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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited (Read 13621 times)
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #17 - 06/20/09 at 21:21:12
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Well I agree that g5, as the Brits say, "looks a bit dodgy." I don't think he'll be looking at that. I do feel there's more than a good chance he'll have something on the fianchetto.

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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #16 - 06/20/09 at 11:14:12
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I have a hard time imagining Sokolov writing a whole book about odd stuff like 3...g5/a5/Na5 etc - Fide might revoke his GM-licence if he does that! Wink

So, I'd expect it to be about interesting (new?) ideas in the slightly less common main lines.

For one thing, I'd be interested in a combined rep for black in the Berlin and Open, 3...Nf6 4.0-0 Nxe4 5.d4 a6 6.Ba4 b5 7.Lb3 d5. Having two mainlines available, which both avoid the Exchange variation, seems like a nice idea. Smiley

Btw, has there been, or are there any new books coming on the Open since Flear's?
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Stefan Buecker
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #15 - 05/22/09 at 13:17:38
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Lev Gutman lately studied it in detail for a book review, according to him it is +/-. He found some improvements for White in the main line 4.0-0 Na7 5.Bc4 b5 6.Bxf7+ Kxf7 7.Nxe5+.
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #14 - 05/22/09 at 12:53:00
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Speaking of grotesque replies to the Spanish, how stands 3...a5 these days?  They call that the Bulgarian Defense, don't they?

Edit:  Ah, now I see it's mentioned above, but I'm still curious to know what White's best play is supposed to be.

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Stefan Buecker
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #13 - 05/21/09 at 14:56:34
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Probably it was the publisher who invented the grand title of the book. But who knows, Sokolov might at least include Alapin's Bb4, which shouldn't be missing in a book on offbeat RL systems. I wrote on it in Groteske Schacheröffnungen (1990; 11 pages), because I liked the system. Better sources are Gerard Welling's article in Yearbook and the book written by Bernhard Lach. 

Alapin later came to the conclusion that 3...a6 4.Ba4 Bb4 was more precise. However the key game Prokes - Alapin, Prague 1908, was no picnic: 5.c3 Ba5 6.0-0 Nge7 7.d4 exd4 8.cxd4 d5 9.exd5 Qxd5 10.Bb3 Qh5 11.d5 Ne5 12.Nxe5 Qxe5 13.Nc3 +/-. Alapin's recommendation was 11...Na7, but 12.Bd2 (Svenonius) refutes the idea. GSE said that Black could survive in the ending, but here I was too optimistic. 

After 3...Bb4 4.c3 Ba5 Black should be okay after 5.0-0 Nge7, but 5. Qa4 (Alapin) and 5.Bxc6 bxc6 6.Nxe5 are more critical. 
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #12 - 05/21/09 at 14:54:45
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You're lazy

Thanks to the industrious  Cheesy
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #11 - 05/21/09 at 14:48:07
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rossia wrote on 05/21/09 at 14:43:58:
tracke wrote on 05/19/09 at 14:58:52:
New in chess has announced a new opening book (according to

The Ruy Lopez Revisited: Offbeat Weapons and Unexplored Resources
by Ivan Sokolov
~240 pages, ~€23, forthcoming (december09)

Can you give us a link?

You're lazy!

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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #10 - 05/21/09 at 14:43:58
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tracke wrote on 05/19/09 at 14:58:52:
New in chess has announced a new opening book (according to

The Ruy Lopez Revisited: Offbeat Weapons and Unexplored Resources
by Ivan Sokolov
~240 pages, ~€23, forthcoming (december09)

Can you give us a link?
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #9 - 05/21/09 at 11:51:59
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Hadron wrote on 05/20/09 at 22:54:02:
That is why I am perplexed about your ‘We’ll see’ comment. It really does depend about which piece of theory you are alluding to and what source you are quoting from. If you are talking about the often quoted game Behting – Lebedew cr 1903? The playable improvement of 8…Be6 has been around for just as long having been suggested by Alapin himself and successfully used by the likes of Hector and Lach. Maybe the equally often quoted game of Geller – Taimanov , Zurich 1953 ? The playable gambit scheme of 10…Qe8 (intending d6 with f5 ) has also been around since year dot as well.

