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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #53 - 04/12/11 at 22:29:28
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CraigEvans wrote on 04/12/11 at 10:42:22:
Fear not, Motorhead. I am here, and I will indeed proceed to show that, in black's rotten position, the rotten-looking 5...Qe7 isn't a paradoxical saving grace.
So, after 1.d4 e5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4! fe (I wonder if black might be better served leaving the pawn on e5 and developing around it... ) 5.Bc4 Qe7?!, 6.Nc3 looks the logical move, threatening 6.Nd5 and therefore preventing the 6...Nd8 manoeuvre, so let's look at this first.

First: I don’t think there is a way leaving the pawn on e5 and developing around because that would leave a pawn on f6 too - hindering developing around.
Second: why is 5...Qe7 "?!" ? When punctuating like this, there should be a better move available, or? But the major attempts (5...Nf6, 5...d6) are refuted. So here (or earlier)  is the point to look for alternatives.
I don't think it is paradoxial but the last resort as f7 is too weak and you have to cover it perhaps with Nc6-d8. So to me it is "!?" - just in comparison with the other “?!”- to “?”-moves.
Third: aggreed, 6.Nc3 is logical.

CraigEvans wrote on 04/12/11 at 10:42:22:

6.Nc3 Nf6 7.O-O does look strongest (the black queen obviously intends to move from e7, so why pin a knight to a moving target?), and we'll eliminate black's moves in order:
i) 7...Qc5? [...]
ii) 7...Qb4? [...]
iii) 7...Na5 [...]

What about 
iv) 7...Nd8

CraigEvans wrote on 04/12/11 at 10:42:22:
So let us look at some alternatives. After 6.Ng5 you suggest 6...Qb4+ 7.Nd2 Nd8, but the problem here is that maybe 8.Nxh7 comes a move too early for black. 8...Rxh7 9.Bxg8 Rh8 10.Bb3 Qb6 11.Nc4 looks like a logical series of moves [...]

Well, I agree, I had a typo in it. 7...Nh6 is the way and NOT 7...Nd8. That's why I have the impossible 9...Nhf7 in my (faulty, I'm deeply sorry) line. I don't know why I went wrong with that  (that's what happens when the engine is human). The idea of Ng5xh7 is obvious, I gave it myself erlier. So f7 has to be protected and h7 too - as 7...Nh6 does. Only later there may come Nc6-d8.

CraigEvans wrote on 04/12/11 at 10:42:22:

So if 6...Qb4+ doesn't work, 6...Qe7 becomes less of a pointed move. Maybe 6...Nd8 is a refinement.

No, that is the exact point where I gave 7.Nxh7.
CraigEvans wrote on 04/12/11 at 10:42:22:

I'm afraid it looks like, paradoxically, declining the Soller is a total refutation of it. The irony is that I think black's compensation in the Soller accepted is totally insufficient also, but the fact that white can keep a clear advantage if not win outright whilst denying black all his fun and traps... that doesn't speak well for it.

I think we are close to the refutation, but it’s not done yet. 
The "totally insufficient compensation in the Soller accepted" is on another board. Im not sure about it yet...

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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #52 - 04/12/11 at 10:42:22
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Fear not, Motorhead. I am here, and I will indeed proceed to show that, in black's rotten position, the rotten-looking 5...Qe7 isn't a paradoxical saving grace.

So, after 1.d4 e5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4! fe (I wonder if black might be better served leaving the pawn on e5 and developing around it... ) 5.Bc4 Qe7?!, 6.Nc3 looks the logical move, threatening 6.Nd5 and therefore preventing the 6...Nd8 manoeuvre, so let's look at this first.

