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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #7 - 04/14/10 at 16:07:30
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I also have been thinking about ditching the hyper acc. I feel like I reach unfavorable setups in the alapin way too often from it.

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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #6 - 04/09/10 at 17:52:47
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I forgot to mention that Bc4 lines where white castles kingside can be dangerous as well if black does not play accurate, escpeceilly if white remember to place Bishop to b3 and not allow any Nxe4 tactic.

Maybee I was a bit harch about g3 and classical castle kingside lines. g3 can actually be troubelsome to meet if black has no idea where to place the pieces since the position resulits in none typical Dragon positions.

About Be2 Bg5 0-0 line I lost agianst it myself a few years ago against the highest rated played I ever meet but was about equal after the opening and most of the mid game.

Also be aware of the move Nf3!? that sets up a trap, if black plays Bg7 white plays e5.
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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #5 - 04/09/10 at 13:53:45
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Thanks guys... looks like I've got quite a lot of work to do Smiley
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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #4 - 04/09/10 at 13:32:59
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I always found the setup Be6; Rc8; satisfactory, if possible followed by Na5 and the exchange sac. If that doesn't work. prepare ...d5. A glance in Megabase 2009 teached me that Black should study this as well indeed; I noticed too many wins for White.

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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #3 - 04/09/10 at 13:08:52
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Probably a natural tendency of dragon players to slightly under estimate anything which isn't outright life threatening Smiley

Nb3/Be3/Be2/f4/g4 without castling in the classical certainly also worth a look - I've won some games terribly easily there as white and it was even topical a long time ago. a5 after Nb3 maybe easiest way to avoid it.
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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #2 - 04/09/10 at 12:43:39
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You better pay attention to 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be2 Bg7 7.0-0 0-0 8.Nb3 Nc6 9.Bg5 and 9.Kh1 as well. In my opinion this is White's second best option after the Jugoslav. 9.Bg5 has been played by no one less than Karpov in his heighdays (and with success). 9.Kh1 is meant as an improvement on 9.Bg5.
Bragesjo knows a lot more about the Dragon than me, but I disagree that some brief knowledge is sufficient to meet this.

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Re: Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
Reply #1 - 04/09/10 at 12:37:32
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The most critical lines are of course all yugoslav attack variations.

Black also needs to know what to play agianst Be2 Be3 0-0-0 (no f3).

f4 variation can also be a bit tricky. 

Bg5 Bg7 Bb5+ Bd7 Qe2 can also be tricky.

At lower leves Bg5 Bg7 Qd2 is quite popular.

Some more positional lines like g3 or classical 0-0 lines needs requres some brief knowledge.

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Newbie question on dragon "sidelines"
04/09/10 at 11:50:11
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Hi guys,
I have played the hyper-accelerated dragon for some time now and was looking for something more... violent Smiley So i thought of playing the "real" dragon. I was wondering, besides the main line (you know... the I'll get to your throat stuff) what shall I worry about?
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