You are certainly reading an awful lot into one innocuous two-word comment!
I too am looking forward to seeing what Ivan analyses, I could do with a few more weapons against 1 e4 - in the past I have scored well with 3...Bc5, 3...g6 and other various odd lines, OTB these can be very effective.
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #8 - 05/20/09 at 22:54:02
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Greetings and obfuscations:
TonyRo wrote on 05/20/09 at 17:52:50:
I beat an IM with the Brentano recently in an ICC 15-minute game, got all excited, thinking "Maybe it's good!" and analyzed it for maybe 15 minutes, concluding it was terrible with good play from White.  Sad

If you have not read it, the great gentleman chess player I.M Gerald Welling wrote an article for 'The Myers Opening Bulletin' number 6 examining Brentano 3...g5 and a number of historical articles written by Alapin and Brentano himself. I was able to reproduce this article for the ‘Unorthodox Chess Openings’ Newsletter with corrected and improved information from Mr. Welling with his kind permission. Like any attacking system, there is always a degree of risk and as Mr. Welling’s original article says: The Brentano is not for mice!
Stefan Buecker wrote on 05/20/09 at 20:25:56:
All these critical comments... According to the Oxford Companion to Chess, Pollock, the inventor of 3...Na5, wrote on 3...Bb4: "It is even worse than my move, if only because less ridiculous." - Sokolov has certainly worked hard to find improvements for Black. We'll see.

Mr Buecker, I am big fan of your written work for the simply reason because anything you do produce is thorough both analytically and historically. That is why I am perplexed about your ‘We’ll see’ comment. It really does depend about which piece of theory you are alluding to and what source you are quoting from. If you are talking about the often quoted game Behting – Lebedew cr 1903? The playable improvement of 8…Be6 has been around for just as long having been suggested by Alapin himself and successfully used by the likes of Hector and Lach. Maybe the equally often quoted game of Geller – Taimanov , Zurich 1953 ? The playable gambit scheme of 10…Qe8 (intending d6 with f5 ) has also been around since year dot as well. Thank you for you time.

I'm reminded again of something Short wrote recently, approximately "The biggest fallacy in chess is the quasi-religious belief in the primacy of the opening."
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Stefan Buecker
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #7 - 05/20/09 at 20:25:56
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All these critical comments... According to the Oxford Companion to Chess, Pollock, the inventor of 3...Na5, wrote on 3...Bb4: "It is even worse than my move, if only because less ridiculous." - Sokolov has certainly worked hard to find improvements for Black. We'll see.
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #6 - 05/20/09 at 17:52:50
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I beat an IM with the Brentano recently in an ICC 15-minute game, got all excited, thinking "Maybe it's good!" and analyzed it for maybe 15 minutes, concluding it was terrible with good play from White.  Sad
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #5 - 05/20/09 at 17:15:13
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Stefan Buecker wrote on 05/19/09 at 21:20:17:
These unexplored resources will certainly make the offbeat weapons 3...g5 (Brentano), 3...f6 (Steinitz), 3...a5 (Popov) or 3...Bb4 (Alapin) much more popular than they recently are.

3. ...Bb4 is viable.  The others not so much, despite any amount or flavor Kool-aid with which they are imbibed.
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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #4 - 05/20/09 at 17:11:46
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The 3...a5 Popov line is not as daft as it looks.

However, I still prefer my treatment with 3...Na5 - which has previously been discussed elsewhere on this forum. I wonder whether Sokolov will cover that?

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Re: Sokolov: Ruy Lopez Revisited
Reply #3 - 05/19/09 at 21:28:17
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Stefan Buecker wrote on 05/19/09 at 21:20:17:
These unexplored resources will certainly make the offbeat weapons 3...g5 (Brentano), 3...f6 (Steinitz), 3...a5 (Popov)

You must be kidding....

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