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Normal Topic BDG alchemy variation with Bg6 (Read 7689 times)
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Re: BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
Reply #6 - 04/19/11 at 14:15:10
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So we are supporting  'practical chances ' here, and entire threads on a gambit line in Eeuwes defence get locked..??!

This Alchemy variation is just all the same, white has NO compensation at all with best play by black.
For example SWJediknights line, seems good enough to bust white.

Also 12. h4 or 12. Bc1....nice to recommend this stuff, but it's the same as in the gambits line in Eeuwes defence. make it work for white, otherwise its just pure trash.
Just my humble opinion..
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Re: BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
Reply #5 - 04/13/11 at 17:50:40
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A good question, I'm not sure what White has here, though maybe others might have better ideas.  One idea is 16.Nxe6 fxe6 17.Rg4 Bf5 18.Rxg7+ Kh8 19.Bxe6, though it doesn't offer White quite enough after 19...Qf6.  Alternatively 16.Ne4 Nb6 17.Bd3 Nd5 is annoying for White (18.Rg4 Qc7).

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Re: BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
Reply #4 - 04/13/11 at 17:41:26
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I think it's better to spot my question here as it is the special thread.
After 8...Bg6 9.Ne2 Bd6 10.Nf4 Bxf4 11.Bxf4 0-0 12.c3 Nd5 Scheerer suggests 13.Qg4!? Nd7 14.Qg3 Nxf4 15.Rxf4. Now he only mentioned 15...Nf6 and 15...c5. But what's with 15...h6? I didn't find any good answer. Can anybody help?   
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Stefan Buecker
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Re: BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
Reply #3 - 02/28/09 at 22:04:38
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(1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3) 4...c6 5.Bc4 exf3 6.Nxf3 Bf5 7.0-0 e6 8.Ng5. The Alchemy Variation. 8...Bg6! 9.Ne2! (Peter Leisebein) 9...Bd6 10.Nf4 Bxf4 11.Bxf4 Nd5. It seems that "theory" (e. g. in ) gives 12.Bc1 as the best reply for White, while I'd prefer 12.h4. (I had already posted this elsewhere, but this seems to be the better place for mentioning the idea.)
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Re: BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
Reply #2 - 02/27/09 at 01:57:14
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That is why the line is important. It could refute the BDG unless white has compensation. Personally I think that white has some compensation but is it enough.

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Re: BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
Reply #1 - 02/26/09 at 06:36:51
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I'm not sure I trust the Alchemy Variation. Though I admit to not knowing the analyses well, it strikes me as Black's position is solid.
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BDG alchemy variation with Bg6
02/26/09 at 04:59:53
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We seem to be discussing various lines of the BDG in the one thread so I have started new threads for individual variations.

1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf 5.Nxf3 c6 6.Bc4 Bf5 7.0-0 e6 8.Ng5 alchemy variation mentioned previously8...Bxg6 

This is currently one of the critical variations of the BDG 

I am hopelessly addicted to the King's Gambit
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