@ HTH I give in! I [i]didn't[/i] posit a 'majority'! Rather, you posited a minority. The burden of proof rests with you, not with me! The proof you attempt is feeble, resting as it does on the transparently faulty premise that all those who think that comments like Gambit's might require moderating will have spoken. You imply, further, that I would have had the thread locked, but I did not say that. (Nor, for the record, am I among those, if such there be, who would have Gambit banned.) Personally I was pleased to see it simply wither on the vine, so to say, but I broadly support Smyslov_Fan's general approach, for the reasons I gave. I've told you why I personally didn't respond to Gambit's post. [i]Obviously[/i] I cannot prove syllogistically that Gambit was being untowardly provocative, but that he [i]was[/i] being so is, I contend, a perfectly reasonable, and even an obvious, extrapolation from some of his other posts. My intuition, if I'm to be permitted to use so unanalytic a human faculty, tells me that others very possibly thought the same, and had much the same motives for not responding to the "argument". I'm sorry if you don't like this -- to my way of thinking merely sensible -- reasoning, but I'm not going to waste everyone's time, including my own, by starting a poll in attempted justification of it! A logical and reasonable case can be made for the view that strong moderation, including the prospect of censorship, should virtually never, or absolutely never, occur in any public forum. And an at least equally logical and reasonable case can be made to the effect that sometimes it should. The problem here appears to be that you seem to regard the second case as [i]not[/i] being reasonable, without however having produced any argument -- at least not any sound one -- for why this might be so. I note that a number of people have expressed (or at least wearily adumbrated!) a view in this area, and that the weight of opinion is overwhelmingly against you.