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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) NEW BDG BOOK (Read 231629 times)
IM Christoph Wisnewski
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Reply #21 - 02/07/09 at 20:03:19
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drkodos wrote on 02/07/09 at 19:52:03:
What do you play against 3. ...f5?

Why it seems always the good moves for Black just complete ignored?

In that aspect I am sure you will find my book quite refreshing.

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Reply #20 - 02/07/09 at 19:52:03
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What do you play against 3. ...f5?

Why it seems always the good moves for Black just complete ignored?

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Reply #19 - 02/07/09 at 04:35:23
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Here is what I play against the following lines.

I. 5...e6, Euwe Defense

6 Bg5 Be7 7 Bd3  and now if 7...Nc6 then 8 00! the Zilbermints Gambit

II. 5...Bg4, Teichmann Defense, Accepted Variation
   6 h3 Bxf3 7 Qxf3 c6 8 g4! Seidel-Hall Attack
                                 8 Qf2, Cieselski Attack
                                 8 Be3  Old Main Line

III. 5...c6, Ziegler (Coward's Move) Defense
     6 Bc4 
     6 Bd3

IV. 5...g6, Bogoljubow Defense

    6 Bc4 Bg7 7 00 00 8 h3!? Studier Attack, Zilbermints Variation
 The move 8 h3 prevents Black's most powerful response, 8...Bg4! with the idea of exchanging the Nf3.

Try something like this:

6 Bc4 Bg7 7 00 00 8 h3!? Nbd7 9 Qe1 Nb6 10 Bd3 c6 11 Qh4 Nbd5 12 Bh6 with an edge for White after ...Ng5!

I did a lot of analyses on the 8 h3 variation, both in OTB tournaments and over the Internet Chess club. The move 8 h3 looks harmless enough, so Black often reacts passively. I win a lot of my games in less than 30 moves!

Peter Leisebein plays 5...g6 6 Bf4 Bg7 7 Qd2 00 8 000 with an attack on the Kingside.

If you want to play the regular Studier Attack lines, 5...g6 6 Bc4 Bg7 7 00 00 8 Qe1 then go ahead. However you better memorize  8...Bg4! 9 Qh4 Nc6 10 Be3 Bxf3 11 Rxf3 e5 12 Rh3 and the ensuing complications. The database gives three White wins and six draws, with nothing for Black.
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Reply #18 - 02/06/09 at 22:41:09
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I think ArKheiN may be thinking partly in terms of how easy a position is to play rather than just objective merits.  White's position might, objectively, be equal at best with best play by both sides.  But below master level White's position is the easier to play- and results on databases overwhelmingly bear this out.  It is like the Lasker philosophy of playing the moves that aren't necessarily best, but are most likely to unsettle the opponent.

I don't think much of ...e6 (Euwe), I think White may well get full compensation for the pawn in that line.  6.Bg5 Be7 7.Qd2 is probably best.  Or 5...g6, which can be met by a plan with Qd2 and 0-0-0, instead of the traditional main line with Bc4, 0-0 and Qe1-h4 which is unclear at best.  Against 5...Bg4 I also fancy White's chances of getting full compensation- 6.h3 Bxf3 7.Qxf3  c6 and now 8.Be3 might be OK while many others prefer 8.g4.

On the other hand 5...c6 is certainly a tough nut to crack, I'm not convinced that White has enough if Black defends very accurately there (I have already had lengthy discussions with ArKheiN and MNb about the line 6.Bc4 Bf5 7.Bg5 e6 8.Qe2 and think it is unclear if White really gets enough against 8...Bb4!).  I haven't done any analysis of 5...Bf5.
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Reply #17 - 02/06/09 at 20:55:16
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@Antillian, White gave a pawn on move 2, so they lost their opening advantage against Black's best play. But I believe White is not worse (I don't play to do a draw with White here, but I have to keep a balance). And I say that White's dynamical equality is challenged in a few lines.
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Reply #16 - 02/06/09 at 20:25:58
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The opening is O.K for suprise value which can be more valuable than theoretical value against unprepared oponents.

I have defended many a white BDG with white 3 V 2 pawns on Kingside and this did my rook and pawn endings defensive knowledge no harm at all.

It is interesting to note Andrew Martins comment that ...e6(Euwe Defense) as a good defense for black when he so ambitiously praised whites attack in his video if I remember correctly (especially against the Gallagher recomendation from his anti KID book). Has he changed his mind or was he "selling the dream" as usual.

He also failed to mention the ....f5 move which has been mentioned and discussed on another thread at present and is in my opinion the best defence to stay a pawn ahead with very little compensation for white. Perhaps he would argue this is an anti Dutch an technically not a BDG.

Anyhow, it would be interesting to hear his views on this defense.

