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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Benoni question. (Read 10329 times)
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #10 - 02/13/11 at 17:10:57
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Dzindzi's idea seems to be interesting,could tou tell me more about it,what is the idea of delaying ...ed5,as in Modern Benoni?
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #9 - 02/12/11 at 15:52:10
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Ametanoitos wrote on 02/12/11 at 08:43:53:
The "old" Benoni with ...e6 but not ...exd5 soon enough seems another nice idea. No theory, just ideas and in practice i have seen White players to "destroy" very soon their opening advantage. If i recall correctly an old Dzindzi video ("Benoni Attacks" or something like that) explained some of the ideas Black should know there.

It sounds as though you might be talking about 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 g6 4. Nc3 d6 5. e4 Bg7 6. Nf3 0-0 7. Be2 (White has other ways of playing, of course) e6 8. 0-0 Re8, and in the case of 9. Nd2 Black can aim to keep the central tension while playing ...Na6-c7, ...b6 etc.

Move-order-wise there is also the idea of delaying ...d6 as played by Tal, in which case 6. e5 is, as far as I know, dubious.
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #8 - 02/12/11 at 08:43:53
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The "old" Benoni with ...e6 but not ...exd5 soon enough seems another nice idea. No theory, just ideas and in practice i have seen White players to "destroy" very soon their opening advantage. If i recall correctly an old Dzindzi video ("Benoni Attacks" or something like that) explained some of the ideas Black should know there.
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #7 - 02/10/11 at 16:33:24
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keerik wrote on 02/10/11 at 12:58:56:
What are the ideas of playing ...g6 ..e6 ...Ne7?

To play ...f5 and ...Nb8-d7-f6.

keerik wrote on 02/10/11 at 13:15:21:
What does kylemister mean King's Indian Benoni?

1.d4 c5 2.d5 d6 3.c4 Nf6 4.Nc3 g6, only later deciding if Black wants to play ...b5, ...e6 or ...e5 or even something independent like ...Na6.

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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #6 - 02/10/11 at 13:15:21
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What does kylemister mean King's Indian Benoni(e5 without g6 or typical Czech Benoni?
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #5 - 02/10/11 at 12:58:56
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Clarendon Court looks to be quite interesting.Whose games do you reccomend me to see?What are the ideas of playing ...g6 ..e6 ...Ne7?
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #4 - 02/10/11 at 11:10:21
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Gerardo wrote on 02/09/11 at 17:57:09:
...e5 and go for a Czech Benoni? IIRC, Starting Out Benoni Systems by Raetsky and someone else deals with it.


There's also 3...f5, transposing to a variation of the Clarendon Court that is only slightly better for White, and the tricky 3...g6 4.Nc3 Bg7 5.e4 Bc3 6.bc3 Qa5, which isn't 100% sound, but Bosboom does well enough with it.

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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #3 - 02/10/11 at 03:03:17
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Other possibilities include heading for what has been called a King's Indian Benoni (with ...e5 instead of the ...e6 which could transpose to a Modern Benoni) and a (nameless as far as I know) approach with ...g6, ...Bg7, ...e6 and ...Ne7.
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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #2 - 02/10/11 at 02:14:56
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My 1985 book on the Old Benoni's by Stoljar and Kondratjev mentions 1.d4 c5 2.d5 e5 3.c4 d6 (2nd and 3rd move can be exchanged, but notice 3.dxe6) 4.e4 Be7
a) 5.Nc3 Bg5.
b) 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.h3 Bxf3 7.Qxf3 Bg5 8.Bxg5 Qxg5 9.Nc3, which looks dangerous.

Perhaps Black can try an accelerated version of a well-known manoeuvre: 5.Nf3 Nd7 6.Nc3 Nf8 and 7...Ng6.
With such a repertoire I am pretty sure that you will force your opponents to think for their own.

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Re: Benoni question.
Reply #1 - 02/09/11 at 17:57:09
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...e5 and go for a Czech Benoni? IIRC, Starting Out Benoni Systems by Raetsky and someone else deals with it.
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Benoni question.
02/09/11 at 17:09:01
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Hello everyone!I'm a Schmid benoni player,but I don't like to reach Modern benoni positions(due to the lack of theory).So,what would You recommend me to play against 1.d4 c5 2.d5 d6 3.c4?Maybe there are any books in english on it?
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