After 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 Nbd7 4.Nbd2 c6
is transposing into a Slav type position with 5.c4 and possibly a later 6.b3 7.Bb2 considered white's 'best' option, or staying in Colle waters and aiming for 5.Bd3 Qc7 6.00 e5 7.e4 dxe4 8.Ne4 exd4 9.Re1, (transposing to Hoi-Gronn, on move 6; later 1-0) best?
How I size things up so far:
In the Hoi game 7...Bd6 might equalize, indicating the first option of transposing to a Slav with c4 is white's best practical chance.
In either case, one of black's plans is obviously trying to beat white to the punch (pushing the e-pawn 2 boxes) with ...e7-e5 in 1 tempo by supporting e5 with Qc7, after playihng ...c6. Then:
5.c4, then b3 and Bb2, discourages ...e5,
5.Bd3, castling, then a quick e4, opens up the center before black is well developed.