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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Which SI to play? (Read 34133 times)
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #68 - 10/31/09 at 01:02:51
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Perhaps you, Gorath, should trawl through the [i]possible[/i] moves rather than looking at what's already been played. Some ideas:

a) 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Qc7 (my recommendation, Chess Assistant 10 shows only 2 games, both of them in Under Ten Girls of youth chapionships)
b) 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nh6- known as the left hook variation I believe
c) the Dragondorf (...g6 then 6...a6)
d) 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Bc5-I've only ever met this once, but it seems playable.
e) 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 (folks were worried about this??) g6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Bg7, with NO chance of a Maroczy- this satisfies your original criteria.

Note that 5...Qc7 involves taking on the complexities of 6. Bg5 Nbd7 7. Bb5, which are undocumented as yet,  but see the attached.

validat____Qc7_001.pgn ( 2 KB | Downloads )

Daniel Fernandez, Singapore (FIDE 2230 Sep.)
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #67 - 10/07/09 at 18:36:37
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Perhaps the Sveshnikov fits the "not 500 pages of theory" condition -- the new Informant monograph on it is only 320 pages   Smiley
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #66 - 10/07/09 at 18:07:05
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Gorath wrote on 08/01/09 at 14:50:48:
I've been thinking about adding a SI system to my opening repertoire, to increase my winning chances against slightly weaker opponents. My own rating is between 2000 and 2100.

I'm not sure which system to choose though.

Points to consider:
- No Maroczy bind!
- Not 500 pages of theory.
- Has to be theoretically okay. So either equality or tricky play and += with a playable position.
- Neither strictly positional nor complete chaos. I would like some action but I want to understand what's going on. Wink
- Sacking a pawn or an exchange for initiative would be okay for me.
- No easy draw for white.
- I have no problem with doubled pawns if I get something for it.

My ideas so far:
a) 2. - Nc6 4. - e5 5. Nb5 a6 6. Nd6 Bxd6 7. Qxd6 Qf6
b) Grivas; 2. - Nc6, then quick Qb6
c) O'Kelly 2.- a6

I would appreciate suggestions. Smiley

There's much fun (and if not, why play the Sicilian at all?!) in employing the Sveshnikov of all. There's a very good repertoire book on it - 'The Easiest Sicilian' by Atanas Kolev and Trajko Nedev. They give a good insight into the Sveshnikov to feel like trying it. Also, there's a good 2DVD package by Andrew Martin to start playing it from scratch.
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #65 - 09/14/09 at 04:49:43
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MNb wrote on 09/14/09 at 03:30:16:
Markovich wrote on 09/08/09 at 00:44:51:

Inspired by this thread, I shall soon be opening in the 1.e4 ... section of this board a discussion of whether the Pirc Defense should more correctly be referred to as the Pirc-Ufimtzev, a question that has vexed me for many years.

Don't forget the Tartakower-Makagonov.

Don't forget Bondarevsky.  TMB.
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #64 - 09/14/09 at 03:30:16
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Markovich wrote on 09/08/09 at 00:44:51:

Inspired by this thread, I shall soon be opening in the 1.e4 ... section of this board a discussion of whether the Pirc Defense should more correctly be referred to as the Pirc-Ufimtzev, a question that has vexed me for many years.

Don't forget the Tartakower-Makagonov.

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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #63 - 09/08/09 at 04:13:45
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Markovich wrote on 09/08/09 at 00:44:51:

Inspired by this thread, I shall soon be opening in the 1.e4 ... section of this board a discussion of whether the Pirc Defense should more correctly be referred to as the Pirc-Ufimtzev, a question that has vexed me for many years.

Surprise surprise
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #62 - 09/08/09 at 02:52:29
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(Could not resist  Grin) but in the spirit of markovich's posting, what about the 1...g6 or 1...d6 2...g6? The Modern? The Rat? The Robatsch?
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #61 - 09/08/09 at 00:44:51
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I am sure that the International Registry of Names of Chess Opening will be most interested to learn of the disputations here.  Someone should forward the whole thread to them.

Inspired by this thread, I shall soon be opening in the 1.e4 ... section of this board a discussion of whether the Pirc Defense should more correctly be referred to as the Pirc-Ufimtzev, a question that has vexed me for many years.

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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #60 - 09/07/09 at 00:52:36
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The story goes like this.

At the end of the fifties there was some debate about the best way to enter the Paulsen.
Against the traditional (Paulsen's) move-order  e6-a6-Qc7-Nc6,  5.Bd3 was getting annoying.

