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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Help needed in the Berlin Wall (Read 34211 times)
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #8 - 04/13/10 at 12:20:05
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Patzerovich wrote on 04/12/10 at 15:24:02:
Oh, sorry for that mistake. But I still think it's complicated even for 1950 players.

I think you should play mainlines with white/black if you want to get better in chess.
Almost 2000 Elorating should be enough to play every opening.
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #7 - 04/12/10 at 15:24:02
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Oh, sorry for that mistake. But I still think it's complicated even for 1950 players.
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #6 - 04/12/10 at 08:05:45
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He has a rating of 1950. That should be enough to play the berlin, right?
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #5 - 04/11/10 at 18:28:51
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I think "Berlin" is too complicated and difficult opening for a player with 1500. I would prefer 3...f5 or 3...Nd4 instead.
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #4 - 04/06/10 at 05:01:02
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I've been playing the Berlin wall for 3 years before John Cox's EXCELLENT book was published on it.

You have already found one of my favorite berlin players Smiley Leonid Kritz and Zoltan Almasi are regular practitioners outside of the usual top 10 suspects (Kramnik, Aronian etc). 

Another great resource is Kramnik's dvd my path to the top where he talks a little about his berlin prep for Kasparov in 2000.

Another introductory just fun vid to the berlin is FM Dennis Monokrouss part 1+2 on the Berlin Wall. 

In general, when I play the berlin i'm thinking in general ideas for my plans instead of forced moves. As white and black (since I play it from both colors), I have objectives. As black, I want to trade a set of minor pieces (mostly one set of knights), retain if possible the bishop pair (especially the unopposed light square pieces), and try to create light square targets.

As white, I want to get in e6 with whatever possible, especially with e5 f4 g4 h3 setups on the kingside. If white doesn't hammer home his pawn majority... he might find himself quickly worse or lost.

These types of ideas.
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #3 - 04/05/10 at 17:33:04
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Yesterday I found this great game in the internet, maybe some of you didnt know it yet, I think its great

[Event "4th IECC"]
[Site "Istanbul TUR"]
[Date "2003.06.10"]
[Round "10"]
[White "Friso Nijboer"]
[Black "Leonid Kritz"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C67"]
[WhiteElo "2562"]
[BlackElo "2468"]
[PlyCount "86"]
[EventDate "2003.05.30"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O Nxe4 5. d4 Nd6 6. Bxc6 dxc6 7. dxe5 Nf5
8. Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. Nc3 Ke8 10. h3 Be7 11. Bg5 Bxg5 12. Nxg5 h6 13. Nf3 h5 14. Ne2
Ke7 15. Nf4 g6 16. Rfd1 Ng7 17. Rd2 Rd8 18. Rxd8 Kxd8 19. Kf1 Ke7 20. Ke2 a5
21. Kd2 Ne6 22. Nxe6 Bxe6 23. Ke2 a4 24. Ng5 Bf5 25. Rc1 c5 26. f4 c4 27. a3 c5
28. Rd1 b5 29. Rd5 c3 30. bxc3 b4 31. cxb4 cxb4 32. Rc5 bxa3 33. Rc7+ Bd7 34.
Rc3 Rc8 35. Kd2 Rxc3 36. Kxc3 h4 37. Nf3 Bc6 38. Nxh4 Be4 39. g4 g5 40. fxg5
Ke6 41. Nf5 Bxf5 42. gxf5+ Kxf5 43. h4 Kg6 0-1

Because of such games I want to play Berlin myself  Grin Smiley Wink
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #2 - 04/04/10 at 21:47:28
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TN wrote on 04/04/10 at 20:54:29:
Everything you need to and should know to play the Berlin Wall successfully is in John Cox's marvelous book 'The Berlin Wall' by Quality Chess. All the key games you need to know are in this book as well, and I strongly recommend you read part 1 on Berlin endgames before studying the theory, not just to improve your understanding of this opening but also of chess in general.

Thank you very much for your answer!
I will think about buying this book, I searched about it in the internet, it really sounds interesting.
Do you have any other advice? 
Where are the black Berlin Wall players in this forum?  Grin
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Re: Help needed in the Berlin Wall
Reply #1 - 04/04/10 at 20:54:29
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Everything you need to and should know to play the Berlin Wall successfully is in John Cox's marvelous book 'The Berlin Wall' by Quality Chess. All the key games you need to know are in this book as well, and I strongly recommend you read part 1 on Berlin endgames before studying the theory, not just to improve your understanding of this opening but also of chess in general.

All our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
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Help needed in the Berlin Wall
04/04/10 at 20:03:41
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Hi guys!

I recently began playing 1.e4 e5 with black (I quit the Sicilian because I wanted to play something new and I didnt like this sharp games anymore). Now I have a problem:
I have no experience in the Ruy Lopez, I chose to play the Berlin Wall with black. How can I start training my understanding in the Berlin Wall? Are there any pages in the internet (english or german) ? What games should I know? What books are useful?
Undecided Undecided Undecided
I hope you can help me


PS: My Elo is 1950 if my rating is important
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