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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Is there any advantage in four pawns attack? (Read 21118 times)
Dink Heckler
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #23 - 04/02/09 at 11:47:25
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Taylor's book contains such gems as game reference Taylor - NN, Budapest subway, 2006, and some truly crappy analysis and wildly optimistic assessments. 

A great book to get the barbecue started with.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #22 - 04/01/09 at 10:02:46
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Bibs wrote on 04/01/09 at 04:57:21:
Markovich wrote on 03/31/09 at 20:35:51:
Ender wrote on 03/31/09 at 19:47:31:

It's quite interesting to see if white can hope for an advantage in those 'quasi-maroczy' positions. Many black palyers dont like such positions.
Anyway, what's if black plays e5 instead of c5? i think this is playable alternative.

The standard answer is fxe5 followed by d5, which many people think guarantees some advantage to White.

As Markovich notes, this is given as the standard response. This line is also covered in Dangerous Weapons. 

Regarding the statement regarding black players not liking maroczys - how do you know? Simply 'casual empiricism'? I was always quite happy.

Ok i ordered my copy of Dangerous Weapons.
I think many of KID-player don't like maroczy set-up since this is just different kind of play than king's indian. Much more positional and white don't risk so much as in Bayonnet and other. Black do't have so active plan and so easy counterplay.

MNb wrote on 04/01/09 at 02:03:41:
Ender wrote on 03/31/09 at 19:47:31:

It's quite interesting to see if white can hope for an advantage in those 'quasi-maroczy' positions. Many black palyers dont like such positions.

At the other hand f2-f4 is not a popular move in the real Maroczy-Bind vs. the Accelerated Dragon.

Yess, You are right. I played Accelerated Dragon as black for some time so maybe line recommanded by Taylor will suit my style.

Thanks for all responses.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #21 - 04/01/09 at 04:57:21
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Markovich wrote on 03/31/09 at 20:35:51:
Ender wrote on 03/31/09 at 19:47:31:

It's quite interesting to see if white can hope for an advantage in those 'quasi-maroczy' positions. Many black palyers dont like such positions.
Anyway, what's if black plays e5 instead of c5? i think this is playable alternative.

The standard answer is fxe5 followed by d5, which many people think guarantees some advantage to White.

As Markovich notes, this is given as the standard response. This line is also covered in Dangerous Weapons. 

Regarding the statement regarding black players not liking maroczys - how do you know? Simply 'casual empiricism'? I was always quite happy.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #20 - 04/01/09 at 02:03:41
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Ender wrote on 03/31/09 at 19:47:31:

It's quite interesting to see if white can hope for an advantage in those 'quasi-maroczy' positions. Many black palyers dont like such positions.

At the other hand f2-f4 is not a popular move in the real Maroczy-Bind vs. the Accelerated Dragon.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #19 - 03/31/09 at 20:35:51
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Ender wrote on 03/31/09 at 19:47:31:

It's quite interesting to see if white can hope for an advantage in those 'quasi-maroczy' positions. Many black palyers dont like such positions.
Anyway, what's if black plays e5 instead of c5? i think this is playable alternative.

The standard answer is fxe5 followed by d5, which many people think guarantees some advantage to White.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #18 - 03/31/09 at 19:47:31
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Markovich wrote on 03/31/09 at 17:33:09:
Taylor's book purports to be about the 4PA, and in a sense, it is.  But he transposes into what is essentially a Maroczy where White plays f4 instead of f3.  That is to say, he doesn't push his d-pawn after ...c5.  This is not really the 4PA as most people think of it.

At any rate, I have no interest in that way of playing it, which is why I didn't buy his book once I had browsed it in the bookstore.  

Personally I would recommend Vaiser's book, though it's getting a little old.

