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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID? (Read 11813 times)
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #10 - 09/08/11 at 17:18:55
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Yes, it is in Russian. But then his article was in Russian at a Russian language site.
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #9 - 09/08/11 at 11:36:39
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MNb wrote on 09/08/11 at 10:53:57:
I hope this is not Russian. GM Golubev being Ukrainian that would be the equivalent of addressing FM Bücker in Dutch.

Not quite so, I suppose.  Grin
Edit: And it's Russian..
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #8 - 09/08/11 at 10:53:57
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I hope this is not Russian. GM Golubev being Ukrainian that would be the equivalent of addressing FM Bücker in Dutch.

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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #7 - 09/08/11 at 04:29:15
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Thank you for providing the link. But as far as I can tell, you seem to suggest that 8.e4 c6 9.h3 amounts to a transposition (that avoids 9.Be3?! Ng4!).

Is there any reason to play 8.h3 and refrain from playing e4?

Вы полагаете, что 8.e4 c6 9.h3 составляет транспозиции (что позволяет избежать 9.c-e3? Конья g4!).

Есть ли какой-либо причине играть 8.h3 и воздержаться от игры e4?
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #6 - 08/19/11 at 12:18:56
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Botvinnik's Move. My article (in Russian) on the Botvinnik's 9.Be3 in the Fianchetto King's Indian is published today at or
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #5 - 01/25/11 at 01:03:12
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Essentially, in almost all lines Black will eventually get some use out of the g4 square, whether with a Knight or, less often, the Bc8.  It is usually worth a tempo to prevent Black having this option, because White's entire strategy in this line is to, er, restrict Black's options.

Not to try to get too specific without talking variations (always a bad idea), but Black has three minor pieces that potentially can use g4, and a major piece, the Queen, that can occasionally use d7 (an alternative post to g4 for all three minors).  Black running out of squares for these minors is part of White's strategy, and taking away g4 is a good idea as it can be an active square.
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #4 - 12/06/10 at 11:06:08
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It is just prophylactic and it avoids variations with exd4, Ng4, Qb6.
I think e4 or h3 is just a matter of taste.
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #3 - 12/04/10 at 23:06:21
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MrCookie wrote on 12/04/10 at 21:25:32:
I mean why h3 now instead of e4?

Ah, sorry, yes, careless of me; an interesting question. 

According to Stohl in CBM it is directed against the Gallagher variation.

"A clever move order, aimed against Black's next move."

Akopian-Efimenko, Areoflot op 2002 which continued 8...a6 9 dxe5 dxe5 10 Be3.

The 8 h3 line seems to be a favourite with Armenian GMs.
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #2 - 12/04/10 at 21:25:32
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I mean why h3 now instead of e4?
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Re: Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
Reply #1 - 12/04/10 at 17:32:30
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MrCookie wrote on 12/04/10 at 16:23:39:
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. g3 O-O 5. Bg2 d6 6. O-O Nbd7 7. Nc3 e5 8. h3 *

Just wondering what you avoid with this move order. 

It's just to control g4!  Smiley

In many lines White wants to play Be3 without being hassled by ...Ng4. 

White has a static advantage based on having more space and so generally in the early middlegame he just wants to stabilize the position and suppress possible dynamic counterplay.

Black's main counter-attacking piece is the g7-bishop, which can suddenly "fire" as soon as the f6-knight moves out of the way. By playing h3 White ensures that when that piece moves it will not be able to come forward to the aggressive g4 square - one less square to worry about..

Look what happened when Botvinnik tried to do without this move:

[Event "World Championship 20th"]
[Site "Moscow"]
[Date "1954.04.15"]
[Round "14"]
[White "Botvinnik, Mikhail"]
[Black "Smyslov, Vassily"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E68"]
[PlyCount "66"]
[EventDate "1954.03.16"]
[EventType "match"]
[EventRounds "24"]
[EventCountry "URS"]
[Source "ChessBase"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 Bg7 4. Bg2 O-O 5. Nc3 d6 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. O-O e5 8. e4 c6 9. Be3 Ng4 10. Bg5 Qb6 11. h3 exd4 12. Na4 Qa6 13. hxg4 b5 14. Nxd4 bxa4 15. Nxc6 Qxc6 16. e5 Qxc4 17. Bxa8 Nxe5 18. Rc1 Qb4 19. a3 Qxb2 20. Qxa4 Bb7 21. Rb1 Nf3+ 22. Kh1 Bxa8 23. Rxb2 Nxg5+ 24. Kh2 Nf3+ 25. Kh3 Bxb2 26. Qxa7 Be4 27. a4 Kg7 28. Rd1 Be5 29. Qe7 Rc8 30. a5 Rc2 31. Kg2 Nd4+ 32. Kf1 Bf3 33. Rb1 Nc6 0-1
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Point of 8.h3 in fianchetto KID?
12/04/10 at 16:23:39
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1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. g3 O-O 5. Bg2 d6 6. O-O Nbd7 7. Nc3 e5 8. h3 *

Just wondering what you avoid with this move order. 
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