6.Nc3 Nf6 7.O-O does look strongest (the black queen obviously intends to move from e7, so why pin a knight to a moving target?), and we'll eliminate black's moves in order:

i) 7...Qc5? 8.Qe2! and black already has no satisfactory moves to meet the threats of Bd4 and Nb5 - e.g. 8...Be7 removes the best escape square from the queen, and after 9.Be3 black is forced to jettison a pawn with 9...Nd4 (Try 9...Qa5 10.a3 for yourself if you don't believe me!). 10.Bxd4 exd4 11.Nb5 and with ideas of b4 in the air, white will capture on d4 when he is a pawn up with better development, better attacking chances and generally just a huge advantage. +-

ii) 7...Qb4? is even worse, as white will gain tempi with a3 whilst playing similar lines to above - he is already castled to there is no point to the move.

iii) 7...Na5 is a tougher nut to crack, and indeed probably doesn't lose outright. But white just plays simply and proves how bad black's position fundamentally is, I think: 8.Bd3 c6 9.Qe2!? b5?! (Trying for activity and space - maybe 9...b6 is more circumspect but I don't believe black is holding there long-term) 10.Rd1! Nb7 11.Be3 Nc5 (Black's point, but it meets with a sticky end) 12.Bxb5!! cxb5 13.Nxb5 and black's position seems to be collapsing, with threats of Nd6+, Nxe5 (in some lines) and Nc7+ (maybe after Qc4 first).

So maybe black instead goes with the safer 9...b6. Now he faces the same positional problems after 10.Rd1 Nb7 11.a4! - it is not clear where any of black's pieces are going to go, white's bishop will get back to c4 with interest, and black is positionally bankrupt.

Maybe instead black leaves the knight on a5 to prevent such problems, so then we have 9...b6 10.Rd1 g6!? (The best of a bad bunch) 11.a3!? Bg7 12.b4 Nb7 13.Bc4. This is not so easy to assess - black can make a game of it. However, I would opine that after 13...b5 14.Bb3 a5 15.Bb2 d6 16.Qe3!? Bg4 17.h3 Bxf3 18.Qxf3 that white has the more harmonious position, and black's king will not feel safe whichever direction it goes in. Nonetheless, this is not the utter refutation I was hoping for - maybe someone else can improve? I am away from my home at the moment so this is sadly without any help from my beloved Rybka - maybe that will be able to put some final nails in the Soller's coffin.

So let us look at some alternatives. After 6.Ng5 you suggest 6...Qb4+ 7.Nd2 Nd8, but the problem here is that maybe 8.Nxh7 comes a move too early for black. 8...Rxh7 9.Bxg8 Rh8 10.Bb3 Qb6 11.Nc4 looks like a logical series of moves, where I see nothing better for black than to go in for 11...Qg6 12.Nxe5! Qxe4+ 13.Qe2 Qxg2 14.Nf3+! Ne6 15.Rg1 Qh3 16.Be3. Can black survive? Who knows... but I'd rather not need to try. No development to speak of, rook already on a strong open file, with the other coming straight to the d-file. How does black untangle? I am still not sure he can.

So if 6...Qb4+ doesn't work, 6...Qe7 becomes less of a pointed move. Maybe 6...Nd8 is a refinement. But then doesn't 7.Nxh7 immediately do a job? 7...Rxh7 8.Bxg8 Rh8 9.Bb3 and again white is a pawn up, but black has few of the advantages he seeks in the Soller accepted - he instead has a misplaced queen, a defecit in development, and no chance of castling kingside to get the rook onto the f-file. He instead has an open h-file, but white isn't that silly, he won't go that way. Black needs to complete his development, which includes moving the Nd8 for the third time while he lost a pawn. Black's pawn on e5 actually hampers his play in the centre, too. I would say that white is close to winning. Black will at best have a few shots which shouldn't work. In reality he will be trying to grovel a pawn-down endgame. This can't be worth doing.

I'm afraid it looks like, paradoxically, declining the Soller is a total refutation of it. The irony is that I think black's compensation in the Soller accepted is totally insufficient also, but the fact that white can keep a clear advantage if not win outright whilst denying black all his fun and traps... that doesn't speak well for it.