It's quite interesting to see if white can hope for an advantage in those 'quasi-maroczy' positions. Many black palyers dont like such positions.
Anyway, what's if black plays e5 instead of c5? i think this is playable alternative.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #17 - 03/31/09 at 17:46:11
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Hi Bonsai

if you look at the other thread I think you'll find 10...f5 a better try for black

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #16 - 03/31/09 at 17:33:09
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Taylor's book purports to be about the 4PA, and in a sense, it is.  But he transposes into what is essentially a Maroczy where White plays f4 instead of f3.  That is to say, he doesn't push his d-pawn after ...c5.  This is not really the 4PA as most people think of it.

At any rate, I have no interest in that way of playing it, which is why I didn't buy his book once I had browsed it in the bookstore.   

Personally I would recommend Vaiser's book, though it's getting a little old.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #15 - 03/31/09 at 12:45:53
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I didn't think Taylor's was worth buying. It got some shocking reviews. 

Start with Flear in DW:KID.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #14 - 03/31/09 at 12:13:53
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Bibs wrote on 03/31/09 at 10:49:15:
If there was a definite advantage then the KID would be dead presumably. But 4 pawns - as worthy as any approach. 

Unfortunate wording of the question aside, strongly suggest you pick up a copy of Dangerous Weapons: KID. Good range of material contained therein. Best in the DW series thus far I humbly opine.
Should be something in there for you Ender - Flear's stuff on 4 pawns may tickle your fancy.

Thank You Bibs. I'll check this book.
And waht about T.Taylor's book on beating KID? Is this a good book?

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #13 - 03/31/09 at 10:49:15
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If there was a definite advantage then the KID would be dead presumably. But 4 pawns - as worthy as any approach. 

Unfortunate wording of the question aside, strongly suggest you pick up a copy of Dangerous Weapons: KID. Good range of material contained therein. Best in the DW series thus far I humbly opine.
Should be something in there for you Ender - Flear's stuff on 4 pawns may tickle your fancy.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #12 - 03/30/09 at 15:04:24
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I think black is quite fine in the 4-pawns, at least theoretically.
But in the end you better chose a system that suits you than to go for a theoretical advantage, at least if there the difference of advantage is < 0.5.
As black I rather play a benoni with +0.6 for white than a Queen's Gambit Declined with +0.2 for white.
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #11 - 03/30/09 at 10:39:00
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MNb wrote on 03/30/09 at 02:09:26:
That is the part I understand. The part I don't understand is why you would consider the Four Pawns Attack. It is very likely that you will meet a couple of lines where White also NEEDS to sacrifice to maintain equality. That is because of its sharp and ambitious nature: White spends two tempi to establish a space advantage and a broad centre.
With your motivation I would say you'd better look somewhere else: Sämisch, Awerbach, Seirawan to name a few.

I also think there is no advantage in samisch+ it's too theoretical.
I found Krasenkow and 4 pawns interesting because those variations are not so well-known and there is much place to impove.
But in Nh5 line it's too easy for black to get advantage and Nh5 was played against me in 4 last KID games (it's the most logical move). I lost 3 games...
So maybe 4 pawns is better try. In Krasenkow it's just too easy for black to get equal game.

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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #10 - 03/30/09 at 02:09:26
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That is the part I understand. The part I don't understand is why you would consider the Four Pawns Attack. It is very likely that you will meet a couple of lines where White also NEEDS to sacrifice to maintain equality. That is because of its sharp and ambitious nature: White spends two tempi to establish a space advantage and a broad centre.
With your motivation I would say you'd better look somewhere else: Sämisch, Awerbach, Seirawan to name a few.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Is there any advantage in four pawns attack?
Reply #9 - 03/29/09 at 21:35:21
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MNb wrote on 03/29/09 at 21:25:24:
Ender wrote on 03/29/09 at 11:53:14:
I still think 7.Nh5 is eqalizer. I don't argue that your line is playabe, it's just too risky. I want variation where i can choose between some continuations.

This strikes me as a bit odd. Isn't the Four Pawns full of lines in which both sides are walking thightropes?

Maybe, but in line advoated by Nelson i NEED to sacrifice something in order to get only equal game. That's why I'm looking for something else.

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