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Re: Four Knight's Game
Reply #4 - 04/14/10 at 19:24:19
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Markovich wrote on 04/10/10 at 14:16:56:
sharpplay wrote on 04/03/10 at 11:58:40:
I'm an adult who just picked up chess about five years ago and I've played the Scotch Four Knights for a while, largely because it was advocated as a good choice for improvers by Markovich of this board.  While I have also been starting to slide in an occasional Ruy Lopez as white, for the most part I have been happy with the Scotch Four Knights.  It gives an open game, it's easy to figure out where your pieces go, there are some tactical tricks for black to avoid.  I would imagine that of the four main white choices after 1 e4 e5 3 Nf3 Nc6 that 3 Nc3 is the least likely to give a real lasting advantage but at my level (1500-1600) I think it is more important to just get into the middlegame in a position you understand.  Also, by playing the Four Knights I can devote more time to the things that really seem to help at my level (i.e. tactics and endgames).

Hear, hear! (Naturally enough, I approve of those who follow my advice.)

But the Four Knights proper would be excellent for variety.  It's a more closed, Spanish-like game.  There have been some interesting updates concerning it within the past year or so.  After 4...Nd4, 5.Bc4 is the hot new thing, and if 5...Nxf3 then 6.gxf3.

I am very interested in the Four Knights.  I used to think it was, as is said so many times, very drawish.  But I am not grandmaster and very little is truly drawish out of the opening in Class B USCF.  But I did some research on the Four Knights on and one of the lecturers did a three part video series on the Four Knights.  They are not fabulous but they are sufficiently interesting to make you take a second look at the four knights.

I think the repertoire he plays and suggests is one where white delays castling early in many lines (but not all) in order to gain time either in the center or on the kingside with possible advances.

I have yet to come to any conclusion myself on whether these are variations I would like, but it did make me interested in the four knights generally.

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Re: Four Knight's Game
Reply #3 - 04/10/10 at 14:16:56
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sharpplay wrote on 04/03/10 at 11:58:40:
I'm an adult who just picked up chess about five years ago and I've played the Scotch Four Knights for a while, largely because it was advocated as a good choice for improvers by Markovich of this board.  While I have also been starting to slide in an occasional Ruy Lopez as white, for the most part I have been happy with the Scotch Four Knights.  It gives an open game, it's easy to figure out where your pieces go, there are some tactical tricks for black to avoid.  I would imagine that of the four main white choices after 1 e4 e5 3 Nf3 Nc6 that 3 Nc3 is the least likely to give a real lasting advantage but at my level (1500-1600) I think it is more important to just get into the middlegame in a position you understand.  Also, by playing the Four Knights I can devote more time to the things that really seem to help at my level (i.e. tactics and endgames).

Hear, hear! (Naturally enough, I approve of those who follow my advice.)

But the Four Knights proper would be excellent for variety.  It's a more closed, Spanish-like game.  There have been some interesting updates concerning it within the past year or so.  After 4...Nd4, 5.Bc4 is the hot new thing, and if 5...Nxf3 then 6.gxf3.

The Great Oz has spoken!
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Re: Four Knight's Game
Reply #2 - 04/09/10 at 12:52:54
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I have recently been playing the Four Knights myself, using the Halloween Gambit (4. Nxe5?!).  It leads to very fun play with good attacking chances for White.  I think even if Black plays one of the "equalizer" lines, White still has good equality in an open position.   

I had an interesting game with it last night, although they did not play one of the two major knight moves after 4. Nxe5 Nxe5 5. d4 - normally I see ...Nc6 or ...Ng6.  Here, I saw ...Neg4.  Of course, it shows how people can steer into bad positions early when they don't know the lines.  But typically, White gives up a knight for a powerful center, quick attacking chances, and the opportunity to post a pawn at d6 quickly, with  threats of Nc3-b5-c7.  Probably nowhere near as sound as the Scotch Four Knights, but you won't be bored!
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Re: Four Knight's Game
Reply #1 - 04/03/10 at 11:58:40
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I'm an adult who just picked up chess about five years ago and I've played the Scotch Four Knights for a while, largely because it was advocated as a good choice for improvers by Markovich of this board.  While I have also been starting to slide in an occasional Ruy Lopez as white, for the most part I have been happy with the Scotch Four Knights.  It gives an open game, it's easy to figure out where your pieces go, there are some tactical tricks for black to avoid.  I would imagine that of the four main white choices after 1 e4 e5 3 Nf3 Nc6 that 3 Nc3 is the least likely to give a real lasting advantage but at my level (1500-1600) I think it is more important to just get into the middlegame in a position you understand.  Also, by playing the Four Knights I can devote more time to the things that really seem to help at my level (i.e. tactics and endgames).
« Last Edit: 04/04/10 at 01:12:25 by sharpplay »  
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Four Knight's Game
04/03/10 at 02:36:11
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I was curious to know what the thinking is among people here on the Four Knights.  I tend to play the Scotch Four Knights with success as White but recently looking over some mainlines in the Four Knight's proper.

Does anyone play this frequently here (or among the higher ranks) with the expectation of getting a slight advantage and playing for a win?  I am curious about a dicussion on this or whether it might be best to stick with the Scoth Four Knights.  I am not having problems, I just wanted to expand my horizons a little.

Thanks very much.  I am new to these forums but find them very interesting and helpful.

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