MNb wrote on 09/27/10 at 19:00:08:
Gueler, could you give the exact move order which leads to your diagrammed position?
I am referring to the following game:
Morozevich,Alexander (2762) - Lputian,Smbat G (2634) [C18]
RUS-chT Sochi (8), 09.05.2007
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 Ne7 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 c5 7.h4 Nbc6 8.h5 Qa5 9.Bd2 Bd7 10.h6 gxh6 11.Rb1 0–0–0 12.Rb5 Qa4 13.Qb1 Na5 14.Rxc5+ Kb8 15.Rh3 b6 16.Rf3 Ka8 17.Rb5 Nc4 18.Rb4 Nxa3 19.Rxa4 Nxb1 20.Ra1 Nxd2 21.Kxd2 Rdf8 22.Bd3 Rhg8 23.g3 h5 24.Ne2 h4 25.Rh1 hxg3 26.Nxg3 Rh8 27.Nh5 Ng8 28.Rg1 f5 29.Rg7 Bc8 30.Nf4 Nh6 31.c4 dxc4 32.Bxc4 Rd8 33.c3 Ng4 34.Ke2 Rhe8 35.Rh3 Rd7 36.Rxd7 Bxd7 37.Rxh7 b5 38.Bb3 Bc8 39.f3 a5 40.fxg4 1–0
This is the game Ametanoitos referred to earlier in the thread. The game also features in Simon Williams' DVD.
Lputian played 13. ... Na5 and I am suggesting that 13. ... Nd4: would be worth a look.
Also, your suggestion 15.Qxb5 is certainly an interesting alternative, but I would probably play 17. ... b6 instead of 17. ... Qe5:. But this still looks level, although I would say that it is a difficult position to play and requires a high degree of technical skill, and this position might not be the cup of tea for everyone. Nevertheless, the position has enough imbalance (R+2P vs 2B), i.e. chances for both sides.
Anyways, my point is that the Rb1, Rb5 and Qb1 plan is far from being a bust as advertised.