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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Is there any advantage in four pawns attack? (Read 21081 times)
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #8 - 03/29/09 at 21:25:24
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Ender wrote on 03/29/09 at 11:53:14:
I still think 7.Nh5 is eqalizer. I don't argue that your line is playabe, it's just too risky. I want variation where i can choose between some continuations.

This strikes me as a bit odd. Isn't the Four Pawns full of lines in which both sides are walking tightropes?
« Last Edit: 03/30/09 at 01:57:12 by MNb »  

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #7 - 03/29/09 at 21:10:54
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Everytime I choose the KI I hope that White plays something overextending and overcommitting - the 4 Pawns is the best example. White goes for the kill and burns all his bridges - let's just wait for the counterchance. 

Perhaps there is a theoretical advantage in the 4PA (consult Vaisser) but in a practical game it mostly turns out to be a mess where Black has his fair share of chances.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #6 - 03/29/09 at 20:18:12
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If White had "a way to get advantage" in the Four Pawns, it would presumably be a lot more common than it is.  I mean, even the Classical seems usually regarded as leading to equal or unclear positions in the best-play lines.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #5 - 03/29/09 at 18:47:43
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Interestingly Markos lost as black last October in the following game:

[Event "WMSG Rapid Pair 1st"]
[Site "Beijing"]
[Date "2008.10.09"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Dao Thien Hai"]
[Black "Markos, Jan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E90"]
[WhiteElo "2510"]
[BlackElo "2557"]
[PlyCount "73"]
[EventType "swiss (rapid)"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. h3 e5 7. d5 Nh5 8. g3 a5 9. Be2 Na6 10. Be3 Bd7 11. Nd2 Nf6 12. g4 c6 13. h4 Ne8 14. h5 Bf6 15. Nf1 Bg5 16. Qd2 h6 17. hxg6 fxg6 18. Bxg5 hxg5 19. f3 Qf6 20. O-O-O c5 21. Ne3 Rf7 22.Rh3 Rh7 23. Rdh1 Rxh3 24. Rxh3 Nac7 25. Kb1 Ng7 26. Rh6 Kf7 27. Nf5 Rg8 28. Nd1 b6 29. Nf2 Be8 30. Nh3 Nxf5 31. Nxg5+ Ke7 32. exf5 Qf8 33. Nh7 Qf7 34. Qg5+ Kd7
35. Nf6+ Kc8 36. Nxg8 Qxg8 37. Qf6 1-0
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #4 - 03/29/09 at 11:53:14
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Nelson wrote on 03/29/09 at 11:37:33:

I've already offered you a playable suggestion against the 7..Nh5 line but you've yet to indicate why it's no good apart from ...Ng2 check and what seemed to be an incorrect evaluation based on material and statics.
Have all Grandmasters given up this line because of ...Nh5 ??

It seems odd that move 7 prompts you to give up a variation completely.

Nelson. Roll Eyes

Hi Nelson!
You give me line where i need to sacrifice material and i don't like to n such situation where i NEED to sacrifice something and don't have alternatives.
I still think 7.Nh5 is eqalizer. I don't argue that your line is playabe, it's just too risky. I want variation where i can choose between some continuations.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #3 - 03/29/09 at 11:37:33
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I've already offered you a playable suggestion against the 7..Nh5 line but you've yet to indicate why it's no good apart from ...Ng2 check and what seemed to be an incorrect evaluation based on material and statics.
Have all Grandmasters given up this line because of ...Nh5 ??

It seems odd that move 7 prompts you to give up a variation completely.

Nelson. Roll Eyes
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #2 - 03/29/09 at 10:54:16
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Novosibirsk wrote on 03/29/09 at 10:05:05:
Just before you abandomn the Makogonov...have you studied Krasenkows games in this variation ? He is a slaughtermachine with a 80% score

Yes, but he don't play this variation recently. I think the reason may be 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 Nf3 0-0 6 h3 e5 7 d5 Nh5 . I think white is no better there, and black has an easy game.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #1 - 03/29/09 at 10:05:05
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Just before you abandomn the Makogonov...have you studied Krasenkows games in this variation ? He is a slaughtermachine with a 80% score

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Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
03/28/09 at 20:52:50
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Dear chess friends!
After couple of months I definitely gave up Krasenkov/Makagonov system, since black have nice possibilites with quick Nh5 (as pointed out in a recent Markos book).
Now I'm thinking about 4 pawns attack. Is this line theoretically betterer than Krasenkow/Makagonov? Is there any way to get advantage there?

Or maybe someone can recommand me some books on this variation?
I know Konikowski's and Vaisser's books. Which is better?
Thank You

2200. Amateur!
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