dinner last night. Check! I downloaded all ChessPublishing games for 2021 as a CBV file, imported them to ChessBase, copied and pasted all 2021 ECO A games into my ChessBase file for ECO A, and so on for ECO B, C, D, and E. I downloaded all ChessPublishing games for 2021 as a PGN file, imported them to Chess Opening Wizard, selected all 2021 ECO A games and imported them into my Chess Opening Wizard file for ECO A, and so on for ECO B, C, D, and E. I also made a Chess Opening Wizard file for all ChessPublishing games for 2021, and moved it over to my cheap 8" tablet with Chess Opening Wizard. The tablet version of Chess Opening Wizard is limited, for example, no engine. Yet I do have 1164 annotated games, ECO A00 to ECO E99. Surely their is something there to keep my mind occupied while I wait in an office, etc.