The two new methods were:  (1) Nc6-Qc7, then the pawns;  (2) Nc6-e6, then the rest.

Both methods had tried been tried by Larsen, Furman... when young Taimanov decided to take up (2).
The dreaded 5.Bd3 was avoided, the Paulsen was reached, and he lived happy (until he met Fischer, anyway).

Bottom line is, I fail to see why we should turn history on its head in this case.

For his later creative games with ...Ne7, he can be credited.
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #59 - 09/06/09 at 21:12:46
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Uruk wrote on 09/06/09 at 20:16:27:

That would be a Paulsen, actually.

Taimanov foregoes ...Qc7 in favor of ...Ne7

Some classify it that way, but it seems to be far from universal.  I think of the ...Qc7 stuff as a Taimanov, which is what MCO and NCO call it.      
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #58 - 09/06/09 at 20:16:27
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That would be a Paulsen, actually.

Taimanov foregoes ...Qc7 in favor of ...Ne7
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #57 - 09/06/09 at 06:26:13
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gewgaw wrote on 08/31/09 at 15:43:26:
I´ve a small question, so I don´t wanna open a new thread:
what do you think about the taimanov with 4. ...Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7? I´m surprised, that in the world-elite no one plays it, in spite of its soundness.

Thought this was the main way to enter a Taimanov.  Avoids 5..a6 6.Nxc6 which is no fun.   

Are you saying that the world elite isn't playing the Taimanov or are you saying that they are playing the Taimanov, but not using this move order?  And how are you defining the "world elite"?
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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #56 - 09/02/09 at 11:23:52
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I forgot to mentioned that the accelerated line agaianst Nc2 I meant is in fact mentioned in the notes but with a different assesment Smiley

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4.
Nxd4 g6 5. c4 Nf6 6. Nc3 d6 7. Nc2 (7. Be2 Nxd4 {is the line that Nc2 wants to
avoid.But I am no expert in this line since I play regular dragon , especeilly
since white has not got much lately in toplevel games in experts line agianst
that!}) (7. Be3 Ng4 {and black is better}) 7... Bg7 8. Be2 O-O 9. O-O Nd7 10.
Bd2 a5 11. Na3 Nc5 12. Nab5 Nd4 13. Nxd4 Bxd4 14. Bh6 Bxc3 15. bxc3 Re8 {
is the line I meant. Rybka 3 seems to evalute this little different than Rybka
2 but it is still on blacks side,but insignificant. Experts claims that
white has an edge and books for black claims the opposete. Maybee th truth is
somewhere between} *

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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #55 - 09/01/09 at 18:59:24
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bragesjo wrote on 09/01/09 at 15:50:40:
There are for example major improvment on experts vs the sicilian line where computers and books written for black claims that black is slightly better. But at any rate I did rahter face a yugoslav attack than play against the bind.

Looking at Experts, I thought that 6...Nh6 was a fairly good answer to the recommended 6.Nc2.  However I'm less happy with Black's game when 6.Be3 is played.   

I will comment on 0-0 in reply to 8...a5 when I have my notes at hand.

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Re: Which SI to play?
Reply #54 - 09/01/09 at 15:50:40
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Markovich wrote on 08/31/09 at 12:32:17:
MNb wrote on 08/07/09 at 01:52:17: seems that the Jugoslav Attack vs. the Accelerated Dragon has become the most dangerous weapon. At the other hand Black seems OK against the Maroczy.

Well the author of the Acc. Dragon chapter in Experts, Nielsen, as I recall, takes the opposite point of view.  Further it's big news to me if Black is just plain O.K. against the Maroczy.  What line is supposed to be so hunky dory?

According to my present understanding, I would much sooner play Black's side of a Dragon with my pawn still on d7 than face the Bind.  White never actually gets to play a Yugoslav, does he, if Black plays the line with ...a7-a5 and ...d7-d5?

If white knows Opening for White according to Anand he gets an advantage in any anti Yugloslav like positions. a5 is best meet by 0-0 intending a4 Nxa4 Nxe4 c4. I was actually white once in this line and manage to make a blunder that costed a peace, but white has an edge here. 

Also, many strong players says that the Bind is not what it used to be. There are for example major improvment on experts vs the sicilian line where computers and books written for black claims that black is slightly better. But at any rate I did rahter face a yugoslav attack than play against the bind.
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