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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #9 - 03/10/10 at 23:58:26
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I think the line I'd play is 9.Bc4 Bd7 10.Bb3.  Then I believe there is no good way for Black to get a Chinese Dragon (for example on 10...Rb8?! I'd play 10.h4 and I think White is much better), so you avoid that.  I think Khalifman does a good job against 10...Nxd4 11.Bxd5 b5 with 12.a4.  (I spent a lot of time double checking all lines with Rybka's help last summer, and I think in essence his conclusions are correct, even though a couple variations may need slight adjusting.)  I haven't looked at de la Villa in much detail, but he plays 12.h4 a5 13.a4 and might reach an advantage that way too.  Out of the two books, de la Villa is the easier to read, and you get the added bonus of having all the other sicilians in there too.  I think where 9.Bc4 still needs work is finding an improvement on Karjakin-Shirov, though maybe there's new analysis or new games I'm not aware of yet.
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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #8 - 01/22/10 at 21:01:44
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Unfortunnaly local store never took in any of the mentioned videos so I have never seen them or can give reviews or comments on them. The only one I heared of before was the Roman video that recommended 9 0-0-0 meeting d5 with 10 Kb1 and my prefered line (supported by both Carlsen and Radjabov after the disc was released!) was dissmissed after 10 seconds and 0 moves saying that this was not a serious option and 5 minut look at any databases would show how to refute it. The books Dismantling the Sicilian or Experts vs the Sicilian are probely the best bet to learn how to play Yugoslav as white depening if white wants to play for attack (9 Bc4) or positonal preusure (9 0-0-0).
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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #7 - 01/21/10 at 22:32:11
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The thing about Har Zvi's lecture series is that (unless I simply haven't been able to find it), there is no index to what is covered in individual video segments, so if you are looking for a specific line (say 9. 0-0-0 Bd7 in the Yugoslav Dragon series), you have no idea in which of the nine videos covering the Yugolsav that sequence is addressed.
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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #6 - 01/20/10 at 07:31:51
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For videos, Har Zvi did a whole series of lectures on the Yugoslav for Chess.FM and Roman did a Dragon DVD for the white side not long ago.
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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #5 - 01/17/10 at 11:17:01
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VikingForce wrote on 01/16/10 at 22:52:13:
I notice that 9. Bc4 Bd7 10. Bb3 can be reached through the Accelerated dragon as well. First of all, how does 10.Bb3 fair and, secondly, is there any point in trying to be coherent?

First, nobody really knows. Ask two different GM's and you will get three different answers.
Secondly, yes, it may save time. Eg there is not much point in building a repertoire (as Black) around 1.d4 e6 and 1.e4 e5.

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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #4 - 01/17/10 at 01:49:10
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VikingForce wrote on 01/16/10 at 22:52:13:
Thanks for your answers. I am not sure what to play as I do not know much about the difference.

I notice that 9. Bc4 Bd7 10. Bb3 can be reached through the Accelerated dragon as well. First of all, how does 10.Bb3 fair and, secondly, is there any point in trying to be coherent?

Take bragesjo's advice and play 9.Bc4.  Get ahold of de la Villa's book.  Don't expect to get chess lessons here.  Good luck.

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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #3 - 01/16/10 at 22:52:13
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Thanks for your answers. I am not sure what to play as I do not know much about the difference.

I notice that 9. Bc4 Bd7 10. Bb3 can be reached through the Accelerated dragon as well. First of all, how does 10.Bb3 fair and, secondly, is there any point in trying to be coherent?
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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #2 - 01/16/10 at 09:29:23
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If you intend to play 9 Bc4 yugoslav Dismantling the Sicilian is the book for you. Khalifmans Opening for White according to Anand is to much varitions and to few explanations.

If you intend to play 9 0-0-0 yugoslav Experts vs the Sicilian is the book for that. Starting out 1 e4 has to few variations and are not deep enough and Beating the Sicilian 3 is totally out of date.

I recommend 9 Bc4 yugoslav and Dismantling the Sicilian.
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Re: Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
Reply #1 - 01/15/10 at 18:22:05
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VikingForce wrote on 01/15/10 at 16:14:47:
Hello everyone! 

I am looking for a list of sources to teach myself the latest theory in the Yugoslav attack. A compilation of the most useful threads on these forums would be greatly appreciated! As a beginner in the Yugoslav it is difficult to know where to begin. When looking on Amazon I cannot find any books from white's perspective dealing solely with the Yugoslav.

Thank you,


Jesus de la Villa, Dismantling the Sicilian.

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Looking for sources to learn Yugoslav as white
01/15/10 at 16:14:47
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Hello everyone! 

I am looking for a list of sources to teach myself the latest theory in the Yugoslav attack. A compilation of the most useful threads on these forums would be greatly appreciated! As a beginner in the Yugoslav it is difficult to know where to begin. When looking on Amazon I cannot find any books from white's perspective dealing solely with the Yugoslav.

Thank you,

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