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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #51 - 04/11/11 at 19:33:10
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Jupp53 wrote on 04/10/11 at 21:42:12:

Simply 6.0-0 and if Nf6 7.Nc3 gives white aggreable play with better development imo. Why should black play something difficult like this? Huh

I think you just miss the point. The question of the thread deals with the playability of the Soller - don't take playabilitiy for correctness. The premisis is that we give the Soller a try. Even if it is a bit unsound but with some possibilities too (e.g. in many variations of the Soller accepted). 

But the variation in discussion is a Soller declined:
1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4! and now
on 4... fxe5 5.Bc4! 
All major Black attemps to play against this setup have been refuted.
If 5...Qe7 fails too then the whole Soller is crossing jordan. That's why we deal here with "something difficult like this".  
Your 6.0-0 Nf6 7.Nc3 are three half moves and the remark "gives white aggreable play with better development" which is correct, but not really an analysis but only a statement.

What about 6...Nd8, not developing, in contrary moving backwards, but too preparing c7-c6 to get some control in the centre? You may call this rubbish. Okay. But how do you proceed to convert your better development in something concrete? Right now, at work, I don't have a board at hand. So the following is blindfold - beware of flaws: 7.Bxg8 Rxg8 8.Qd5 Nf7 9.Ng5(9.Bg5 Qd6) 9...c6 10.Qb3 h6 11.Nxf7 Qxf7 12.Qxf7+ Kxf7 13.f4 Bc5+ 14.Kh1 exf4 15.Rxf4+ Kg6

Even if it is difficult: I'm interested if 5...Qe7 works as a resort or if it too can be refuted - which would all the same be the refutation of the Soller...

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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #50 - 04/10/11 at 21:42:12
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motörhead wrote on 04/10/11 at 21:16:08:

The most annoying variation seems to be:
1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4!and now
on 4... fxe5 5.Bc4! hitting the weak King's side

I suggested 
all other moves fail, as we saw... "

After a closer look 5...Qf6 too droped of the list.

So to me
5...Qe7!?is the only possibility to stay on the road. And may be it holds. Cause now Black has the important additional defence Nc6-d8 at hand. 

After 6.Ng5 Black has 6...Qb4+! disturbing White's development even on the costs of the own development (Not 6...Nd8? 7.Nxh7; 6...Nh6 7.Nc3 with Nd5 in mind) . White is forced to play 7.Nd2 and there the Knight isn't well placed in view to square d5. After 7...Nd8 8.a3 (8.0-0 Qe7; 8.c3 Qe7) 8...Qe7 9.Ndf3 Nhf7 the run-around-Queen has done a useful job. Black may be able to untangle... I know, that isn't the comfort-zone yet. But compared with the ugly alternatives...

I admit, I havn't had a deeper look at
6.Nc3 Nf6 7.Bg5 
(7.Ng5 Nd8)
but there ar 7...Qb4 and 7...Qc5 and 7...Na5 to be looked at.

What do you think? Were btw. are Craig Evans and Fllg? Will they destroy 5...Qe7!? too?

Simply 6.0-0 and if Nf6 7.Nc3 gives white aggreable play with better development imo. Why should black play something difficult like this? Huh

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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #49 - 04/10/11 at 21:16:08
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Gambit wrote on 04/10/11 at 02:55:37:
All of which demonstrates your lack of knowledge about the Kopiecki Attack! It took me 3 months of non-stop analyses, back in 1994, to memorize all the variations.
Your idea of 'catching is King in the center with Nd5' was what I originally thought, back in 1994. Deeper analyses indicated this not to be the case!

1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 Nc6 3 Nf3 Nge7 4 Bf4 Ng6 5 Bg3 Qe7
6 Nc3 Qb4! 7 Qd2 Qxb2 8 Rb1 Qa3 9 Nd5 Qxa3!

just for starters...

Sorry Lev and SWJediknight and kylemeister,
I think we should stay tuned to the topic of this thread which is the Soller and not the Zilbermints.
All the more as there seems to be an own thread on the Zilbermints yet.
So I please you to return to the Soller.

