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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) is the archangel defence a good defence? (Read 45796 times)
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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #9 - 02/11/10 at 17:55:41
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The answer to that is that 6...Bb7 is strongly met by 7.d3!, just arguing that the ensuing Andersen-style Spanish, Black's bishop is misplaced on b7.

GM Ronen Har-Zvi recommends an interesting line in his video on which is 7...Bd6 8...Ne7 and 9...Ng6 - certainly worth a try.
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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #8 - 02/11/10 at 15:55:34
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Yes, black basically has a bad Anti-Marshall in the old Bb7 Arkhangelsk.
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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #7 - 02/11/10 at 15:07:30
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BobbyDigital80 wrote on 02/11/10 at 14:12:25:
Mortal Games wrote on 02/09/10 at 15:19:01:
The Archangelsk defence (my preference) is in my view a good active choice (...Bb7 is the Archangelsk and ...Bc5 (4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Nf6 0-0 b5 Bb3 Bc5) the Moller or new Archangelsk recently seen at Corus Wijk Aan Zee). You have John Emms old book on both variations and more recent a DVD from a great coach: Mikhalchishin on the Archangelsk (an expert on these variations).    

Howcome no top GM plays the Archangel then (...Bb7)? They prefer instead to play the neo-Archangel (...Bc5).

The answer to that is that 6...Bb7 is strongly met by 7.d3!, just arguing that the ensuing Andersen-style Spanish, Black's bishop is misplaced on b7.

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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #6 - 02/11/10 at 14:12:25
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Mortal Games wrote on 02/09/10 at 15:19:01:
The Archangelsk defence (my preference) is in my view a good active choice (...Bb7 is the Archangelsk and ...Bc5 (4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Nf6 0-0 b5 Bb3 Bc5) the Moller or new Archangelsk recently seen at Corus Wijk Aan Zee). You have John Emms old book on both variations and more recent a DVD from a great coach: Mikhalchishin on the Archangelsk (an expert on these variations).    

Howcome no top GM plays the Archangel then (...Bb7)? They prefer instead to play the neo-Archangel (...Bc5).
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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #5 - 02/10/10 at 22:00:10
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I looked also into white alternatives,
for me the only difficult system to face is the spanish.

TN wrote on 02/10/10 at 21:31:55:
There is nothing wrong with the Archangelsk, but remember that a large number of players (varies depending on your level) will not allow you to play the Archangelsk, preferring less theoretical variations such as 5.Qe2, the Exchange Variation, 3.Bc4, 3.d4, 3.Nc3, 2.Nc3 and 2.Bc4. I recall that Marin offered some strong recommendations against these moves in his 'Play the Open Games' although you'll need to look at some recent games as well if your opponents mostly prepare for their opponents.

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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #4 - 02/10/10 at 21:31:55
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There is nothing wrong with the Archangelsk, but remember that a large number of players (varies depending on your level) will not allow you to play the Archangelsk, preferring less theoretical variations such as 5.Qe2, the Exchange Variation, 3.Bc4, 3.d4, 3.Nc3, 2.Nc3 and 2.Bc4. I recall that Marin offered some strong recommendations against these moves in his 'Play the Open Games' although you'll need to look at some recent games as well if your opponents mostly prepare for their opponents.

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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #3 - 02/10/10 at 19:34:15
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I played through this dvd. It is really great. In my view on the same step as Bologans dvds (Caro and KI).
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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #2 - 02/09/10 at 16:07:26
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active but therefore also risky for Black
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Mortal Games
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Re: is the archangel defence a good defence?
Reply #1 - 02/09/10 at 15:19:01
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The Archangelsk defence (my preference) is in my view a good active choice (...Bb7 is the Archangelsk and ...Bc5 (4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Nf6 0-0 b5 Bb3 Bc5) the Moller or new Archangelsk recently seen at Corus Wijk Aan Zee). You have John Emms old book on both variations and more recent a DVD from a great coach: Mikhalchishin on the Archangelsk (an expert on these variations).

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is the archangel defence a good defence?
02/09/10 at 14:20:37
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I am unexeperienced in ... e5,
I have now looked into most of the variations against the spanish (zaitsev, yates, chigorin, open, berlin), but none of them really satisfy, I think it is good to place the blacksquared bishop a bit more active like in the archangel defence, although I do not really know if it is the archangel or moeller defence, I think of the move order e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Nf6 0-0 b5 Bb3 Bc5. Is it a good solid defence, or is it only suited for top level grandmasters trying to hold a draw? I think of c3 d6 d4 Bb6 a4 rb8 Na3 0-0 axb5 axb5 Nxb5 Bg4 Bc2 Bxf3 gxf3 Nh5, but I think it is also possible to play d5 instead of Bxf3.
Do you know any literature on the archangel?
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