Nelson. Wink
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Reply #15 - 02/06/09 at 18:41:59
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ArKheiN wrote on 02/06/09 at 18:38:54:
Well I can't say "it's impossible that Black may be better", because I don't know. But I have studied it enough to know where are the hot lines where my challenge is to prove that White has still equality and where Black will try to prove that they have at least a small advantage.

Further irony again here. 

Isn't it Black that is supposed to fight for equality in chess?

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Reply #14 - 02/06/09 at 18:38:54
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Well I can't say "it's impossible that Black may be better", because I don't know. But I have studied it enough to know where are the hot lines where my challenge is to prove that White has still equality and where Black will try to prove that they have at least a small advantage. 

For example when MI Martin say 5..Bf5 is good, I say yes, for equality it's really sufficient, but I don't know any line in the 5..Bf5 variation that put the BDG in great danger.
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Reply #13 - 02/06/09 at 18:28:23
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ArKheiN wrote on 02/06/09 at 18:23:19:
Everybody say the BDG is bad. But how much of them manage to show that? IM Martin has for sure interesting ideas for Black against the BDG. But GM Prié and many good Black corr. players have too, but many of them just couldn't beat the BDG. Yes, 5..c6, 5..Ff5 5..Bg4 5..g6 5..e6 etc are fine, let's say "at least equalitzed", but there are really really few lines where Black has a real chance for a small advantage. And I am open for any challenge about the BDG in the forum where I will defend White, as ever Smiley

Don't you see the irony of what you are saying here? 

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Reply #12 - 02/06/09 at 18:23:19
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Everybody say the BDG is bad. But how much of them manage to show that? IM Martin has for sure interesting ideas for Black against the BDG. But GM Prié and many good Black corr. players have too, but many of them just couldn't beat the BDG. Yes, 5..c6, 5..Ff5 5..Bg4 5..g6 5..e6 etc are fine, let's say "at least equalitzed", but there are really really few lines where Black has a real chance for a small advantage. And I am open for any challenge about the BDG in the forum where I will defend White, as ever Smiley
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Reply #11 - 02/06/09 at 18:02:58
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An opinion is not worth very much if it is not strong.  What is better, a weak opinion?  One that is ill founded?  One not well considered or the one that goes unmentioned?   

Unfortunately, too many people in the world have become enamored with the idea that a strong opinion is a wrong opinion and we have become so very afraid of expressing ourselves because of it.

Being wrong is not such a bad thing anyway.  Nothing to be scared of.

The BGD IS weak and unsound and a poor choice for white.

I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission.
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Reply #10 - 02/06/09 at 17:50:27
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I liked to see Andrew mentioned it as "unsound". I wanted to mention that but hestitated as it may be seen too strong.

I actually watched the video Andrew was a video cassette. It was fun....a lot of tactics. But if you have good defensive skills, you can follow any of the lines Andrew mentioned, and play for win from black side.
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Reply #9 - 02/06/09 at 17:10:42
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I remember well recording a Foxy Openings Video on this subject. The BDG can be used for fun,surprise and to learn tactics.

Objectively,it is totally unsound. There are several good replies, 5...c6, 5...Bf5 and 5...g6, 5...e6 and 5...Bg4 are all better for Black if you know them. But are the byways of this opening common knowledge? Probably not.

Gary Lane's book was interesting and Tim Sawyer wrote a massive keybook on the subject.

I just wonder how much new stuff there really is, apart from lots of games from the last 10 years which basically tread the same boards.

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Reply #8 - 02/06/09 at 12:53:47
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I am just around a 2000 rated player. So my results may not matter but I did win 4 times I played the black side of BDG.

What I wonder is we have only 2 books on Quens Indian - one may years old and the other just came in. With that in mind, prioritizing BDG seems to me odd. 

But I agree 100% that BDG is fun. You know what - I play  Tromp line which is like BDG but gives an extra tempo to white (as Bf4).
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Reply #7 - 02/04/09 at 14:15:46
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ArKheiN wrote on 02/04/09 at 10:12:48:
saubhikr, do you believe that -2200 wins more with a 30 move-theory spanish book than with a BDG? Would you win against every BDG you could face? The BDG is proved to be worse for White than for Black? If yes, is it easy to prove that?  White players couldn't learn anything from the BDG, couldn't they win or have fun win it? A BDG book is not less respectable than any other chess opening book.

Im interested by your responses saubhikr.

I'm fortunate that I have enough money to spend on chess books, so I'll probably buy this just to find out what White's resources are.  While I fundamentally agree with you that the BDG is tough enough to warrant a book, I also share saubhikr's annoyance that a work on this stupid gambit now appears, demanding the expenditure of those who wish to stay well-informed.

Saubhikr can't believe Everyman is serious.  Well, they are serious, serious about making money.

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