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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #10 - 06/30/20 at 20:14:17
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BadDays wrote on 06/29/20 at 19:54:21:
I play 3...g6 because the other options don't appeal to me. Black has a reasonably wide choice of plans and move-orders in all of the main lines. Carlsen's ...Qc7 concepts seem decent and there have been some new developments in the traditional 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 6.h3 Nf6 line. 

The positions after 3...e6 are not to my taste. My impression is that 3...d6 is somewhat dangerous for Black if White knows what to do. I haven't looked at 3...Nf6 much, but I actually think that it's better than its reputation. I'm going to look at that line in more depth soon.

Actually, one of the (many) reasons that I switched to the Sveshnikov from the Najdorf is that I much prefer the Rossolimo to the Moscow. 

TheLazyBrother wrote on 08/19/10 at 20:34:14:
I like strategical thematic positions, not too dry, not too chaotic, with clear plans (like the Kalashnikov!).

3...g6 seems to fit the bill the best. What is it about 3...g6 that you don't like?

As a small aside I've always been partial to the following line for White: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.0-0 [The modern and trendy 4.Bxc6 never really appealed to me] Bg7 5.c3!? this is coming back into vogue, and what I particularly like is that two authors have recently recommended for black the extremely risky in my opinion 5...e5?! probably because the engine claims that Black can weather the coming storm, perhaps that's true in theory but in otb practice you are taking your life in your hands if you choose this path and I would not touch this with a barge-pole as black. 

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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #9 - 06/29/20 at 19:54:21
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I play 3...g6 because the other options don't appeal to me. Black has a reasonably wide choice of plans and move-orders in all of the main lines. Carlsen's ...Qc7 concepts seem decent and there have been some new developments in the traditional 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 6.h3 Nf6 line. 

The positions after 3...e6 are not to my taste. My impression is that 3...d6 is somewhat dangerous for Black if White knows what to do. I haven't looked at 3...Nf6 much, but I actually think that it's better than its reputation. I'm going to look at that line in more depth soon.

Actually, one of the (many) reasons that I switched to the Sveshnikov from the Najdorf is that I much prefer the Rossolimo to the Moscow. 

TheLazyBrother wrote on 08/19/10 at 20:34:14:
I like strategical thematic positions, not too dry, not too chaotic, with clear plans (like the Kalashnikov!).

3...g6 seems to fit the bill the best. What is it about 3...g6 that you don't like?
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #8 - 06/26/20 at 21:57:33
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As a Classical Sicilian player, I can either play 2...d6 or 2...Nc6. I've looked at, and played, both moves. Overall, the chess world seems to favor 2...d6. It scores much better. Still, I like for the interesting game that follows 1e4 c5 2Nf3 Nc6 3Bb5 g6. I may take this up again. One source of course are the games published in ChessPublishing B31.

Magnus Carlsen has played this line as black with success. So I went to the Chess Assistant data base and downloaded all his games as black, following the moves given above. I then read them into Chess Opening Wizard thereby creating an e-book, "Magnus Carlsen Teaches the Rossolimo."
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #7 - 08/03/15 at 17:13:08
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Glenn Snow wrote on 08/03/15 at 14:20:14:
But in the end didn't you decide on 3...Nf6?

Indeed, though in a roundabout way, for many scattered reasons. At first, the Anti-Sicilians section of my book was intended to be very short, just providing some guidance on move order issues and giving a bit of short coverage (this was at Everyman's suggestion - I wanted to write a more comprehensive Kalashnikov book, and they wanted a repertoire book with a small amount of material on the Anti-Sicilians - they thought it was a more marketable book) of all of White's options, etc. And so in order to keep it manageable, I thought it might be easier to try and swerve into ...e6 related options, e.g. 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 e6, 3.f4 e6, 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6, etc. But then some irritating move order stuff popped up, e.g. 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nge2!? e5 4.g3, etc. And so I decided that it should be a more focused around fianchetto approaches. I had a lot of material already on these systems, as I had been playing my recommendations in the Closed and GPA for a long time already. This ...g6 stuff is also a little bit more versatile if people intended to use the book for just the Anti-Sicilian coverage or if they wanted to eventually move away from the Kalashnikov and to something else. Eventually I moved away from meeting the Rossolimo with 3...e6 because I found a few problems, it was no longer part of a thematic framework, and because I had a lot more experience and a few new ideas after 3...Nf6. I picked it up a long time ago from The Easiest Sicilian and had always found White knew less there than in other places. 

And as you can see, the Anti-Sicilians coverage also ballooned up into a book in and of itself - it felt weird for me to write 20-50 page chapters on the Kalashnikov and then really short chapters on the Anti-Sicilians. They'd be inconsistent and useless compared to the rest of the text, so I just did what I felt was right anyway! 