The most annoying variation seems to be:
1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4!and now
on 4... fxe5 5.Bc4! hitting the weak King's side

I suggested 
all other moves fail, as we saw... "

After a closer look 5...Qf6 too droped of the list.

So to me
5...Qe7!?is the only possibility to stay on the road. And may be it holds. Cause now Black has the important additional defence Nc6-d8 at hand. 

After 6.Ng5 Black has 6...Qb4+! disturbing White's development even on the costs of the own development (Not 6...Nd8? 7.Nxh7; 6...Nh6 7.Nc3 with Nd5 in mind) . White is forced to play 7.Nd2 and there the Knight isn't well placed in view to square d5. After 7...Nd8 8.a3 (8.0-0 Qe7; 8.c3 Qe7) 8...Qe7 9.Ndf3 Nhf7 the run-around-Queen has done a useful job. Black may be able to untangle... I know, that isn't the comfort-zone yet. But compared with the ugly alternatives...

I admit, I havn't had a deeper look at
6.Nc3 Nf6 7.Bg5 
(7.Ng5 Nd8)
but there ar 7...Qb4 and 7...Qc5 and 7...Na5 to be looked at.

What do you think? Were btw. are Craig Evans and Fllg? Will they destroy 5...Qe7!? too?


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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #48 - 04/10/11 at 02:55:37
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All of which demonstrates your lack of knowledge about the Kopiecki Attack! It took me 3 months of non-stop analyses, back in 1994, to memorize all the variations.
Your idea of 'catching is King in the center with Nd5' was what I originally thought, back in 1994. Deeper analyses indicated this not to be the case!

1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 Nc6 3 Nf3 Nge7 4 Bf4 Ng6 5 Bg3 Qe7
6 Nc3 Qb4! 7 Qd2 Qxb2 8 Rb1 Qa3 9 Nd5 Qxa3!

just for starters...
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #47 - 04/09/11 at 20:49:54
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I'd be surprised if White is only slightly better there.  Holding back with e4 also looks like a strong possibility; Black's position is both tactically and positionally shaky ...

(The outlines of the position with e4 reminded me somewhat of a favorable-for-White line in the Torre/Trompovsky -- 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 e6 3. e4 h6 4. Bxf6 Qxf6 5. Nf3 d6 6. Nc3 Nd7 7. Qd2 c6 8. O-O-O e5 9. dxe5 Nxe5; incidentally I notice that Bibs has been White there.)
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #46 - 04/09/11 at 19:13:44
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I don't see how Black fights for an advantage either (and I think 7.Qd2 also gives White some advantage with best play, as White can simply catch the king in the centre with Nd5 and develop normally, although 7.Rb1 does not).  However, against 7.Qc1, the latest word in the most recent "other" thread on 3...Nge7 was 7...Qc5 (Zilbermints) 8.e4 Ngxe5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.Qd2 (so far analysis by TN, who claimed a clear advantage for White) 10...c6! (my suggestion, stopping Nd5 and envisaging ...b5-b4), +=.  For example, 11.Be2 b5 12.a3 a5.
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #45 - 04/08/11 at 19:34:04
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Gambit wrote on 04/08/11 at 18:56:27:

II) The Klein Defence, 4 Bf4, has been very heavily analyzed. There are two ways to fight for Black advantage:

A. 4...Ng6 5 Bg3 Qe7 6 Nc3 Qb4! the Kopiecki Attack. Now if 7 Qd2, then 7...Qxb2! 8 Rb1 Qa3
gives Black the better game, since the Bg3 is out of the game. On 7 Rb1 Qa5 8 a3 there is 8...Bxa3! 9 Ra1 Bxb2+! 10 Rxa5 Bc3+ 11 Nd2 Nxa5 -+

I wonder how Black "fights for the advantage" after 7. Qc1 (7...Qa5 8. a3), which it seems you don't like to mention. 
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #44 - 04/08/11 at 18:56:27
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Your analysis is faulty, motorhead. Here is why.

