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Re: Three knight (main line?)
Reply #5 - 01/10/09 at 14:51:03
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Thanks Tracke,

Yes, that is exacly how I usually play against that line of Alekhine. So I know what to do, but I still think it poses little problem for white (as for black). I just want something with a bit more punch when meeting lower rated players.

Of course Alekhine do not belong in this section so I will not dwell any future.

Kind regards 

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Re: Three knight (main line?)
Reply #4 - 01/10/09 at 14:03:43
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1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nc6 3Nc3 is the Three Knights (Game) (in the Open Games).

1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nf6 3Nc3 is the Russian Three Knights (Game). 
As 3...Nc6! would transpose to the Four Knights and 3...d6 to the Philidor Defence and as other moves (3...Bd6, 3...Qe7) are simply weaker (?), 3...Bb4!? is the only independent try for Black.
Generally 3...Bb4 is considered slighty/microscopically weaker than 3...Nc6 (because of the line given by drkodos) but still close to equality.
Most books about the Petroff have some notes on 3Nc3 Bb4, besides Janjgava also Raetsky/Tchetverik (Everyman 2005) - they do not see real problems for black in this line.

If I remember correctly 3Nc3 was the way Shirov fought against Kramnik´s Petroff in their match Carzola 1998.
First Kramnik tried 3...Bb4, later he switched to 3...Nc6.
(PS: I was wrong. In Carzola there was only one game with 2Nf3 Nf6 3Nc3, Kramnik played 3...Nc6 and had no special problems in a Spanisch 4Knights. - Obviously I mixed the real match games with an interview after Carzola when Kramnik talked about match preparation. 1993-1995 Shirov used to play the 4Knights via 2Nf3 Nc6 3Nc3 Nf6 and had some games with 2Nf3 Nf6 3Nc3 Bb4, for example: Shirov-Jussupow, Bundesliga9495, draw, or Shirov-Akopian, Linares 1995, 1:0)

tracke  Smiley

PS: I don´t understand your problems with 1e4 Nf6 2Nc3 d5 3exd5 Nxd5 4Bc4, when black has 4...e6/4...c6/4...Be6 or (most popular and maybe best) 4...Nb6 5Bb3 Nc6 with an easy game. If you don´t know what to do then play Nc6-a5xb3 and try to take use of your bishops.
« Last Edit: 01/11/09 at 13:29:08 by tracke »  
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Re: Three knight (main line?)
Reply #3 - 01/10/09 at 12:33:26
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DrSnuggles wrote on 01/10/09 at 12:31:59:
Thank you very much. That was fast Smiley.


I play a lot of Blitz.  Wink

I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission.
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Re: Three knight (main line?)
Reply #2 - 01/10/09 at 12:31:59
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Thank you very much. That was fast Smiley.

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Re: Three knight (main line?)
Reply #1 - 01/10/09 at 12:29:36
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DrSnuggles wrote on 01/10/09 at 12:14:30:


What is the accual name of this line?
What is the theoretical mainline?
Important sidelines?
Any newer books about it?
Is it rubbish?
And is my reasoning just wrong?

I hope that someone takes time to answer and forgive me for my ignorance. 


No name that I know of, but I would guess it has one.

There is some good info on this line in Petroff books, in particular The Petroff by Lasha Janjgava.

It is not rubbish, but the "main line" theory allows White to maintain a slight pull.  According to Janjgava, this line offers white "slightly more chances for an advantage" than the Four Knights.

Main Line Thoery goes:

4. Nxe5 0-0  5. Be2 Re8  6. Nd3 Bxc3  7. dxc3 Nxe4  8. Nf4 d6  9. 0-0 Nd7  10. c4 a5  11. f3 Nec5 12. b3 Qf6 and White keeps a slight advantage.

I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission.
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Three knight (main line?)
01/10/09 at 12:14:30
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I have 1902 in rating. That means I have to face alot of so called club opening variations. Well, I have decided not to give my opponents any "free moves" in the future. Free moves=easy to find moves.

I mostly play the Alekhine as black and often have to play against

1. e4 Nf6
2. Nc3 d5
3. exd5 Nxd5
4. Bc4 etc

The problem is that I do not get anywhere against this and it is so easy for white to play.

I have therefore decided to play 

1. e4 Nf6
2. Nc3 e5

Instead, reaching a Vienna or some four knights opening. I noticed that many advocates of 2.Nc3 are just bluffing and no nill about the latter e4 e5 openings.

The bluffers play 3. Nf3 and, as said, no free moves, so I go 3...Bb4.

I have looked in chessbase and work out how to play the araising positions, what type positions there is and such.


What is the accual name of this line?
What is the theoretical mainline?
Important sidelines?
Any newer books about it?
Is it rubbish?
And is my reasoning just wrong?

I hope that someone takes time to answer and forgive me for my ignorance. 


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