Michael Ayton wrote on 02/26/10 at 15:08:28:
@ cheesemate
Sorry if I confused you re move orders but I don't think Sherlock should be needed to crack this one! -- just a look at the first post in the thread should suffice! That's not of course to imply there aren't move order subtleties in the CB -- there are, which is one of the fascinations ...
The more I look at this the more I can't wait till May! Personally I rather like the ...Nf8 + ...Ng6 lines in answer to Nf3 + Bd3, but how about this as an inspiring example of the ...Ng6 + ...h5 plan?
[Event "Zhukov mem"]
[Site "Spasskoe"]
[Date "1996.??.??"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Mochalov, Evgeny V"]
[Black "Legky, Nikolay A"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A56"]
[WhiteElo "2515"]
[BlackElo "2510"]
[PlyCount "89"]
[EventDate "1996.??.??"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "1998.11.10"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 e5 4. Nc3 d6 5. e4 Nbd7 6. Bd3 Be7 7. Nf3 a6 8. a4 b6 9. h3 h5 10. g3 Rb8 11. Be3 a5 12. Qd2 Nf8 13. Qc2 Ng6 14. h4 Ba6 15. Bd2 [What now for Black? ...] Kd7 [Time for a cool King march! ...] 16. O-O-O Kc7 17. Rdf1 Bc8 18. Ne1 Bd7 19. f3 Kb7 20. Rf2 Ne8 21. Bf1 Nc7 22. Ng2 Bf6 23. Ne3 Ne7 24. Bh3 Bxh3 25. Rxh3 Qd7 26. Rh1 Rbf8 27. Kb1 g6 28. Rhf1 Bg7 29. f4 exf4 30. gxf4 f5 31. exf5 Nxf5 32. Nxf5 gxf5 33. Rg2 Bf6 34. Be1Rhg8 35. Rfg1 Rg4 36. Rxg4 fxg4 37. Ne4 Na6 38. Rf1 Nb4 39. Bxb4 axb4 40. f5 Bxh4 41. f6 Ka6 42. Rh1 Bxf6 43. Rxh5 Be5 44. Rg5 Rh8 45. Qd1 0-1
May I could have sherlocked it, but I was tiered, it was deepest night after a day of work. And I was a bit confused bout 5...Nbd7 and 6...Nbd7 and so I watsoned...
I stay to my request. The easiest way to get the largest possible paticipation is to repeat all the preceding moves. It's my experience in the forums here, that is quite often difficult to enter a perhaps interesting discussion cause you only may find the entry somewhere earlier. All the more as many participants fail to quote and begin with something obscure as "I think 14...Qc6 would have been better..." This is a meager and exclusive dia- or trialogue. So you may loose the wisdom of the many...
To the game. Very interesting. This confirms my feeling that black's king should stay in the center as I posted earlier. If one of the sides is locked then he can make a walk in this direction. Thus this idea with h7-h5 + Nd7-f8-g6 seems okay (but not better for black anyway g2-g3 stops the block h5-h4 and prepares a later f2-(f3)-f4.
In this opening I think plans dominate concrete variations til it comes to contact.
Overall the game shows heavy manouvering. Black has to be patient and should be fearless. I only browsed through the game but I had the feeling that 19.f4 would have been possible. I think at that moment white had the initiative. He decided to play calmly, regrouping and exchanching the bad bishop. But that also allowed black to reorganize and his rooks reached king's side in time.
After 35...Rg4 black has slightly turned the table.
And then perhaps zeitnot? the f-pawn is runing to nowhere.