I) 1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 Nc6 3 Nf3 Nge7 4 Nc3 h6! was analyzed by me back in 1994. Stops all the Bg5 crapola that is possible after 4...Ng6 5 Bg5 etc.

II) The Klein Defence, 4 Bf4, has been very heavily analyzed. There are two ways to fight for Black advantage:

A. 4...Ng6 5 Bg3 Qe7 6 Nc3 Qb4! the Kopiecki Attack. Now if 7 Qd2, then 7...Qxb2! 8 Rb1 Qa3
gives Black the better game, since the Bg3 is out of the game. On 7 Rb1 Qa5 8 a3 there is 8...Bxa3! 9 Ra1 Bxb2+! 10 Rxa5 Bc3+ 11 Nd2 Nxa5 -+

B. 4...Bc5, the Brea Attack. I'm not sure how good it is, but from what its inventor showed me, there are some nice tactical points here. Of course, the immediate 5 Qd5 b6! sets up pressure along the a8/h1 diagonal. Black then angles for Qe7 - 000 with pressure on e5. Playable.
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #43 - 04/08/11 at 18:55:37
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Yeesh, that particular Sägestellung looks utterly horrific for Black.
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #42 - 04/08/11 at 18:14:20
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Gambit wrote on 04/06/11 at 01:06:59:
I sometimes play the following alternative:

1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 Nc6 3 Nf3 f6 4 e4 Qe7!?

That is one of the very fiew ways to blow some low live in the Soller with 4.e4.

5.Nc3 Nxe5 6. Nd5 is annoying. But Black has 6...Nxf3+ 7.Qxf3 Qd8 8.Bf4 d6.
Now you cant't even say that Black is down in development, as there is no Black development at all. But at least Black is stable and he has, what Nimzowich once called "Sägestellung" (= d6 / f6 vs. e4).  I feel that Black should refrain from c7-c6 for the time being as this weakens d6. 

9.Bc4 Ne7 10.0-0-0 Ng6 is a normal continuation. Black bolsters controll over e5.

Black isn't in good shape right now. But play is slow. Yes, he can't even castle, but the King is able to leave the danger zone in the centre on his own feet. Direction Queen's Side.

I also looked at 5...fxe5 6.Nd5 Qd8 7.Bg5 and found it annoying. 7...Be7 (7...Nge7 8.Nh4) 8.Nxe7 Ngxe7 9.Nh4. Don't know...

The only alternatives I found are

1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4 fxe5 5.Bc4 and now

all other moves fail, as we saw...

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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #41 - 04/08/11 at 17:46:23
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Gambit wrote on 04/07/11 at 19:36:52:
Last I looked, the Felbecker Gambit went 1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 Nc6 3 Nf3 Bc5. I think it is worth a try. Also, I should mention the Zilbermints Gambit, 3...Nge7.

No, Lev, I can't warm my heart for the Zilbermints gambit.
As far as I remember, there were quite a few interesting ideas against it in Kaissiber 6/1998
E.g. the very simple 4.Nc3 Ng6 5.Bg5 Be7 6.Bxe7 Qxe7 (I know you gave 6...Ngxe7 but that results in a 4:3-pawnroller on the King's side cause you have to return to g6 with your Knight again to get that pawn back: 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 Re8 9.e4 Ng6 10.Ne1!? Ngxe5 11.f4 Ng6 12.Nf3. I clearly would bet for White) 7.Nd5 Qd8 8.Qd2 and White is ahead in development a that with a pawn up (8...Ngxe5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.Qc3). Don't like it.
And 4.Bf4 is strong too.
I think 3...Nge7 is to slow. I makes no sense to me to sac a pawn and then creep to get it back.
That is the reason I'm looking for the Soller where, if White takes Black gets a fluent development and two half-open files in return. Strictly taken not enough but with some play.

