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Normal Topic 1. d4 c5 2. d5 e5 3. dxe ep?! (Read 4228 times)
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Re: 1. d4 c5 2. d5 e5 3. dxe ep?!
Reply #2 - 10/29/09 at 15:44:07
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This is how our game went...he resigned on move 13.  I felt my central control was great.  I wouldn't mind others annotating this idea as well, because I think it is important for anyone else who is in my shoes and might want to explore 1. d4 c5.  I aplogize for my lack of understanding in working with pgn, but the game is short.

1. d4 c5
2. d5 e5 
3. dxe ep?! fxe 
4. c4 (he is trying to force the typical ideas of d4-c4 pawn structures, instead of playing originally - e4 was necessary at one point or other) ...Nf6 (I debated going immediately for the ...d5 punch, hence my development - keep in mind, this is my first time trying 1...c5 and 2...e5!) 
5. Nc3 Be7
6. Nf3 0-0
7. g3 (this was probably his last chance to try e4) d5
8. e3 (he has many holes in his pawn structure already) ...Nc6
9. b3 (another loosening pawn move, allowing me more time to grip the center) ...d4
10. exd cxd
11. Nb5 (I cannot see the board in front of me right now, but I believe this is ? or ??) ...e5
12. Bg2 a6
13. Na3 Qa5+

And there he gave up.  Normally he puts up a strong fight against me, but playing against a system he was not familiar with, he played funny opening moves that cost him the game.
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Re: 1. d4 c5 2. d5 e5 3. dxe ep?!
Reply #1 - 10/29/09 at 05:40:49
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3.de6 is dubious after 3...fe6 4.e4 d5 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Bd3 d4 7.Ne2 Nc6 when only Black can be better here.

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I Love ChessPublishing!

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1. d4 c5 2. d5 e5 3. dxe ep?!
10/28/09 at 19:21:49
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I recently got the opportunity to play against a good friend of mine with this move order.  I was not expecting 3. dxe ep?! after 1. d4 c5 2. d5 e5.  He was confused about this opening - something he had not seen before.   

Naturally (I would assume most players would venture it this way) I played ...fxe and began to build a center.  He played passively with moves such as g3 and b3, and I quickly gained a central advantage with ...d5, ...d4, ...e5, etc.  He had an opportunity to play e4 early in the game, but failed to realize it until afterwards. 

I don't know how many players on this forum prefer 1. d4 c5...I think the idea of closing the center is rather neat personally.  I like playing the Dutch, but I like being able to push e5 in one go as well...I know, have my cake and eat it too!  So I wanted to play the Old Benoni, with the opportunity to have the pawn formation I wanted.   

Does anyone else have experience with these lines (3. dxe ep or otherwise?)
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