@jitb: According to Glek in NiC Year Book 42, cxd4 and Qb6 are main lines, but Black,facing difficulties, tries now a6... Maybe point of view is a little outdated, I don't know. Another "new" idea is 7....Be7!?, reference game is Ivanchuk Morozevich,Memorial Donner 1996 and dealt in chesspublishing update April 2007. I like this idea..because it'is part of Mikhail Gurevich way of play with a later Qa5 ... Some games: Smeets-Gurevich,Vlissingen 2006, Saric-Gurevich,Cannes 2007, Korneev-Gurevich,2006, Van Delft-Gurevich,Allemagne 2006 I have recorded other interesting games: for example: Svidler-Riazantsev,Moscow 2008 One point is White can deviate from system, trying to short castle with Be2 but here too, Black has good system: 7...Be7!? 8.Qd2 oo 9.Be2 b6!? Nijboer-Narciso Dublan,Barcelone 2007 (Moskalenko) Sometimes variation can transpose to Nijboer system with Nb3, whatever is move order (cxd4-Fc5, Be7), because of lost tempo when dark square bishop goes to b4 pinning Nc3. One important idea is: if Black wants to limit White choices to long castle, then 7...cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bc5 is good move order because 9.Be2 Qb6! 9.Na4 (the Boleslasky move against Qb6) Qa5+ 10.c3 Nxd4 11.Bxd4 Bxd4 12.Qxd4 b6 13.Bd1 (to forbid Nc5 because of b4) Qb5! Aseev-Dolmatov,Irkutsck 1986 (Psakhis and Tiemman)