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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf (Read 18337 times)
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #16 - 12/16/14 at 18:14:01
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TN wrote on 01/25/10 at 11:33:35:
I haven't heard the 6.h3 variation called the 'Adams Attack' before, although I have seen the variation attributed to Fischer. (...)

Fischer would almost certainly have been familiar with the advocacy of, and games with, 6 h3 by the famous (notorious?) Massachusetts master Weaver W. Adams (1901-1963).

There are many very strange names attributed to chess openings at various chess websites, but this one seems to be justifiable (see for instance Adams-Pavey, US Open 1948 - a strong event that Adams won).
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #15 - 12/16/14 at 14:13:36
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Black should certainly play better than that:
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #14 - 12/14/14 at 01:25:03
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Incidentally 6. h3 has come up in the last four Open Sicilians updates.  I noticed GM Roiz calling 6...e6 7. g4 Nfd7 8. g5 b5 9. a3 Bb7 10. h4 Nb6 a new idea, but in any case it's an old book move with Be3 in (and h4 in one go) ...
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #13 - 12/12/14 at 04:32:33
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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.h3 e5 7.Nde2 h5 8.g3

Where do we go from here? At first glance, 8...b5 looks the most thematic. 9.Bg5 Nbd7 10.Nd5 Bb7 11.Nec3 Rc8 12.Bg2 all looks pretty straightforward (Karjakin-Gelfand, Tata 2014, 1-0).

8...Nbd7 9.a4 Be7 10.Bg2 b6 looks interesting. One of my old favourites, Ratmir Kholmov twice got here via a 6.g3 move order. Karpov did the same against Ivanchuk in 1994. But this is just me collecting. I'd like to try to get under the hood this weekend when I have a bit of time.

Keano wrote on 12/11/14 at 21:42:10:
As Black I like the first line HgMan mentioned with ...e5 and ...h5. Although my assessment may be very superficial not being a Najdorf man.

If I was a Najdorf fan I would be having a serious look at the games of Vachier Lagrave these days and he indeed has ventured this line for Black, most recently against Nakamura.

Yes on both counts. It's still beyond me, though, what 6.h3 holds for White. Avoiding Black's pet preparation? The subsequent positions do seem to score rather well...

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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #12 - 12/11/14 at 21:42:10
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What was in 2010 maybe a surprise line seems to have turned into a fashionable weapon against the Najdorf by all of the worlds elite, the list of names playing this 6.h3 move in 2014 is simply phenomenal.

Maybe the attraction here is there are less forced lines? Whites basic concept seems to be to transpose into one of the slower strategic lines of the Keres attack. 

I also remember this was Toppy's main weapon against the Najdorf in the last candidates, so suggest its a move to be taken seriously.

As Black I like the first line HgMan mentioned with ...e5 and ...h5. Although my assessment may be very superficial not being a Najdorf man.

If I was a Najdorf fan I would be having a serious look at the games of Vachier Lagrave these days and he indeed has ventured this line for Black, most recently against Nakamura.
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #11 - 12/11/14 at 18:20:41
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My problem is not with posts like HgMan's - as I side in my response, it's not necessarily bad to Necro a thread if someone wants to revisit the content. That's obviously preferred over starting a new thread. My issue, and perhaps I'm alone here, is that the response brought back a thread out of the dead with little to no value added. Perhaps I'm just a little bit more of a curmudgeon about this than the general public, and if that's the case then I'll shut up. Either way some great chess is popping up here (HgMan and I posted at the same time so I didn't see it before I responded) about an interesting and topical line, so on with the discussion.
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #10 - 12/11/14 at 18:12:43
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TonyRo wrote on 12/11/14 at 15:38:12:
It isn't always. But I think that in general, it's not too hard to see why it might get annoying to other users if I went through the ChessPub archives and responded to 30 threads from 2005 - the information in those threads is old, outdated, and mostly uninteresting to those in the forum. If it was relevant, we would likely be talking about it already, because that's how forums work. 

In this case, I don't see why, after 4 years, TN would need his question answered. If he needed it answered, he likely already did it himself. If not, those Yearbooks are out of date anyway! My point was about condemning the thread necro, and more about subtly notifying what appears to be a new user to the date stamps up at the top of the forums. I realize that with the thread re-org some of these older threads are resurfacing.

Having revisited these pages over the last month for the first time in ~2-3 years, it would appear there's little danger in being overrun by moribund posts.  Undecided

There used to be some really lively discussion and collaborative analysis that enhanced knowledge, but also strengthened the chessic strength of many of its participants. At the moment, it seems as though the forum is starved for anyone to kickstart a conversation. More chess!

