Markovich wrote on 08/07/09 at 13:10:00:
Also, rip-roaring, open chess may not be to the taste of many who like Black's side of the ultra-closed Mar del Plata.
Having recently played in a tournament where 4 out of 5 games were KID's against me, I decided to buy this book. Your point above is IMO bang on, the KID players I know aren't going to like these positions with an opened up centre with white firing away with heavy pieces. It is not for faint of heart white players either - few slow endgames a pawn up here, not about positional queenside pressure like so many KID lines. This is all about using whites tempo / space to fight to the death through the middle in the middle game - a courageous way to play chess (esp. given it is for d4 players).
Reading this book, there is quite a bit to learn / memorize (as the lines are not always intuitive), but is manageable, and I have more time to learn it than a KID player does (who needs to stay on top of all the other variations). The beauty of these lines is that many are forcing - one mistake, and black is doomed to an inferior position with no easy way to "wing it".
I think KIL KID is a wonderful book - it inspires a lot of confidence, and while it is no doubt not perfect (no opening, or opening book, is), it is perfect enough IMO, that a lot of black KID players are going to be in a tooth and nail struggle just to stay on the board, rather than trying to expand into and bash away at my king. I couldn't have asked for more - great book, thanks Semkov.