Fllg wrote on 04/05/11 at 15:33:22:
I´m afraid I can´t agree with that either. After 7... Bg4 8.f3 Bd7 9.Nc3 the Knight on g5 isn´t in any danger since there is the nice square e6. Also after 9... Be7 10.f4 Black is in serious trouble since his King finds no shelter.
This line can also come up via 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 f5 4.d3 fxe4 5.dxe4 d6 6.Ng5 Nh6 etc. In my view this is just unplayable for Black.
Wellcome to the days of disagreement
I can't agree with you too. You found the soft spot in Black's position: The vulnerable white squares e6, f7, g8 disabling him to castle safely (if at all).
But your conclusion comes a bit to short. In fact the Ng5 is a bit on quicksand. Yes, he has as a ressort e6.
The direct and easiest way would therefore be the straight
(1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4 fxe5 5.Bc4 d6! 6.Ng5 Nh6)
7.Ne6 Snatching the pair of Bishops right away
7...Bxe6 8.Bxe6 now after
8...Qf6 Black has surely a way to go to equalize. But I wouldn't dare to play that. After all the centre is quite stable and offers some possibilities for the Knights...
Especially that last point too is what you missed in your judgement after
(1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4 fxe5 5.Bc4 d6! 6.Ng5 Nh6)
7.0-0 Bg4 8.f3 Bd7 9.Nc3 as you said, the white squares (esp. e6) in Black's camp are weak. I meant White's Ng5 to be vulnerable to an attack with Bf8-e7. So let's mix the statements: Black first has to cover e6 and only then attack the Ng5.
So to me
9...Nd4! meets the point. That by no means is dangerous to White. He only has to look for his pieces and so his initiative vanishes. Ng5 is a bit unsave. Due to f2-f3 White can't play the annoying Qh5+. On the other side Black threatens b7-b5 driving back the Bc4 which itself is a cornerstone in the reign over e6 and f7...
10.Be3 seems natural.
10...Be7 too. And now?
11.h4 (11.Qd2? Nxc2+ another idea of Nc6-d4; 11.Nh3 Bxh3 12.gxh3 b5)
11...b5 and I am inclined to call the position interesting and lively.
Fllg wrote on 04/05/11 at 15:33:22:
After 7... Bg4
In addition both 8.Qd5 or Qd3 leave White clearly for choice because of the weakened white squares.
I think you'r a bit superficial with that.
8.Qd5 "?" in my eyes due to 8...Nd4! (again this useful move). Now White in fact is clearly for coice: Where is his Queen going to? She's threatened by 8...c6.
8.Qd3. Yes, playable. But what are you heading for with that? What about the simple 8...Na5 ?
Beware: All that is done on a wooden board with human brain only