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.h3 Qc7 7.g4 e6 8.Bg2 Nc6 9.0-0 h6

To repeat my observation above, I would think that 6.h3 might have some surprise value. Since I play correspondence chess exclusively, I'm fascinated by the choices available to Black (and the game could simply become a matter of working out which of the variations I've listed can best exploit or ridicule the h-pawn move). In practical OTB play, I suspect Black has a system in mind, and can probably just stick to it, no?

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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #9 - 12/11/14 at 17:41:34
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TonyRo wrote on 12/11/14 at 15:38:12:
It isn't always. But I think that in general, it's not too hard to see why it might get annoying to other users if I went through the ChessPub archives and responded to 30 threads from 2005 - the information in those threads is old, outdated, and mostly uninteresting to those in the forum. If it was relevant, we would likely be talking about it already, because that's how forums work. 

In this case, I don't see why, after 4 years, TN would need his question answered. If he needed it answered, he likely already did it himself. If not, those Yearbooks are out of date anyway! My point was about condemning the thread necro, and more about subtly notifying what appears to be a new user to the date stamps up at the top of the forums. I realize that with the thread re-org some of these older threads are resurfacing.

It is irrelevant what TN thinks now. The thread exists, the chesspub is a knowlegebase and it is infinitely better to resurrect an old thread than create a new one in this case. The age of the thread is irrelevant.

For example HGMan has now posted some interesting lines. We should be encouraging people to respond to threads, not discouraging them.
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #8 - 12/11/14 at 15:38:12
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It isn't always. But I think that in general, it's not too hard to see why it might get annoying to other users if I went through the ChessPub archives and responded to 30 threads from 2005 - the information in those threads is old, outdated, and mostly uninteresting to those in the forum. If it was relevant, we would likely be talking about it already, because that's how forums work. 

In this case, I don't see why, after 4 years, TN would need his question answered. If he needed it answered, he likely already did it himself. If not, those Yearbooks are out of date anyway! My point was about condemning the thread necro, and more about subtly notifying what appears to be a new user to the date stamps up at the top of the forums. I realize that with the thread re-org some of these older threads are resurfacing.
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #7 - 12/11/14 at 15:33:46
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I'll bite. In the good old days, the original query was an invitation to lash out some variations. I have a hard time believing this has anything more than surprise value for White. In fact, it seems as though 6.h3 is so passive that Black can transpose into just about any Open Sicilian of his/her choosing:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.h3 e5 7.Nde2 h5

This scores rather well for Black, although I would want to look at a couple of recent super-GM White wins by Karjakin and Giri. Both played 8.g3, so maybe some study is warranted there. I'm long out of practice in these lines, but doesn't 7...Nc6 8.g4 b5 take us into Sveshnikov territory?

I can't imagine Black would open with the Najdorf only to transition to a Dragon, but sure 7...g6 is playable.

Perhaps in keeping with the Najdorf:

6.h3 e6 7.g4 b5 looks okay

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.h3 e6 7.g4 Nfd7!?

No less than Grischuk has tried 8.g5 here (Grischuk—Dominguez Perez, Baku 2014), which grates a little on my eyes (but I guess this becomes a simple transposition in the long run). 8...Nc6 and at worst Black has steered the game back towards more familiar and/or orthodox ground.

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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #6 - 12/11/14 at 14:38:05
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TonyRo wrote on 12/10/14 at 16:24:57:
(This thread is from four years ago)


And the problem is?
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #5 - 12/10/14 at 16:24:57
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(This thread is from four years ago)

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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #4 - 12/10/14 at 16:18:39
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TN wrote on 01/25/10 at 11:33:35:
I haven't heard the 6.h3 variation called the 'Adams Attack' before, although I have seen the variation attributed to Fischer. 

There were a couple of good yearbook surveys on this line some time ago, ..

Yearbooks 89 and 90.
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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #3 - 01/26/10 at 10:56:45
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Fischer's original comments in his 'My 60 Memorable Games' are interesting. I would have started from there (actually I once prepared this line for a specific opponent using as my sole source this book)..

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Re: Adams Attack-Sicilian Najdorf
Reply #2 - 01/25/10 at 23:01:31
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After 5...a6 6.h3 g6 White can utilize the sixth move by playing 7.Bc4 Bg7 8.Bb3 Nc6 9.Be3 0-0 10.0-0. This is a well known system against the Dragon.
If you know any route to a white edge after 5...a6 many people would like to learn about it, including the former opponents of Kasparov.

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