It's unclear which line is best against the Kalashnikov right now. Most players and repertoire books are playing
6. N1c3 here and meeting
6...a6 7. Na3 b5 8. Nd5 Nce7 with
9.c4! or
8...Nge7 with
9. c4! or
9. Bg5!? h6 10. Bxb5! It's not clear to me that this is such a big deal, as no one gives
7...Be7!? adequate coverage. Moiseenko and Ikonnikov are both scoring points hand over fist with this move.
You can also try
6. c4 Be7 7. N1c3!, which in my opinion is the best move out of the normal 4 choices of 7. N1c3, 7. Bd3, 7. Be2, and 7. b3. After 7. N1c3, play generally continues
7...a6 8. Na3 and now either
8...Be6 (the normal move), or
8...f5!? (the wacky move).
7. Bd3 and
7. b3 are fairly toothless. Against the former I like
7...a6 8. Na3 Bg5! and against the latter I think
7...f5! is completely adequate, and substantially more dangerous for White, for instance
8. Ba3 Nf6! and now only
9. N1c3! is sufficient for White, albeit still quite tricky.
As far as
3. Nc3 goes, it is possible Black has some independent tries, such as
3...e5!? (as you mentioned),
3...d6!? intending
4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 e5!?, with a Kalashnikov-esque position, although it's not clear to me that this is that great, since Black lacks the normal ...Bb4 resource after secondary retreats of the knight, and finally
3...Nd4!?, which to me just looks silly, but might be alright.
If you want to play this way, however, you may lose some options with your c-pawn against other lines though. Not to mention you'll see the Kalashnikov something like 1 in 30 in Open Sicilian games!
Hope this helps!
I should write a book!