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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #40 - 04/07/11 at 19:36:52
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Last I looked, the Felbecker Gambit went 1 d4 e5 2 dxe5 Nc6 3 Nf3 Bc5. I think it is worth a try. Also, I should mention the Zilbermints Gambit, 3...Nge7.
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Re: Soller Gambit offers good chances ??
Reply #39 - 04/07/11 at 11:35:10
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CraigEvans wrote on 04/06/11 at 20:45:54:
As a summary, we currently have the two variations:

i) 7.Nc3 Nd4 and now:
   a) 8.O-O c6 9.Ne2! Nxe2+ 10.Qxe2 +-
   b) 8.Be3?! Be7? 9.Qh5+ Kf8 10.O-O Bf6 11.f4! +-

ii) 7.O-O Bg4 8.f3 Bd7 9.Nc3 Nd4? 10.f4 +-

Any lines henceforth should either improve or deviate somewhere within these - no more weak moves like 8.f4 please! (Even if this does still give white an edge, it doesn't refute the gambit completely - I reckon the other lines do).

I have to admit that I'm shocked about my superficial attempts in analysis.
It's no excuse, that I did it with brain on a wooden board only (or was it with a wooden brain on a board...) since my PC (with all my files  Cry) passed away some days ago...

Your analysis and the points Fllg gave touch the weakness of Black's position directly. The chronical vulnerability of the squares e6-f7-g8 is a hugh burden, Black obviously can't get rid of.
I hoped that the manouevres Nd4/Bg4/Be7 may tame White's play. Especially this Nc6-d4 was a cornerstone to my intentions, not in an agressive way but in a defensive as it covers e6 and may cooperate with a Bc8-g4. But in fact Black lacks the time for it.  I simply overlooked the power of f2-f4 with a rook behind it.
I would really like to see this variation work to some point (that it may come close to some sort of equality at least in terms of complex play). In the Soller-Gambit accepted one may find this complex play resembling the BDG. But in those rude variations with early e2-e4 and non-acceptance it is difficult to achieve. That Gambit-pawn on f6 badly disturbs normal development.

Okay some new ideas (with wooden brain Grin)

To variation ii (1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4 fxe5 5.Bc4 d6 6.Ng5 Nh6 7.0-0 Bg4 8.f3 Bd7 9.Nc3):

What about 9...Na5 now as the diagonal d1-h5 is blocked and on the other hand the diagonal b6-g1 is opened?
10.Be2 c6 11.f4 Be7
but , oah
10.Be6 Be7 11.Nd5 c6 12.Nxe7 Qxe7 13.Bxd7+ Qxd7 14. f4
looks good
so does

To variation i (1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4 fxe5 5.Bc4 d6 6.Ng5 Nh6 7.Nc3 Nd4)

your analysis to 8...Be7 convincing. But you havn't looked at 
8...Bg4 9.f3 Be7 10.Qd2 Bd7 yet.

what about
with the idea
9.f3 Be7
yes, I know, shaky...

7...Nd4 here seems to be to optimistic too.
Better may be
7...Bg4 8.f3
and now
8...Be7 9.h4 bd7

or directly
8...Bh5? 9.Ne6 Qd7 10.Bxh6 gxh6 11.Nd5
9.Be3 Nd4 
Ha, there is my idea again...
Another attempt is 9...a6.
I even  came across the weired idea 9...Qb8!? with Nc6-d8 or Nc6-a5 and b7-b5 in mind. But that is, well, artifical, there is 10.a4...
be it as it may, there is simply
moveordering to the previous variation where 9...Na5 failed.

All in all: Red allert for the Soller...
Black has to find an earlier deviation... if there is one.
Dire straits...

I even touched 1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Nc6 3.Nf3 f6 4.e4 Bb4+!?/?!/? 5.c3 Bc5 to disturb White's normal development a bit. Without Nb1-c3 Black later can play Qd8-e7.
6.b4 Bb6 7.a4
chasing the Bishop looks normal. Then
7...a6 8.Nbd2 Qe7 9.Nc4 Ba7
or else. Convincing? Har... at least not as crushed as the above.

Is the Felbecker (1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 Bc5postponing f7-f6 to a more aproriate time) the last resort?

A walk trough the ocean of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet.
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