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Glenn Snow
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #6 - 08/03/15 at 14:20:14
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TonyRo wrote on 08/20/10 at 17:31:26:
Well, this is interesting. A player inspired to take up the Kalashnikov due to the forums efforts! Very cool!

As far as your options go, you're right - 3...g6 is not very suitable for a Kalashnikov player, but certainly 3...e6 is. What was your exact reason for rejecting that one? It's certainly the choice of a lot of the stronger Kalashnikov players, and it isn't super chaotic. 

Another choice is to pick up The Easiest Sicilian and play 3...Nf6. It's fairly strategical with a decent amount of maneuvering, and on a side note, the Sveshnikov (note the irony here) might be a decent back-up to the Kalashnikov. It gives you the option of 6...Nf6 against 6. N1c3 as well!

I suspect that there will be at least one book coming in the next year that will give you a brighter perspective on 3...e6.

But in the end didn't you decide on 3...Nf6?
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #5 - 09/04/10 at 21:49:46
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Raetsky recommends 3...e6 in "Meeting 1.e4". Seems OK to me.

Of course, if you're happy to play lines with ...e6 then 2...e6 is an attractive way of avoiding 3.Bb5. I'm not actually sure why Raetsky recommends 2...Nc6 rather than 2...e6, since his main line is the Four Knights. As another Kalashnikov-liking Rossolimo-hater, I switched to 2...e6 with a view to a Sveshnikov (or a sideline of the Kalashnikov).
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #4 - 09/02/10 at 19:49:44
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TN wrote on 08/21/10 at 07:49:55:
I recommend 3...d6 since it's very solid but still provides Black with active counterplay and plenty of opportunity to play for a win. Palliser's Bb5 Sicilian book covers this line very objectively, and his view is that Black should equalise.

Being somewhat fed up with replying Rossolimo by 3...e6 I was also considering to change my line. Your recommendation makes me think it is time to open my book case to get Palliser's book out and check 3...d6 lines. Sigh* To me it seems more and more players opt for Rossolimo lines against 2...Nc6 Sicilian these days.
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #3 - 08/21/10 at 07:49:55
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I recommend 3...d6 since it's very solid but still provides Black with active counterplay and plenty of opportunity to play for a win. Palliser's Bb5 Sicilian book covers this line very objectively, and his view is that Black should equalise.

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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #2 - 08/20/10 at 17:31:26
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Well, this is interesting. A player inspired to take up the Kalashnikov due to the forums efforts! Very cool!

As far as your options go, you're right - 3...g6 is not very suitable for a Kalashnikov player, but certainly 3...e6 is. What was your exact reason for rejecting that one? It's certainly the choice of a lot of the stronger Kalashnikov players, and it isn't super chaotic. 

Another choice is to pick up The Easiest Sicilian and play 3...Nf6. It's fairly strategical with a decent amount of maneuvering, and on a side note, the Sveshnikov (note the irony here) might be a decent back-up to the Kalashnikov. It gives you the option of 6...Nf6 against 6. N1c3 as well!

I suspect that there will be at least one book coming in the next year that will give you a brighter perspective on 3...e6.
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Re: 3.Bb5 suggestions
Reply #1 - 08/20/10 at 08:01:32
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You summed up your major options very well. Apart from 3...g6 (not very French-like or Kalashnikov-like), you have 3 major options: 3...e6, 3...d6 and 3...Nf6. If you want something more offbeat, you could also consider 3...Na5 or 3...a6. They don't have the same reputation as the 4 other main moves, but they are playable, even if a well prepared white player has more chances to get an edge against them.

Coming back to the 3 main alternative moves to 3...g6, I would have guessed that 3...e6 would fit to a former French player. Considering your sentence:

TheLazyBrother wrote on 08/19/10 at 20:34:14:

And 3...e6 seems to be everything that I would like to avoid.

I'd be wrong. So, you'll have to decide for yourself between the 2 others. My suggestion would be to consult the book "The Bb5 Sicilian" from Palliser. It is best suited to your questions, as you'll see excellent coverage of each system: 3...d6 and 3...Nf6, but also 3...e6 and 3...g6 if you change your mind. The book is 5 years old, but still the best (or only?) available source on 3.Bb5 which is not a black or white repertoire.
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YaBB Newbies

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3.Bb5 suggestions
08/19/10 at 20:34:14
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I'm lifelong French player, who started playing the Kalashnikov (and loving it!), partly inspired by this forum.

My problem is 3.Bb5 though. Do I really have to play 3...g6, as Rogozenko suggests? I will if I have to, but I would rather not. And 3...e6 seems to be everything that I would like to avoid.

That leaves 3...d6, and 3...Nf6.

I like strategical thematic positions, not too dry, not too chaotic, with clear plans (like the Kalashnikov!).

Please help!
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