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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) How good is Barry Attack ? (Read 29430 times)
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #16 - 06/30/09 at 12:52:04
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Barry is a good way to play against someone who is considerably stronger than I am. I'm around 1750 but have won against two +2000 players with normal time controls in tournaments. I would have had no chance playing the normal KI lines...
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #15 - 06/28/09 at 01:52:31
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I think the Barry (which involves e3) and the Tarzan (which involves playing Qd2 to go for a quick Bh6, and so delaying e3) are both fully playable.  Black has to know what he is doing to avoid trouble.  Lately, though, I play more the Black side and do not especially fear it.  I recently made a blog post with some useful links:
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #14 - 06/27/09 at 15:14:42
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Sandman wrote on 06/21/09 at 01:57:36:
From white's viewpoint, is the Barry attack better than the colle? I see many colle's or KIA's but no Barry's in my tournament area.  Roll Eyes

After 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6, both Summerscale and Palliser recommend that White should play 3.Nc3, heading for either the Barry or the 150 Attack.  Neither recommends the Colle vs the King's Indian.   

George Koltanowski, who was a big exponent of the Colle, also used to recommend that White play something else vs 1..Nf6 and 2..g6.  In Kolty's case, it was 3.g3 heading for a g3 King's Indian or Gruenfeld.

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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #13 - 06/26/09 at 15:13:23
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Not much love for the Barry attack................ Cheesy
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #12 - 06/21/09 at 01:57:36
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From white's viewpoint, is the Barry attack better than the colle? I see many colle's or KIA's but no Barry's in my tournament area.  Roll Eyes

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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #11 - 06/19/09 at 12:59:15
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I open with 1.d4 but to my eyes the moves of the Barry Attack don't seem intuitive.

I feel the same, but it works. Why? because white have it's share of space in the center, good control of it and, none the less, a little advantage in development. The only problem for white is to belive that you can kill black anyway what he does. You should be prepared to change your mind in case black is prepared to quickly open the center.

That's the reason why is a good DW because you are preparing an attack and black to sufocate it has to exchange pieces: Probably Draw.

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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #10 - 06/19/09 at 11:52:41
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I open with 1.d4 but to my eyes the moves of the Barry Attack don't seem intuitive.  Sad 
I have played through quite a few games by Summerscale, Hebden, etc, when they were beating the opponent with the Barry, and I liked the way they did, but still... 
  • I think most of the times I would feel I am just giving up on the space advantage that normally goes with c4.
  • I prefer tormenting opponents to immediately executing them. 
  • And more importantly, I don't like my game to hang on wild variations so early in the game.
Sorry for my English.

So, even though I shouldn't spend all my spare time studying opening variations (since I get to play way too few OTB games for that), I have to study the Grunfeld, the KID, the Maroczy Bind, etc, with an early c4 against "early ..g6"  systems.

Anyone shares my dislike? (1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Bf4 etc, e3, h3, etc)

*W 1d4) Torre/Barry/Pirc/Philidor/ early _d5:early c4(QGD/Slav/QGD/etc)
*B) 1e4:e6 [+1_c5 2Nf3 a6]| 1d4:e6 2c4 Bb4+ BID/pseudoNID [+1_Nf6 NID]| 1c4:c5,_Nc6,_e5,_g6| 1Nf3:c5
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #9 - 05/06/09 at 17:33:54
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Very good when White is the  lesser rated player

I think the same. A very good Drawing Weapon!!. DW  Wink

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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #8 - 05/05/09 at 19:09:28
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saubhikr wrote on 04/29/09 at 02:35:49:
Any opinion on how good is Barry Attack?

Very good when White is the  lesser rated player, as I found out to my cost just recently.

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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #7 - 05/05/09 at 16:50:07
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What is Tarzan attack and how it differs from Barry?

Thanks for the update Andrew!
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #6 - 05/05/09 at 15:39:00
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The Barry attack is very dangerous for those black players who are not ready for it. It's not that strong if you know the answer. Hebden tends to win more in the closely related Tarzan attack. Dembo's book on anti-KID gives some pointers as to what should be done.
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #5 - 05/04/09 at 21:14:05
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What a timing....if I had a few comment on the eBook, what will be the most appropriate way?
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #4 - 05/04/09 at 11:49:11
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The new playable eBook on the Barry has only just gone online, so you can see for yourself! Wink
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #3 - 05/03/09 at 11:03:24
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It offers less oportunities to fight for the advantage than the main lines, if black plays accurately, but it's an easy way to open a game of chess.

"Ladran, luego cabalgamos", NN
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Re: How good is Barry Attack ?
Reply #2 - 04/30/09 at 22:24:44
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Any other opinion....?
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