I just finished one of my first ICCF games....and what a horrible showing. I have literally no idea what the hell happened in this game, but maybe some of you who are more experienced and better than me can help me work it all out.
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e6 4. Nc3 exd5 5. cxd5 d6 6. e4 g6 7. f4 Bg7 8. Nf3 0-0 9. Be2 Bg4 10. 0-0 Nbd7 11. h3 Bxf3 12. Bxf3 Re8 13. g4 Qa5 14. e5 dxe5 15. g5 Nh5 16. Bxh5 gxh5 17. f5 e4 18. f6 Bf8 19. Qxh5 Ne5 20. Bf4 Nd3 21. Kh1 e3 22. Rf3 Qb4 23. Bxe3 Qxb2 24. Rg1 Kh8 25. Rfg3 Ne5 26. Bf4 Ng6 27. Qg4 b5 28. h4 b4 29. h5 Nxf4 30. g6 Nxg6 31. hxg6 fxg6 32. Qh3 bxc3 33. Rxg6 Bd6 34. f7 Qe2 35. fxe8Q+ Rxe8 36. R6g2 Qe4 37. Qg4 Qxg4 38. Rxg4 Rf8 39. Rc1 Rf3 40. Rc4 Rh3+ 41. Kg2 Rh2+ 42. Kf3 Rxa2 43. Rg1 Rb2 44. Re4 Rb8 45. Ke3 h6 46. Kd3 Rb4 47. Rg6 Rxe4 48. c2 49. Rxh6+ Kg7 50. Rh1 Kf6 51. Rc1 a5 52. Rxc2 c4 53. Ke7 54. Rc6 Kd7 And here we agreed a draw, since Black has a fortress.
I won't say too much about the game before I get some opinions, since I don't want to influence anyone else, but I will say I was happy to find the idea of 20. Bf4 Nd3 21. Kh1 Nxb2 22. g6!!+-, which I thought was nice, even though it looks like 21...e3 22. Rf3 e2! will leave Black better. I was fuming mad once I realized 47. Rg6 led by force to a draw, since I'm sure there are other moves that win. I played 14. e5 partially because it looked interesting and fun, and partially because I felt like ...Qa5 was some kind of a violation. I didn't think it really belonged there, and it's now quite far away from the kingside....
I learned some things about CC as well. Take your damn time, and computers can really suck at chess. Since this tourney (where I am likely to go +2 =4), I've played in another of the same type of tourney against similar rated players, and I'm like to go either +5 =1 or +6.
Hopefully there are no typos in the pgn, it's from memory, since I'm bored at work.....
Hope you guys enjoy!