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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #12 - 08/23/10 at 16:19:16
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The Gallagher starts with 8...exd4 9.Nxd4 Re8 10.h3 a6. It´s still played by strong players and is a good way to unbalance the game. 

11.Be3-Rb8 12.b3!-c5 13.Nde2-b5 14.Qxd6-b4 15.Na4-Nxe4 16.Bxe4-Bxa1 17.Rxa1-Rxe4 18.Nxc5-Re8 19.Rd1-Qe7 20.Qxe7-Rxe7 21.Nf4-Nxc5 22.Bxc5-Rd7 23.Nd5-Kg7 24.Bd4+-f6 25.Bxf6-Kf7 26.Be5 White has still fine attacking chances due to his domination in the centre and on the dark squares.(+=)

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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #11 - 11/30/09 at 10:12:00
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MNb wrote on 11/06/09 at 21:38:47:
Perhaps 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nf3 Bg7 4.g3 c5 5.Bg2 Qa5+!? is an idea, see the last update. It has been played by GM Bologan. Of course there still is 5.d5 and Black has to decide what kind of Benoni he/she wants to play.

I recall recommending this in another thread (in General Chess), and after 5.d5 I recommended 5...b5, as used successfully by Sutovsky in the Aeroflot Open. If I recall correctly, there was coverage of this line in Dangerous Weapons. 6...c6 7.Nc3 Qa5 isn't bad either although I haven't examined the theory of this line for some time.

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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #10 - 11/30/09 at 09:06:51
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you can also try c6, a6 preparing b5.  it was in Martin's 1st dvd on the KID.  not sure what he recommends in his 2nd edition.
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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #9 - 11/06/09 at 22:48:17
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This line is certainly interesting but is not a complete solution for Black because White can postpone c4 and castle first. I would suggest a line which can also be played vs. tricky moveorders and lines where White begins with 1.Nf3.

In this regard both setups with Nbd7 and Nc6 work well.
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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #8 - 11/06/09 at 21:38:47
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Perhaps 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nf3 Bg7 4.g3 c5 5.Bg2 Qa5+!? is an idea, see the last update. It has been played by GM Bologan. Of course there still is 5.d5 and Black has to decide what kind of Benoni he/she wants to play.

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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #7 - 11/04/09 at 16:21:46
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Pingudon wrote on 11/04/09 at 02:08:49:
I use to play queen gambit. I want to learn the king's Indian but want to begin with the right foot. I want lines that give winning chances but remain sound.

If you are just starting out with the KID I recommend Gallaghers "Play the King´s Indian". His recommendations are sound as far as I can tell and he gives excellent explanations of the typical ideas.

Bologans DVD may also be a good start but his book is sometimes to confusing for a beginner.
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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #6 - 11/04/09 at 02:08:49
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I use to play queen gambit. I want to learn the king's Indian but want to begin with the right foot. I want lines that give winning chances but remain sound.
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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #5 - 11/03/09 at 16:52:24
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MNb wrote on 11/03/09 at 03:53:36:

Does the Gallagher provide full equality after 8...a6 9.h3 b5 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.Be3 ?

The Gallagher starts with 8...exd4 9.Nxd4 Re8 10.h3 a6. It´s still played by strong players and is a good way to unbalance the game. 8...a6 was Gallaghers recommendation in "Play the King´s Indian" to avoid some problems with "his" line.

Bologan makes a good case for 6...Nc6 both in his book and DVD.

I think both lines are well suited for the King´s Indian player. It´s just a matter of taste.

Pingudon, you didn´t write where your problems are. Which lines did you try until now?
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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #4 - 11/03/09 at 07:19:48
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Pingudon wrote on 11/02/09 at 11:54:05:
I want to stay in the territory of the king's Indian! I do not want to jump to the Grunfeld when I see g3 (unless I have to of course).

How do you feel about jumping to the Modern Benoni as Kasparov did in that famous game versus Korchnoi?
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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #3 - 11/03/09 at 03:53:36
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Pingudon wrote on 11/02/09 at 11:54:05:
the best way to face g3 that gives equality and winning chances.

Does the Gallagher provide full equality after 8...a6 9.h3 b5 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.Be3 ?

6...c5 invites a Benoni as White can play 7.d5 and 7.dxc5 looks quite dull. Almost half of the games ends in a draw.
As far as I know 6...Nc6 never has had a good reputation and perhaps that is unjustified: 7.0-0 (7.d5 Na5 and 8...c5 will become a Panno) e5 8.d5 Ne7 with the typical flank attacks. I have no idea what White's best is here.

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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #2 - 11/02/09 at 20:29:25
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I will recommend 6...c5 7.0-0 cd4 8.Nd4 Nc6 and 6...Nbd7 7.0-0 e5 8.e4 a6. The former is quite a good choice because accepting the pawn sacrifice gives Black full compensation, and declining gives Black a comfortable game, and the latter was Gallagher's main recommendation and is a bit less theoretical than 8...c6 but with an equally strong reputation.

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Re: Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
Reply #1 - 11/02/09 at 13:29:06
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Play the Panno or the Gallagher. Probably the Panno is more sound, at least according to Bologan. There is always that annoying plan against the Gallagher variation that I think no one has really figured out yet, I think maybe b3 + Rb1 at some point. I can never remember all of the different move orders in that line. Anyway, if you don't have Bologan's book, it's well worth the investment!
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Best plan against the Fianchetto System?
11/02/09 at 11:54:05
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I want to stay in the territory of the king's Indian! I do not want to jump to the Grunfeld when I see g3 (unless I have to of course). What do you think is the best way to face g3 that gives equality and winning chances. Thanks a lot.
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