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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence (Read 71619 times)
Jonathan Tait
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #76 - 02/23/22 at 07:34:16
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bof wrote on 02/23/22 at 05:15:18:
Seems to me that, against the King's Gambit, plying into an unresolved mess is giving White the kind of game he wants.

Very possibly. But also the kind of game I want. As someone who plays the King's Gambit from both sides.

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #75 - 02/23/22 at 05:15:18
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Thanks. I guess 12.e5 d6 13.Nd5 Qg7 14.exd6 cxd6 15. Bb5+ is yet another unresulved mess, or does it resolve to a draw or worse? Seems to me that, against the King's Gambit, plying into an unresolved mess is giving White the kind of game he wants.
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #74 - 02/22/22 at 07:39:50
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bof wrote on 02/22/22 at 02:47:19:
Do you also have a game or analysis with 11. Bxe7 instead of Bf4?

"(here 11 Bxe7 Qxe7 12 0-0-0 d6 13 e5 0-0 14 Bc4+ Kh8 or 12 Bc4 d5!? 13 Bxd5 c6 14 Bb3 g3!? is another unresolved mess)"

and earlier: "That’s not the final word though. Fred Galvin has drawn attention to 8 Bxg5! Be7 9 Qd2, aiming for rapid development which Black will struggle to match."

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #73 - 02/22/22 at 02:47:19
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Do you also have a game or analysis with 11. Bxe7 instead of Bf4?
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #72 - 02/21/22 at 09:13:31
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bof wrote on 02/21/22 at 01:59:10:
Now that your book is out you can tell us what you recommend for Black against the "Allgaier" gambit 6. Ng5. (I ordered a copy of the book but I guess it will take weeks to get here.)

my idea had in fact already been played in Komodo-Stockfish above

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #71 - 02/21/22 at 01:59:10
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Now that your book is out you can tell us what you recommend for Black against the "Allgaier" gambit 6. Ng5. (I ordered a copy of the book but I guess it will take weeks to get here.)
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #70 - 02/09/22 at 16:58:00
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #69 - 10/11/21 at 15:44:55
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The running comments below the vid are pretty funny. If SF can have no sense of shame or regret, could SF ever judge itself as having blundered? (not serious, BTW).
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Jonathan Tait
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #68 - 10/11/21 at 15:23:02
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Paul Cumbers wrote on 10/11/21 at 13:23:53:

Nice one Smiley

Presumably the source is the continually running engine tournaments at Annoyingly, they don't put these up for download, so you'd have to go and check for each game in each event individually.

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Paul Cumbers
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #67 - 10/11/21 at 13:23:53
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A recent video:

Stockfish v Leela Chess Zero
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 h5 4.d4 g5 5.h4 g4 6.Ng5 f6 7.Bxf4 fxg5 8.Bxg5 Be7 9.Qd2 d6 10.Nc3 Be6 11.Bd3 Bxg5 12.hxg5 Nd7 13.0–0 Qe7 14.Nb5 0–0–0 15.Qc3 c6 16.Nxa7+ Kb8 17.Nxc6+ bxc6 18.Qb4+ Ka7 19.Qa5+ Kb8 20.Ba6 Ka7 21.Rad1 Ra8 22.Qc7+ Kxa6 23.Qxc6+ Ka7 24.Rd3 Kb8 25.Rf5 Ra7 26.Rb5+ Nb6 27.Rxb6+ Rb7 28.Rxb7+ Qxb7 29.Qxd6+ Qc7 30.Qxe6 Ne7 31.Rb3+ Ka7 32.Ra3+ Kb8 33.Qa6 Qc6 34.Qa7+ Kc8 35.Qxe7 Re8 36.Ra8+ Qxa8 37.Qxe8+ Kb7 38.Qxa8+ Kxa8 39.g6 h4 40.g7 h3 41.g8Q+ Kb7 42.Qg7+ Kc6 43.c4 h2+ 44.Kh1 g3 45.b3 Kd6 46.c5+ Kc6 47.Qa7 Kb5 48.Qa4# 1-0

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #66 - 05/07/20 at 06:20:06
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Thanks, instructive video indeed. All the more a pity GM King seems to neglect 3...g5 4.Nc3 Nc6.

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #65 - 05/07/20 at 03:46:51
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Thought you guys might be interested in this:

Or maybe most of you have already seen it. I have surmised that with Rapd Chess becoming more and more prominent we should expect a sharp uptick in KG games. Even an ole skeptic like me is seriously considering giving it a go.  Smiley

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #64 - 05/06/20 at 09:02:03
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It's on my list to buy. Forgot to mention it here last week when i first saw it. I'm keen to compare it with Shaw's book.

Wasnt sure about having Danny King present it but having seen the intro video it's great to hear he was a fan of the opening in his  youth, and that the Korchnoi & Zak book was his bible. 

I had some great fun with this opening following Gallagher's book.

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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #63 - 05/06/20 at 08:59:33
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Worse, I'm missing 3.Nf3 g5 4.Nc3 Nc6, ie the best reply to the Quaade. Probably critical is 5.g3 g4 6.Nh4 f3 7.d4 Be7 and two corr games (all players had ratings between 2340 and 2400) ended with draws. You can find more here:

You can find the Wagenbach Defense on that site too  Wink.

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Jonathan Tait
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Re: C34: King's Gambit: Wagenbach Defence
Reply #62 - 05/06/20 at 06:29:54
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TopNotch wrote on 05/05/20 at 20:10:46:
How come nobody's talking about Daniel King's latest Chessbase DVD - The King's Gambit for White?

I would have thought tongues would be wagging by now. Smiley

yes, it looks quite interesting – but he doesn't cover the Wagenbach Wink

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