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Normal Topic London System Novelty? (Read 4468 times)
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Re: London System Novelty?
Reply #5 - 10/25/09 at 12:39:51
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Well, chess is a rich game that still has a lot of possibilities. So just showing a variations, nobody can prove a point unless it shows a mate in a few moves or really bad structure or material plus without much dvelopment lag. In all other cases, it is just a position we get to play and whoever plays better wins. 

What I meant for this position, was white does not get nothing of that sort but black in return for losing the right to castle, get a big development edge. The game just goes one. The Caro-Kan line I mentioned is still played today and you may look at those for ideas.

Having said this, I wish you all the best with your new move.
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Re: London System Novelty?
Reply #4 - 10/20/09 at 05:20:23
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saubhikr, if you are going to say that my 4 Qg4!? idea isn't that good, I would like to see your analysis because I have analyzed it and it seems to me that White gains a slight advantage in all lines.
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Re: London System Novelty?
Reply #3 - 10/18/09 at 12:11:13
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Well, the gave will not be played by has to be played by people like you and I. Agan in opening, we should not pay a whole lot importance of Fritz (ref to books by L B Hansen) as they purely evaluates based on calculation. You'll see so many mainlines are evaluated differrently by Fritz in opening.

Losing castling is not a big deal here for black. He gains many tempo here on Queen and as shown in many Qg4 Caro-Kan lines, here also black has an equal game.

I play London regularly. In these positions, I play Bg3 or e3 (in some structures exf after Bxf4 gives a good grip on e5).

Having said all that, I welcome your analysis and trying to find good moves in London. All the best.
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Re: London System Novelty?
Reply #2 - 10/09/09 at 19:38:01
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After 4...Kf8 5 Bxd6 Qxd6?! (Fritz 11 prefers 5...cxd6 but after 6 Nc3 judges the position as +=) Fritz 11 likes 6 Nc3 over your given 6 Qe2?! and judges the position as +=.
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Re: London System Novelty?
Reply #1 - 10/09/09 at 07:19:23
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It's an interesting idea, but after 4.Qg4 Kf8 (the king is quite safe here and White will lose a couple of tempi retreating the queen) 5.Bd6 (with ...e5 threatened, White has little choice) Qd6 6.Qe2 (to meet 6...Qb4 with 7.c3) c5 7.c3 Nc6 and in spite of Black's slightly suspect king, the position should be equal. 

I personally prefer 4.Bg3, since I agree with you that 4.Bd6 cd6 seems equal, and this at least retains some more tension in the position.

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London System Novelty?
10/09/09 at 06:01:35
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I think I may come up with a novelty in the London System. After 1 d4 d5 2 Bf4 e6 3 e3 Bd6, Win with the London System recommends 4 Bxd6 and after 4...cxd6 they recommend 5 Nf3 leading to a slight advantage for White but I think Black has improvements to the game given that should give Black equality. They also mention 5 Qg4!? and after 5...Nf6 6 Qxg7 Rg8 7 Qh6 Rg6 8 Qf4 Qb6 they say "Black may have enough compensation for the pawn here" and I agree. The improvement I think I have come up with is 4 Qg4!?. Fritz 11 originally thinks Black can equalize against this with 4...Nf6 and after 5 Qxg7 Rg8 6 Qh6 it origianlly thinks Black can equalize with 6...Rg6 or 6...Nc6 but after a few more moves changes its assessment to +=. Fritz 11 also origianlly thinks Black can equalize with 4...g6 but again after a few moves changes its assessment to +=. Black can also try 4...Qf6 after which 5 Bxd6 cxd6 transposes to a line from Win with the London System where the authors think Black should be able to equalize but after 6 Qg3 e5 7 Nc3 Ne7, Fritz 11 thinks White can gain an advantage with 8 e4!?. What are your thoughts on all of this?
« Last Edit: 10/09/09 at 19:48:20 by Anonymous3 »  
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