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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #156 - 07/15/12 at 09:38:27
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I think it´s safe to say that nowadays it´s considered quite satisfactory for Black. Vigorito´s treatment makes quite a good impression to me.

Even Avrukh in his big work on 1.d4 seemingly struggled to find something in the main lines and suggested 8.Qd3 against which Vigorito gives several satisfactory answers.
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #155 - 07/15/12 at 09:27:05
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I saw that this book analyze the Panno variation etc (a6 with Nc6 etc)as response to fianchetto variation.  I want to ask if it is a playable variation for black because some years ago I heard that it was not so good for black
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #154 - 07/10/12 at 16:35:16
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Got it as a second free eBook with Triangle System buy 1 get 1 free offer!
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #153 - 05/21/12 at 16:22:48
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The vol 2 is now out as eBook!
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #152 - 04/20/12 at 22:18:45
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I also would like to hear from Smyslov_Fan about the Bayonet variation-games he played in correspondence chess.
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #151 - 01/12/12 at 10:56:54
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Smyslov_Fan wrote on 09/28/11 at 14:41:16:
I have heard for a couple years now that the Bayonet has been "solved" and is no longer much to worry about.

However, I have no clue what the equalising lines for Black are supposed to be. In the 2-3 correspondence games I've tried, all on the white side, I've managed to reach extraordinarily complex positions where I've preferred White's chances. 

So, what is this solution to the Bayonet? Does Vigorito mention it?

Can you be more specific about that White variations?  Smiley
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #150 - 01/12/12 at 10:30:57
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Markovich wrote on 09/11/11 at 21:28:24:

I do, however,have a very specific observation about the coverage of the Makagonov with 7...Nh5 (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.h3 e5 7.d5 Nh5).  After
8.Nh2 Qe8 9.Be2 Nf4 10.Bf3 f5 11.g3 Nxh3 12.Bg2 fxe4 13.Be3, Vigorito says "as Markos points out, Black is okay after 13...Na6! 14.Nxe4 Bf5 15.f3 h5!."  This appears to be an untested recommendation; I have three games in my data base that reached 15.f3, none with 15...h5.  And given that it is untested, this would be a place that I would look hard to find something for White.  Obviously, White can redeploy his h2 knight to d2 with tempo (16.Nf1 Qd7 17.Nfd2), after which I wonder if Black is really all that O.K. with that funny-looking knight of his sitting there on h3.  

Inarkiev, in a recent yearbook survey, already considered the line that Markovich mentions, going further (if i remember well) 17...b6 18. Ke2 with the idea 19. Qf1. His assesment is white advantage. As there's not practical games yet we don't know if this works well. Macieja-Maze is critical and 14 ...b5!? (Kosyrev - Sutovsky, Moscow open 2008) is interesting as well, i believe black can improve Sutovsky's play. 
So this subvariation remains quite unclear by the time being.
« Last Edit: 01/13/12 at 09:08:13 by agropop »  
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #149 - 01/11/12 at 21:24:02
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I read through it on the plane, comparing it to what I remembered of Gallagher's analysis and games I have looked over since then.  I did not have a board or engine, I was just closing my eyes occasionally to visualize the lines.  Not a good way to learn openings, but a good way to work on visualizing positions.

I was particularly impressed by his much more in depth coverage of reasonable White deviations at move 5-6, a place I have found Gallagher unhelpful.
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #148 - 01/05/12 at 02:17:10
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"Casual perusal"? 

I don't really understand that.
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #147 - 01/04/12 at 22:35:00
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I have yet to plumb the depths of these books, but they were very impressive to casual perusal over the holidays.  I thank you for the hard work, and the results are impressive and compare (to these eyes) favorably to other books on the market.  My only regret is that it includes the Panno rather than the Samisch Gambit (but this is a completely explicable, and explained in the book, choice).
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #146 - 12/30/11 at 06:02:08
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I am waiting to buy both Vol 1 & 2 in eBook format. Since I am currently in India and prefer eBook format - just anxious when the vol 2 eBook format will be published? If it is in 1-2 months, I'll just buy vol 1 right now as it will take some time to go through the same.

Mr. Vigorito - any update on vol 2 ebook timing?
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #145 - 09/28/11 at 14:41:16
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I have heard for a couple years now that the Bayonet has been "solved" and is no longer much to worry about.

However, I have no clue what the equalising lines for Black are supposed to be. In the 2-3 correspondence games I've tried, all on the white side, I've managed to reach extraordinarily complex positions where I've preferred White's chances. 

So, what is this solution to the Bayonet? Does Vigorito mention it?
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #144 - 09/28/11 at 13:45:46
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OldGrizzly wrote on 09/28/11 at 12:47:07:
I'd like to know whether in Bayonet and/or 9.Nd2 lines is covered the 9...Ne8 variation with later ...dxc5 after White played b5. This was played by Nakamura vs. Beliavsky and Gelfand.

I don't think there is anything on this. The recommendation against 9.Nd2 is ...a5 and the Bayonet is ...Nh5.
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #143 - 09/28/11 at 12:47:07
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I'd like to know whether in Bayonet and/or 9.Nd2 lines is covered the 9...Ne8 variation with later ...dxc5 after White played b5. This was played by Nakamura vs. Beliavsky and Gelfand.
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Re: New Vigorito's book
Reply #142 - 09/12/11 at 09:45:20
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Markovich wrote on 09/11/11 at 21:28:24:
I think that this work is outstanding for its comprehensiveness, lucidity and honesty, and I think that it'll be very useful for many players.  It's quite admirable that Vigorito has taken the trouble to point out what's wrong with some of Black's likely alternatives to his recommendations, which ensures that these volumes will be useful for White's partisans as well as Black's.

I do, however,have a very specific observation about the coverage of the Makagonov with 7...Nh5 (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.h3 e5 7.d5 Nh5).  After
8.Nh2 Qe8 9.Be2 Nf4 10.Bf3 f5 11.g3 Nxh3 12.Bg2 fxe4 13.Be3, Vigorito says "as Markos points out, Black is okay after 13...Na6! 14.Nxe4 Bf5 15.f3 h5!."  This appears to be an untested recommendation; I have three games in my data base that reached 15.f3, none with 15...h5.  And given that it is untested, this would be a place that I would look hard to find something for White.  Obviously, White can redeploy his h2 knight to d2 with tempo (16.Nf1 Qd7 17.Nfd2), after which I wonder if Black is really all that O.K. with that funny-looking knight of his sitting there on h3.  

It's interesting that Vigorito devotes a half page or so to 13.Nxe4, but only this little note to 13.Be3.  Maybe this is one place where he wants to keep his secrets.  Or is Black's O.K.-ness after 15...h5 really that obvious?

P.S. after 13.Be3 Na6 14.Nxe4, Black has a possible improvement in 14...Nf4!? as played in Macieja - Maze, Aix-les-Bain, 2011.  Too late to make the edition, or judged not relevant?

P.P.S. It's worth noting that besides 7...Nh5, Vigorito covers both7...a5 or 7...Na6  in detail.

+1 regarding the initial praise. I have most relevant books published in later years on the KID and concerning comprehensiveness, usability and ratio between variations and explaining prose these 2 volumes come out on top. Other books are useful when the recommended variations does not fit in your own repertoire (I'm not all that enthusiastic about the Panno Saemish f ex) and as a comparison, but if I had to choose one reference work I'd pick this one. 
As with all theory books, if you look deep enough in specific variations you'll find assesments which are wrong and recommendations that does not fit your style. A major strength to me is that you get a very good picture of current theory and thus have a good base to do your own research on. 
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